State of Emergency in Virginia

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From what I can determine, there were credible threats of violence from out-of-state wing nut groups.
Then they should go after those groups and make sure nothing unlawful is occurring. Not take away everyone's constitutional right!!
Complete communists bologna! That governor needs to be removed! No one should allow there 2nd amendment right to be removed from them peacefully. If that governor thinks he can, he is perhaps dead wrong!
Glenn Beck is trying to broadcast from VA next week. He has people from there calling in today. They are scared that their rights are being stripped.

One lady was talking about people from Liberal states moving there and voting Liberal which is changing the state.

Same thing happening all over. They ruin their state then move and can't figure out that it's the Liberals they are voting in that's changing their tax rates, etc. Not too smart.
I don't remember any exceptions in the Constitution for "State of Emergency." And hell, if there's an emergency, then that's when I'm most likely to be in danger so I'll most likely need my weapons.
I don't remember any exceptions in the Constitution for "State of Emergency." And hell, if there's an emergency, then that's when I'm most likely to be in danger so I'll most likely need my weapons.

Yup!! "State of Emergency" = lock & load, and keep yer eyes open!! Think I'll hang on to the firepower, thank you very much!!
They've done state of emergencies before. I agree it's a slippery slope, and I don't think it's been challenged Constitutionally. I remember Katrina had one (and people then really did need their weapons given all the crimes done). I'd love for this one to go to court. You can argue something like a hurricane might be cause, but this rally is nothing more than politics trying to trump the Constitution. We'll see...
Isn’t the ban just on federal property during this white supremacy rally? I actually agree that leaving
The guns in the car or at home during a highly charged event like this probably is a good idea. You can’t take a gun into a concert or sporting event either. I don’t see it as a big deal.
A--- It is NOT a white supremacy rally. It is an anti -gun law rally. Your words portray your liberal ignorance. Too blind to understand and too unwilling to learn. When they take your guns and then you other constitutional rights, who will you blame then.

Here is another video showing just how stupid these gun laws are and how they are being abused.

A--- It is NOT a white supremacy rally. It is an anti -gun law rally. Your words portray your liberal ignorance. Too blind to understand and too unwilling to learn. When they take your guns and then you other constitutional rights, who will you blame then.

Here is another video showing just how stupid these gun laws are and how they are being abused.

You are right, I had heard it was a supremacy rally mistakenly. It is a pro gun rally. The controversy came up when some white supremacy group was talking about shooting during it. The gun ban is only for the area around the capitol, which is where the event takes place. So again, I don’t see it as any different as having to go through a security checkpoint at a concert or other event. Liberal arrogance has nothing to do with this, just misinformation. There are plenty of things worth taking a stand about in the world, a temporary ban of firearms at a controversial gathering dosent rate high enough for me to get my panties in a wad....
They've done state of emergencies before. I agree it's a slippery slope, and I don't think it's been challenged Constitutionally. I remember Katrina had one (and people then really did need their weapons given all the crimes done). I'd love for this one to go to court. You can argue something like a hurricane might be cause, but this rally is nothing more than politics trying to trump the Constitution. We'll see...

It went to the state Supreme Court and they upheld.
You are right, I had heard it was a supremacy rally mistakenly. It is a pro gun rally. The controversy came up when some white supremacy group was talking about shooting during it. The gun ban is only for the area around the capitol, which is where the event takes place. So again, I don’t see it as any different as having to go through a security checkpoint at a concert or other event. Liberal arrogance has nothing to do with this, just misinformation. There are plenty of things worth taking a stand about in the world, a temporary ban of firearms at a controversial gathering dosent rate high enough for me to get my panties in a wad....

Temporary is tricky Brent. How many taxes have states had so that they could do this or that and they never rescind the tax. Same slippery slope.
The stupid Liberal mindset is the fact you did not do your homework but simply repeated Liberal dogma about it being a supremacy rally. That narrative fit with your mindset so you stupidly passed it on as fact. If you really gave a crap about the constitution and the 2nd, amendment then you would have bothered to get the facts before spouting Liberal B.S.

