Surrender your bump-fire in New Jersey

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Where does BATFE come down on this violation of Federal Law....
I think bump-stocks are a dumb idea, would refuse one if it was offered to me free. The only logical reason for banning them is faulty though, in the same way that it is flawed for banning magazines holding more than ten rounds. "It will reduce the number of victims of violence to some less objectionable amount. " Nah. 50 is a bigger number than 10, but it isn't more objectionable. Magazines are easy to swap out. Aimed fire is more effective in most cases than 'sprayfire'.

The banners got nothing. Nothing humane, nothing lawful. Thinking through their arseholes only adds methane to the atmosphere.
Don't have one...Don't need one...Don't want one...

But...until ATF reclassifies this piece of kit to make it illegal to own in ALL 50 states...

I think ANYONE who legally wants one should be allowed to own one... even in NJ !!

Not a fan of bump stocks, either. I've never used one but it seems like it would be very hard to hit what you are shooting at with the whole rifle rockin and rollin back and forth. I don't see a need for them and if it was as simple as the gun control lobby is making it out to be I'd say take them.

But, and there is always a big butt (especially if you at a Kardashian) -

1. I don't like giving the liberals a beach head to work from. It sets a precedent. Let them take bump stocks and see what they go after next.
2. I read the draft of Feinstein's original bill. It loosely defined bump stock as "anything that lets someone shoot faster". Congratulations. Your two stage Timney trigger is now a bump stock. Your normal capacity magazine is now a bump stock. Your red dot sight is now a bump stock. The Talon grips on your glock help you shoot faster. They are now bump stocks. It would never end.
Here's the problem, it takes what, 18 seconds to change the stock on an AR?
Without an AR, a bumpstock is just a piece of plastic, not a firearm.
For it to be illegal, it would have to be "on" a firearm.
If they can ban a piece of plastic, a spatula or pasta fork would be fair game too.
They can pry my spatula from my cold dead fingers!!!:Angie:
Good call, Supe, but it won't work. If it ain't on a gun, a suppressor is just a lousy club or an awkward missile. Um, Probably not much of a bugle either.
I wonder if they'll ban rubber bands and belt loops too.
Since I live in the "Garden State", nothing surprises me. Heck you can't even carry HP ammo in your gun, unless your a Cop!!!
Heck you can't even carry HP ammo in your gun, unless your a Cop!!!

Goes to show how ignorant politicians are. HP's are safer (not for the BG) but for any circumstance someone else could be harmed due to a pass through.
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