I am a woman on my own. Always have been and probably always will be (by choice). I am physically small and I take a certain amount of pride in being able to do a lot of things on my own, using only manual tools, without any help from anyone. Of course, if I am in a group/team situation I can adapt to working as a team and either using some leadership skills or just as happy to being a follower and even taking orders at times.
If I were in a partnership situation with a man, I feel that it is ideal for both partners to be able to do most things. If one person gets injured or incapacitated in any way, the other one really needs to be able to cope, even if just temporarily.
I am new to this forum. I live in New Zealand. The mentions of guns when I joined was a bit offputting for me personally. I was wondering whether I would have enough in common with the people on this forum. I have started here in the "ladies' section". Pleased I found something to post a reply about.
Although a lot of people in NZ do own guns and a lot are involved in hunting, we don't have the same type of gun culture as the US. This comment should probably go in another section of this forum, but I also feel that, if you do things such as put up "No Trespassing" signs or make it clear that you have a weapon and will use it if necessary, I would be concerned that that is a very clear message that you have valuable stuff which you don't want other people to take and may actually attract undesirables rather than scare them off. I prefer to believe that, if I keep a low profile, no-one would actually guess, for instance, that I have food supplies. So therefore they are not likely to come looking to take them.
My main prepping interest is in being able to provide most (possibly all) of my own food in any scenario where there might be insufficient food available and where it is not just a question of not having enough money to buy food, but of there not being enough food for everyone to buy.
Judith from New Zealand
I admire your principles.
I am an avid gun owner and shoot frequently, but guns for survival are, perhaps, overstated. There are other prepping priorities besides guns, and your concerns about food are justified.
I would reccomend stockpiling food in small amounts as time and finances permit. People will disagree with me, but I tend to rely heavily on canned food and bulk grains and beans stored in mylar bags with oxygen eaters.
Also, store heirloom seeds for crops that grow in your area, and learn basic gardening skills. Also, study marijuana gardening techniques...so that you can plant food crops in subtle, hard-to-find areas.
I tend to believe that New Zealand will probably be one of the better places to live after the SHTF.
People from your part of the world have a reputation for being educated, civilized, idealistic, and tolerant...and these values will, hopefully, keep your country from sinking into barbarism if it all falls apart.
I suspect that people in my country will turn into animals very quickly, as many (but not all) Americans seem to have a sense of entitlement, and don't have a work ethic.
We also seem to value the quick buck over education and hard work.
If it ever falls apart, you'll be in a better situation by virtue of where you live.