state/national forest,camp grounds,and large lakes,in a shtf situation.

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
why i wont bugout to one.much less live next to one..

there are at least 3 national forest within 50 miles of me,and who knows how many campgrounds within the same distance.then there's all the hunting lease's/clubs.and there's all the large lakes and other places where people go fishing.then there's all the hunters within 100 mile radius of each national include all the non-hunters with firearms.and also include the saying.desperate people will do desperate things during desperate times.

now i ask,will it be safe in a state/national forest,or a campground within 10 miles of one? i have say no..a person might as well go into the worst part of a big city.and start flashing lots of take all the hold-ups and killings that take place daily in the U.S.,and multiply that by at least 5000..thats why i'll avoid state/national parks/forest,campgrounds as well as hunting leases/ most wildlife will at least get hunted out.the rest of the wildlife will go some place else..
i agree..and even thoe im 6 miles from a small town,thats one reason i dont care for my present location..on account all hell is gonna break loose.pluss there's way too many folks,that live close by,that have fire arms of one kind and/or another..
With over 20,000 gun laws on the books I'd hardly say that we have "liberal" gun laws here. The only thing that is important when considering our gun rights is that we're guaranteed gun ownership under our Constitution. Period. End of discussion.
There are always going to be stupid people doing dumb things, with or without a firearm.
National Parks though...are BIG areas. There's a reason criminals have been able to successfully hide in them for years. That reason won't go away come SHTF. Wouldn't be my choice, but still better than a city.
criminals right now is one thing..but how about when life as we know it,ends?and all hell breaks loose,where who knows how many people start heading to the forest and mountains?.i do admit and agree alot of mountain and forest will remain,good to go to.but how about where people not only be willing to go to? but will do so to boot?
why i wont bugout to one.much less live next to one..

there are at least 3 national forest within 50 miles of me,and who knows how many campgrounds within the same distance.then there's all the hunting lease's/clubs.and there's all the large lakes and other places where people go fishing.then there's all the hunters within 100 mile radius of each national include all the non-hunters with firearms.and also include the saying.desperate people will do desperate things during desperate times.

now i ask,will it be safe in a state/national forest,or a campground within 10 miles of one? i have say no..a person might as well go into the worst part of a big city.and start flashing lots of take all the hold-ups and killings that take place daily in the U.S.,and multiply that by at least 5000..thats why i'll avoid state/national parks/forest,campgrounds as well as hunting leases/ most wildlife will at least get hunted out.the rest of the wildlife will go some place else..
Your absolutely correct Jim, for many areas of the US anyways. The State that I live in is approximately 85% public domain land, which is made up of National Forest, BLM and State forest. The property that I own here is called an "in-holding". That means private property that lies completely within a National Forest. This National Forest totals about 1.2 million acres. I also lease a couple miles of land from the NF. Everyone around here hunts. But I never see a hunter here because most hunters are lazy and only hunt along roads. My home is two miles off the county road and the FS has a locked gate at the beginning of my road. Only they and I have keys to it. My county has a population of about 2,800, made up of mostly ranchers and loggers, town is 18 miles away with a population of 800. I can't think of a safer place to live in now, or in post SHTF.
National Parks though...are BIG areas. There's a reason criminals have been able to successfully hide in them for years. That reason won't go away come SHTF. Wouldn't be my choice, but still better than a city.

Yes but my friend the amount of ORDINARY, DECENT, LAW ABIDING GOOD American citizens with a rightious and just desire to protect their families, and who under the blessing of your Constitution are armed, as we all know and have read on millions of forum posts are going to grab their guns, kit and family and bug out to said rural areas, parks, reserves etc. So most areas are going to have huge growing numbers of normally decent people getting short of shelter, fuel, supplies, water get ever more desperate to care for their families. And that is a recipe for disaster for the unlucky, and that is without considering the needs, wishes and desires of the rural communities themselves AND the criminal fraternity. In all of the 30 plus years I have been into prepping and in the gun mags, homesteading mags, prepper mags, forums blogs etc there must be many MANY millions of Americans who think along similar lines to us, IE if it allgoes tits up head out to the boonies.

