Starting my preps

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New Friend
Apr 5, 2014
As I have just started prepping I'm gathering some tools and would like to get some food storage going
Hi and welcome!
try to get some food you wanna eat with a long shelf life
and if yr a coffe person like me you can make coffee out of dandelionroots, Dr Henley here tried it already, I'm waiting for spring to collect mine
like it's been what you already eat..and eat and rotate what you store...that way you can avoid any problems by eating foods that your body not use to after tshtf..learn to cook without electric and fires and camp stoves when it comes to that.foods and cookware for just in case you have to bug out for whatever reason(s)
As I have just started prepping I'm gathering some tools and would like to get some food storage going
Are you buying all your food or canning it your self? I buy all my own, stock up on tin's, Go to the back off the shelves in food shop's you'll get the longest date's and if the date's short put it back. My bug out bag has freeze dry, fruit sticks and hot drink sticks. If your burying anything make sure it's water tight. P.S r u a scot???
how's your preps going??
by hte way,have you considered gardening as one option more??
My advice is to not just stock up (though this is good too), but to also develop plans for sustainability.

First and foremost, a ready water supply. For example, if you have an electricity-powered well, rig up a hand pump that can fill the cistern and work alongside the electric pump, in an emergency, or when without power. Imagine, still using your sink, toilets, even shower during SHTF.

Next, food. Hopefully, the SHTF event in question will still allow for hunting and fishing, so there's your meat. However, having gardens, chickens, and/or other domestic animals can help too... (and home canned foods last longer than store cans).