Helpful Info. Surviving Active Shooters

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
Since incidences of Active shooters have increased I found this video and thought I would pass it along.

I always thought instinctively people would immediately look for cover. Second priority is to hide (a hidden target is NOT a target, and a gunman in these scenarios isn't going to waste time playing hide and seek)...but running away is a good way to get a bullet in the back. Guess I just think different. That idea of flattening against the wall is pretty neat. Not sure how effective it is (on a non-curved wall), but going from cover to cover while heading out, is a sound strategy.

I'd like to think that I wouldn't use another as a human shield (and then play dead myself), but in the heat of the moment, and if trapped with no other strategy available, can't say I wouldn't. (especially if I was boxed in).... My first choice though, would be to find cover.
From some of the stuff I've read and experienced in my 20 years of military service most people have the mentality that there is no way this is really happening to me. This causes most untrained people to freeze in a high stress situation and shut down. I've read articles where in active shooter situations people are still tweeting and updating FB statuses about the event.
Good video,something to think about as **** is coming this way too sooner or later..
I work in a City building and a couple of years ago we all had to have Active Shooter Training (cause you know, City government always ticking someone off). I got excited for the training until they told me we wouldn't get to shoot guns. Good stuff to know, though.
I'm kinda confused this thread has been ignored for almost 2 and 1/2 years.

Yeah, it's not a "prepper" video, however it IS an example more relevant now than at the time it was originally posted. Anyone CCW should be aware about stuff like this during daily activity at all times. Situational Awareness...always pay attention to your surroundings, what you're doing, where you're going, and who is around you.