"Survivalist" wanted for man who attacked two PA state trropers

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1st Member Of DPF
Feb 19, 2012
DC Metro Area
What is a problem for me with the this story and others I have read doesn't go beyond the word 'survivalist' how did the reporter(s) come to that conclusion? all I have read, he was a reenactment soldier! "survivalist by hobby" huh? lets talk idiocy shall we. No, another case to lay blame to the folks that subscribe in being self sufficient!
Indeed. We had a newscast that mentioned he had a book on survivalism. I wonder if he ever even cracked it. You know how media is, though. If they want to make something look one way and not another, they have no problem doing so.
so one book?? and the label is set..wow,your journalists seem to have as much work as mine here.."no time to check the facts", then again why check,if I put the word survivalist there..ooh it sounds much more dangerous..

every time someone presents me a press card at work in hope of impressing me it goes the other way..
have noticed that, no wonder when ever I have a break at work it tends to be looking through different news sites to get a better picture ;)
I caught part of a news report they said his Dad told Police that he is a "trained" Survivalist and never miss's a shot .
I caught part of a news report they said his Dad told Police that he is a "trained" Survivalist and never miss's a shot .

All I heard from his dad was that he is a skilled shooter and doesn't miss, his dad was a Major in the Army and taught him to shoot at a young age, nothing about survivalist, his friends and sister rejected the word survivalist.

"Frein a military buff and war re-enactor with a particular interest in Eastern European" armies.

"His friends disputes the negative connotation of the word “survivalist,” saying Frein was an Eagle Scout.
“He was obviously a big critic of the federal government,” Jack said, “but he never specifically targeted police when he was talking to me. … Most of his aggression was toward the federal government, and I’m curious as to where news sources have been finding these comments about him"

Frein played a role in a short anti-Nazi film called Lustig. IMDB credits him for playing “2nd German Soldier” in the 2007 film.
I do wonder if the media is being instructed by the government to use words like "survivalist" and "prepper" as part of a propaganda preparation of their own. If things go downhill here, they will have a whole bunch of us, who are mostly just innocent homesteaders, on whom to place the blame.
As more comes out about this guy it shows that he is a product of Left wing ideaolgy . He studys and is fasinated by the Eastern European satilite nations that made up the USSR . I'm sure the left wing media will try to show him as a conservative right wing when the whole time he is a Left wing socialist . Intersting enough the Nazi's had more left wing ideas than right but the media always call them Right wing .
by the way,that's a Serbian uniform in that pic,with emblem in his hat and all...Serbs on the other are more inclined to be with russkies than any others..they are fiercly patriotic

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