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New Friend
Apr 17, 2019
Cayman Islands
I am in a country right now that I can’t leave due to the covid crap. They have closed the borders. It is also a country that will only let males of the gun club and special police force have weapons. So let’s just say very freaking backwards. I am looking to get my self and my dog out ASAP just at want anyone’s advice besides suck it up buttercup. Trying to get back to a place where females can have guns again.
There are more weapons than just guns. But, first, what do you think will happen, and how can you protect yourself and yours from the consequences of it?

But, consider other options. Stun gun? Blow gun. Slingshot. Brass knuckles? Knives? Your mind is your greatest weapon, use it to find what physically you CAN get in your location for now. But other than that, you've got prayer which is more powerful than anything else. You should also be asking yourself "how did I get in this mess?" Get an answer, and don't do it again.

Tell me you went on a vacation, please just say that. Or, how else did you end up in this country of no return? If it was your company, then what are they doing to get you home?