We have less guns, but still have guns and only a tiny fraction of the space you dudes have.
it's understandable about lazy..but how will things go,once food for the larger population starts to run out? their gonna leave the towns and cities,.and start heading for the countryside and mountains..and the be the hunters and sheeple i ask..will your nice and quiet location remain that way? or will who knows how many people will show up in your area?

Everyone around here hunts. But I never see a hunter here because most hunters are lazy and only hunt along roads. My home is two miles off the county road and the FS has a locked gate at the beginning of my road. Only they and I have keys to it.
it's understandable about lazy..but how will things go,once food for the larger population starts to run out? their gonna leave the towns and cities,.and start heading for the countryside and mountains..and the be the hunters and sheeple i ask..will your nice and quiet location remain that way? or will who knows how many people will show up in your area?
I don't think I have to worry about anyone showing up here. The nearest big city is about 4 hours south by car. There is a lot of farms around that city and open country and mountains between there and here. I don't think that many of the city dwellers will cross all that farm land, cross the bad lands and mountains to stumble upon my place. The odds are they would stick to the valleys where there is easy food. Why travel a couple hundred miles when there are thousands of head of cattle in feed lots and dairy's, fruit and vegetable farms and wherehouses full of food? It's also a 50/50 chance that a serious SHTF scenario would happen in winter. If the plows aren't running then nobody is getting around anywhere. There are a lot of buffers and natural barriers between me and any large population centers. This is why I chose this location.
Brits wont get off their arses, they'll sit about and moan and say "why isn't the govt doing something?", I mean this is a country where the average citizen dosent go 200 feet from their car and drives everywhere, and people expect them to WALK hundreds of miles out of the big cities when they don't even know where their food comes from or even which animal? no flippin' chance!!!
I just finished the novel 'one second after'. I highly recommend it to all preppers. There are good examples in it of why you're not really safe even out in the boonies. The cities will be hell right off the bat. Some though will survive, and some of those will do it by being predators. When their prey runs out they will begin to go further and further out looking for resources. Even some decent people will turn to moral less behavior when they see their children starving.
All I know for sure is as soon as law enforcement breaks down its best to be low on trust with strangers and big on being aware of what's going on around you.
I just finished the novel 'one second after'. I highly recommend it to all preppers. There are good examples in it of why you're not really safe even out in the boonies. The cities will be hell right off the bat. Some though will survive, and some of those will do it by being predators. When their prey runs out they will begin to go further and further out looking for resources. Even some decent people will turn to moral less behavior when they see their children starving.
All I know for sure is as soon as law enforcement breaks down its best to be low on trust with strangers and big on being aware of what's going on around you.

if you are a nomad the National Forest could serve you well,,,,and like you say once law enforcement is gone,,all bets will be off,,,an isolated hidden bunker would be best
i'm not a great lover of bunkers, I don't like being underground not being able to see whats going on above, but I agree on the isolation. and the dog.
one reason I live where I do is that it is remote, not isolated but remote, many hundreds of miles from any of our big cities, I don't believe many people will be able to leave our big cities, even if they want to, our major roads will turn into giant parking lots with broken down vehicles and vehicles simply run out of fuel( sheeple drive on empty tanks!) with nobody going anywhere. if TPTB still exists they have plans (in the UK) to close all major roads to civilian traffic, not just cars and trucks but cyclists and walkers too. these roads will be used by emergency vehicles only and road blocks will be in place and anyone attempting to use these roads will be arrested.
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a lot of people on various forums say they will go and live in the woods when TSHTF, any fool can do that and survive in the summer but come the winter when its cold, dark and wet they wont survive for long.
one idiot on a "bushcraft" forum said he was going to WALK from London to the far south west with 100 Facebook "friends"!! yeah right, good luck with that!!
I just finished the novel 'one second after'. I highly recommend it to all preppers. There are good examples in it of why you're not really safe even out in the boonies. The cities will be hell right off the bat. Some though will survive, and some of those will do it by being predators. When their prey runs out they will begin to go further and further out looking for resources. Even some decent people will turn to moral less behavior when they see their children starving.
All I know for sure is as soon as law enforcement breaks down its best to be low on trust with strangers and big on being aware of what's going on around you.

Similar thinking can be detected in George R Stewarts classic Earth abides and Patriots by Jim Rawles, if you live near a coast its worrth reading Down To a Sunless Sea as well.

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