store bought distilled water ?

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
i just gotta ask.can a person drink store bought distilled water as is? or does it have to be purified even further? and before anyone ask.if you go to where a store has 1 gallon jugs of water.and look them might see some jugs with the words.distilled water on them..and those are the ones im referring to..
Should be ok to drink as is providing the distilling method used is clean. I drink distilled water from time to time I also think distilled water is one of the safer methods of getting clean water, most water distillers filter the water before they proceed with the distilling process ;)
Ok Distilled water should be absolutely pure but the problem is distilled water has none of the essential minerals in it that help maintain health, the best option is in my opinion to spend your money on some filter candles from berky or british berkfield and make yourself a water filter.
Distillation is the safest way to purify water. As northern raider pointed out though, it dosent have any minerals in it. They not only can be good for you, but also add taste. You may not think water has taste, but it does. Read the label on bottled water, they usually add things to make it taste right. I still think, no know, that distillation is the safest way to purify water. It does take time and a lot of energy though. I'm remembering the doomsday prepper show where the guy used the projector screen tv lense to distill pond water. I think that setup has a lot of potential with a little refinement.
If you buy a gallon of distilled water it will quench your thirst for a day, if you buy a gravity filter it will quench your thirst for at least 10 years.
Considering how important water is, I think having at least three filter options is smart. I have a berkey 1 gal filter, and a life straw. I'm glad you brought this thread up as it's got me thinking about getting a third option now. I'm really interested in a small solar distillation unit. I'll see what the web has for ideas, and see what I have that could make one.
You can use the SODIS method in sunnier climes, or you can make your own filter from Aquarium stores, Filter wool, activated charcoal, etc, rain water traps, sand filters, hell even garden ponds with reed beds in some places can give you clean water.

Also if you have a good heat source you can always just BOIL your water !!
distilled water is not something I'd thought of using in my preps down here, shortage of water is not a problem in the mild south west of England where it rains a lot-its pouring down with rain as I type! we used distilled water in the car batteries when we lived in Somerset as the water was "hard" there but Devon water is soft.
gravity filters ways to boil water on a stove top or open fire outside.i've thought of..but lately,i've been looking at copper and stainless steel stills which id have different sizes.and the smallest would be 1 gallon,or 5 gallon vat/tank for the water that needs purifying..that way,i can use it inside,or outside..and (IF) it's lite whight enough,and compact probally take it with me,if i have to go it on foot...

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