Stop, Look and Listen

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
Stop, Look and Listen

Take a deep breath

Where you able to do it?

Did it hurt?

Be Thankful


Can you see the screen?

Of course you can or else you wouldn't be reading this.

Be Thankful


Listen carefully

What do you hear?

This is what I hear

1. ac unit running
2. Birds chirping
3. The tv
4. My voice as i say something to my dog
5. My breathing
6 A voice
7. Mom whispering to the dog
8. The keyboard clicking as I type
9.dryer buzzing

Be Thankful

Did you Stop, Look and Listen during the last two days?

We take so much for granted.
We have so much to be thankful for.

We rarely stop, look, and listen.

We rarely give thanks to be able to do such simple things as
look and listen.
I can't stress enough to stop and enjoy the life you have each and every day. My father in law died today and it just reinforced my enjoyment of life. Don't ever forget how precious it is, and be greatful for what you have. So many are born with afflictions, or are in war torn areas, or in an area where you can't rise above the economic bottom. My FIL had a great and long life, at 83. He suffered very little at the end here, and for that I'm greatful. We don't all get to choose how we leave this world, but his passing was pretty quick and not too bad as it goes. I only hope I'm as lucky as he was. The wife is pretty shaken up and is flying down tomorrow. I'm just waiting to see what they want as far as arraignments. Again, don't ever forget to cherish and enjoy the life that you have. Stop, look and listen.
sorrt to hear about farther in law..i hope the best for those who are still here
Thanks, he really was a good man and will be missed. He was the rock for the mother in law for 57 yrs.

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