State of Indiana

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is this a normal thing that states do....I guess I am out of the loop and hadnt really heard of it before
1st, im in highschool, so im not in the adult realm of things. BUT I can say for certain, i have never heard of such a survey in ohio, and were state buddies. I also think i saw somewhere that the indiana national guard was working on emergency drills for things like chemical/biological attack... Might look into that, im not 100% that it was indiana, but i thought it was. Id say you are right in being concerned, things like this dont seem very "routine" in the scope of state government action.
I went online and looked into this, and all i could find for ohio was something erie county had done last year. It provided some emergency preparedness tips, but it seemed less about "How prepared are YOU?" and more about "how prepared is the community if such and such were to go down and how would be deal with hazards?"
Interesting!....just last week Thur. (I think it was Thur.)..anyway I was watching one of the news channels, which I very seldom do....a segment on being prepared for disasters or whatever comes along was on! I have never seen anything like this before on was promoting having a BOB, which they were not calling it that but that is what they meant. It was maybe a 5 - 7 min. segment all on what one might want to have in the bag and also noting that people should have one in their vehicle in case they are at work or away from home and have to make it back home. I have to admit at first I was shocked and then a bit of fear set in....making me think what DO they know that we don't?!! I am not a paranoid person and don't plan on being one (hopefully) but it sure did make a eyebrow raise. Just a little tidbit I am passing along...but if anyone else saw it or has seen anything like that I sure would like to hear about it.
Well, at least you don't have to put in your name, so it isn't a hunt for preppers. ;) Still, I wouldn't recommend doing it from a computer associated with you.
Thanks All
Esp Roninsensei..did not know this was a government survey
I was going to fill it out from a work computer just to see what all it asked-but didnt Something about it just doesnt seem right
DHS?! Oh he** naw.... I'll have no part of anything associated with them. Ultimately it's nobody's business how prepared you are, right? You prepare so others don't have to take care of you and hold your hand through things. You've heard the term, "Nanny state"? Well this is the kind of thing that fuels it. If the gov can stop and look and say, "Well look! They're not even preparing for events when WE TELL THEM TO BE!" Then they can sit and say, "Well, we told them we were at a heightened state of alertness and they disregarded us, so obviously they need US to take care of THEM. Call FEMA and have 'em start on the camps."

Sounds paranoid or outrageous to some, but it's exactly where DHS, NSA, and other agencies like that came from.
Can still connect you at work. Fill it out at a local library if you really want to. It's actually got some good info if you go through it. I just did the survey from an anonymous computer. (and put in a bogus county choice (as I'm not even in that state) and other info).
Interesting!....just last week Thur. (I think it was Thur.)..anyway I was watching one of the news channels, which I very seldom do....a segment on being prepared for disasters or whatever comes along was on! I have never seen anything like this before on was promoting having a BOB, which they were not calling it that but that is what they meant. It was maybe a 5 - 7 min. segment all on what one might want to have in the bag and also noting that people should have one in their vehicle in case they are at work or away from home and have to make it back home. I have to admit at first I was shocked and then a bit of fear set in....making me think what DO they know that we don't?!! I am not a paranoid person and don't plan on being one (hopefully) but it sure did make a eyebrow raise. Just a little tidbit I am passing along...but if anyone else saw it or has seen anything like that I sure would like to hear about it.

I have been commenting for the past 3 years about the PSAs, Public Service Announcements, on the radio. Most stations have a min of 1 every hour directing the listener to the government website, (I think thats it!) Anyway, the PSAs are all about encouraging people to maintain some level of preparedness. The website teaches on having emergency preps for a minimum of 72 hours for each member of your family. Mountain Heart...your thoughts are mine exactly!!!! If the government is going to this level to encourage preparedness....what is it that they know and aren't sharing with us?? Does anyone else have that proverbial knot in the pit of your stomach??


I heard on the radio that the state of Indiana has a survey residents can take that is supposed to give state government an idea of how prepared Indiana residents are in case of an emergency. I am more than a little concerned about this!

On RFDTV there is an advertisement for those in the state of Oklahoma to respond and advise them as to how prepared they are and how would they be able to respond in the event of a state or national just came on again. Its called Oklahoma, Red Dirt Ready!


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