Story Time...

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New Friend
Nov 28, 2015
Hanoverton, OH
Whatever apocalyptic scenario you are preparing for has come and past. The proverbial "Clean Slate". What now? Share your vision of the first day of the rest of your life and how you think the world will be any "different" this time around....
Whatever apocalyptic scenario you are preparing for has come and past. The proverbial "Clean Slate". What now? Share your vision of the first day of the rest of your life and how you think the world will be any "different" this time around....
Same thing we do every day Pinky... Try and take over the world. LOL

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I just finished reading one second after for the second time. Trying to decide if I should buy his other book one year after? Has anyone read his other books?
I read the second one. It didn’t compare to the first though.
I just finished reading one second after for the second time. Trying to decide if I should buy his other book one year after? Has anyone read his other books?

Yes Sir, it follows the original story closely and does not go to gung ho or crazy like so many other authors have EG PATRIOTS by Jim Rawles TRULY iconic and superb but SURVIVORS the follow up was just an exercise in shoving religion down the readers throats. The follow on to One Second After is a steady mature if not wild read, it does help complete the story and well worth reading.
ok someone pushed the red button,the population has been reduced by 90%,there are not a lot of folks around,and we are able to come out of our shelters,,,,first ,rebuild the greenhouse,with fresh soil that had been stored underground,and beware of roving gangs,and give the solar panels a good cleaning,,,,,if you are like me you have stored fuel and transportation for a while so you make a trip out to the surrounding area to see if you are alone,,,,,,,,,,,,it will be a lonely old world but for the most part it will be peaceful,,,,,why wouldn't it be you are pretty much alone

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