As far as I have been able to find, it was a circuit court judge that refused to issue a stay and not the Supreme court of Virginia. As for the gun restrictions and the the plans to box all the demonstrator into a small area and require them to pass through metal detectors. How do you think this is going to play out with the thousands of folks that plan to attend. The governor is panicked and is setting eh stage for violence. As usual the Liberals have passed unconstitutional gun laws and now are afraid of the citizens.
You are right, I had heard it was a supremacy rally mistakenly. It is a pro gun rally. The controversy came up when some white supremacy group was talking about shooting during it. The gun ban is only for the area around the capitol, which is where the event takes place. So again, I don’t see it as any different as having to go through a security checkpoint at a concert or other event. Liberal arrogance has nothing to do with this, just misinformation. There are plenty of things worth taking a stand about in the world, a temporary ban of firearms at a controversial gathering dosent rate high enough for me to get my panties in a wad....

You wear "panties?" OMG!! Say it ain't so!!! :rolleyes:
You wear "panties?" OMG!! Say it ain't so!!! :rolleyes:
Lol. I heard a joke about a guy in the gym was changing and his buddy saw his lacy panties he had on. Of course the buddy was shocked and commented what up with those! The guy responds with yeah, ever since my wife found a pair like them in the back of my car I’ve been wearing them.....:eek:
The stupid Liberal mindset is the fact you did not do your homework but simply repeated Liberal dogma about it being a supremacy rally. That narrative fit with your mindset so you stupidly passed it on as fact. If you really gave a crap about the constitution and the 2nd, amendment then you would have bothered to get the facts before spouting Liberal B.S.

As far as I have been able to find, it was a circuit court judge that refused to issue a stay and not the Supreme court of Virginia. As for the gun restrictions and the the plans to box all the demonstrator into a small area and require them to pass through metal detectors. How do you think this is going to play out with the thousands of folks that plan to attend. The governor is panicked and is setting eh stage for violence. As usual the Liberals have passed unconstitutional gun laws and now are afraid of the citizens.
On the other side of that coin I hear half truths all the time from the far right daily on the news. I don’t know why it’s so hard to see that the misinformation and hatred is equal on both sides. All I am certain of is the constant bickering and hatred just perpetuates the divide which isn’t good for any of us.
On the other side of that coin I hear half truths all the time from the far right daily on the news. I don’t know why it’s so hard to see that the misinformation and hatred is equal on both sides. All I am certain of is the constant bickering and hatred just perpetuates the divide which isn’t good for any of us.
It cant be equal when studies show that an average of 94% of MSM stories on the President are negative.
It cant be equal when studies show that an average of 94% of MSM stories on the President are negative.
And 100% of rush Limbaugh’s stories are negative... I actually agree that there is way too much coming from both sides Robin. It just perpetuates the hate. Very few politicians have ever been able to get both sides to come to the table and come to a compromise. Having the media, both right and left, constantly stirring the pot just makes sure they keep getting ratings and polarizes people ensuring nothing gets done.
On the other side of that coin I hear half truths all the time from the far right daily on the news.
Brent, you do understand the difference between news reporters and commentators, right? Conservative talk show hosts make no pretensions about being balanced, they'll tell you straight up they are conservative, and that they are not reporters, but commentators. Liberal news reporters (the word "Liberal" is actually superfluous, LOL) pretend to be unbiased when they are anything but. (although now they are starting to admit their bias and try to justify it)

Even Fox News reporters are liberals for the most part.
Brent, you do understand the difference between news reporters and commentators, right? Conservative talk show hosts make no pretensions about being balanced, they'll tell you straight up they are conservative, and that they are not reporters, but commentators. Liberal news reporters (the word "Liberal" is actually superfluous, LOL) pretend to be unbiased when they are anything but. (although now they are starting to admit their bias and try to justify it)

Even Fox News reporters are liberals for the most part.

