why i wont bugout to one.much less live next to one..
there are at least 3 national forest within 50 miles of me,and who knows how many campgrounds within the same distance.then there's all the hunting lease's/clubs.and there's all the large lakes and other places where people go fishing.then there's all the hunters within 100 mile radius of each national forest..now include all the non-hunters with firearms.and also include the saying.desperate people will do desperate things during desperate times.
now i ask,will it be safe in a state/national forest,or a campground within 10 miles of one? i have say no..a person might as well go into the worst part of a big city.and start flashing lots of money..now take all the hold-ups and killings that take place daily in the U.S.,and multiply that by at least 5000..thats why i'll avoid state/national parks/forest,campgrounds as well as hunting leases/clubs..plus most wildlife will at least get hunted out.the rest of the wildlife will go some place else..
there are at least 3 national forest within 50 miles of me,and who knows how many campgrounds within the same distance.then there's all the hunting lease's/clubs.and there's all the large lakes and other places where people go fishing.then there's all the hunters within 100 mile radius of each national forest..now include all the non-hunters with firearms.and also include the saying.desperate people will do desperate things during desperate times.
now i ask,will it be safe in a state/national forest,or a campground within 10 miles of one? i have say no..a person might as well go into the worst part of a big city.and start flashing lots of money..now take all the hold-ups and killings that take place daily in the U.S.,and multiply that by at least 5000..thats why i'll avoid state/national parks/forest,campgrounds as well as hunting leases/clubs..plus most wildlife will at least get hunted out.the rest of the wildlife will go some place else..