First, this is just my opinion and I am not even close to an expert. This is just what how I see things.
When the coronavirus first starting showing up, I noticed that the Stock Market continued to claim to higher and higher levels. That was when I transferred most of my investment into safer funds.
It was immediately after the report of the Russian and Saudi price war that the stock market started to plunge (along with oil prices). I commented at that time that is was curious how the oil prices seemed to start the stock market plunge and NOT the coronavirus.
Now, it appears that the stock market is on its way back up. Surely not related to the coronavirus since that is still going on and having more and more impact on the economy. But, there have been movement on the Russia/Saudi oil production issue. So, it appears that oil prices have a MUCH stronger influence on the stock market that any impact from the Coronavirus.
Just something that I noticed and wanted to point out. I may be totally "off base" but so far, this seems to be the pattern.
When the coronavirus first starting showing up, I noticed that the Stock Market continued to claim to higher and higher levels. That was when I transferred most of my investment into safer funds.
It was immediately after the report of the Russian and Saudi price war that the stock market started to plunge (along with oil prices). I commented at that time that is was curious how the oil prices seemed to start the stock market plunge and NOT the coronavirus.
Now, it appears that the stock market is on its way back up. Surely not related to the coronavirus since that is still going on and having more and more impact on the economy. But, there have been movement on the Russia/Saudi oil production issue. So, it appears that oil prices have a MUCH stronger influence on the stock market that any impact from the Coronavirus.
Just something that I noticed and wanted to point out. I may be totally "off base" but so far, this seems to be the pattern.