Plus Rush says he is an entertainer not a journalist
Looks like things are heating up in Virginia....gonna be interesting.

Excerpt: "RICHMOND, Va. -- Threats of violence, including claims of a militia storming Virginia's Capitol and protesters weaponizing drones, have put federal and state authorities on high alert ahead of Monday's gun-rights rally. Thousands of people across the country are expected to show up as part of a demonstration demanding state Democrats drop a push for comprehensive gun control in the commonwealth."
Looks like things are heating up in Virginia....gonna be interesting.

Excerpt: "RICHMOND, Va. -- Threats of violence, including claims of a militia storming Virginia's Capitol and protesters weaponizing drones, have put federal and state authorities on high alert ahead of Monday's gun-rights rally. Thousands of people across the country are expected to show up as part of a demonstration demanding state Democrats drop a push for comprehensive gun control in the commonwealth."
Do you know what exactly they are asking for with ‘comprehensive gun control’?
Do you know what exactly they are asking for with ‘comprehensive gun control’?
SB 16 would make any semi-automatic rifle with a fixed capacity of more than 10 rounds illegal. In addition, the possession of any center fire rifle that has the ability to accept a detachable magazine and that has a thumbhole stock, pistol grip or a second hand grip or a threaded barrel would also automatically become a felony.

Any semi-automatic pistol with a fixed magazine capacity in excess of 10 rounds will also be illegal to own if this bill passes. If the pistol has the ability to accept a detachable magazine other restrictions apply, which include banning threaded barrels and prohibiting pistols weighing 50 ounces or more.

Shotguns with the ability to accept detachable magazines or having a fixed capacity of over seven rounds would also become illegal to own.

As a result, every rifle with the common AR-15 design and many pistols and shotguns that are currently in common use for personal defense and target shooting would be banned. Since they would be illegal to own, they would have to be either surrendered or seized by law enforcement authorities.

Proposed Senate Bill 18 makes it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to buy any firearm, as well as making it illegal under this age to own a handgun. This bill would also require background checks for gun sales between two private citizens, with an exemption for immediate family members.

SB 18 makes it a felony to leave a loaded gun in such a manner as to endanger the life of any person under the age of 18. This bill would also make it a crime for any person to authorize a child under the age of 18 to use a firearm without the direct supervision of an adult.

This would presumably make it a crime for children to defend themselves with firearms against intruders trying to break into their homes and do them harm.

Senate Bill 64 states that a person is guilty of a felonious paramilitary activity if that person teaches or demonstrates the use or application of a firearm and has reason to know that such training will result in the furtherance of a civil disorder.

This bill makes training people in the use of firearms potentially risky business, as any instructor could potentially be held responsible for his student’s misuse of a firearm. A court could theoretically determine the instructor “had reason to know” that person was going to commit a crime, even if his intentions were not openly stated.

SB 64 also states that one or more persons with the intent to intimidate any person or group of persons by drilling or parading with a firearm will be guilty of a felony. The bill suggests a minimum fine of $50,000 for this offense as well as jail time.

Senate Bill 22 would, with certain exemptions, disallow for the purchase of more than one handgun over a 30-day period.

Senate Bill 51 would prohibit a person from carrying a concealed handgun onto the premises of any public space where alcoholic beverages have been approved for sale or where alcohol is being consumed.

House Bill 9 would make it mandatory to report the theft of a firearm within 24 hours. Failure to do so would result in a potential fine of $250.​
Yahoo story says "Hundreds of gun rights supporters...dressed in hunting jackets and caps"

Actually there were thousands of gun rights supporters dressed in ordinary clothes. Funny how the photographer for the story could not find any of those people dressed in hunting jackets...or maybe these city dwellers don't know how people actually dress outside their bubble and think that if you aren't in a suit you must be wearing a "hunting jacket."

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