Surviving SHTF in the phils (earthquake and superstorm)

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John yap

New Friend
Nov 17, 2013
Amateur Radio Call Sign
It was one early morning, a holiday in a tuesday when i got out of my house to play with my dogs when i felt something shake so i was like "oh an earthquake, well lets wait for it to stop" then after a few seconds it got stronger, saw houses shaking like it was in the movies so i ran inside the house grab my kid and my bugout bag (my 5 second bag) and my bugout plastic box (worth 7 days of supplies and food) then went outside but on my way out i was stepping on glass due to the strength of the shake wven clocks on our walls fell, i got cuts all over my feet as i was wearing slippers only then proceeded outside... (Good thing i have a first aid kit in y bailout bag )Saw almost all of the population running for high land as thwy were scared of tsunami, they were running barely clothed with nothing with them (obviously they were not preppers) but we didnt bug out as we were in a high position already, anyways all malls closed, all drugstores were closed not a single store was open in a 7.2 mag earthquake wc led over 200 dead and a thousand injured. We used our tent to bugout infront of our house and ate WISE brand rme as others waited for relief goods from the government wc came hours after (i salute our officials here). Power was out until 8 pm so it was kinda ok. We slept outside the house for 2 weeks as we experienced over 3,000 aftershocks. Stores opened 4 days after so we thought it was ok now, then i replenished my bugout stuff as some
Were already used , barely 3 weeks after we got a warning about a super typhoon. Now i was like shtf in 1 month? Cant be!! Then storm came our island was spared with deaths unlike in our neighbor islands where over 7,000 died but we were not spared of a total blackout wc was announced that power will be up in 45 days... Good thing i had batteries, lights and
A generator as a was prepping for this too. Emergency lights, flashlights, batteries And water began to be scarce, no electricity meant that pumping units were out too, good thing i had a filter in my bugout box as we looked for a stream and gathered water. Good thing i had my solar panel lights too. Then news ce of looting in our neighboring islands and news that almost a hundred prisoners escaped and is now in our island. People were vigilant here but i prepped for sufficient ammo and my family is trained in using the guns.Its been 2 weeks and our power is up now but not normal yet. So lets put this in mind that we are not only prepping for
The end of the world but for the end of the supplies as well...
For you folks in the Phillipines, this storm really was a SHTF event, at least for some weeks. Thanks for illustrating that prepping isn't just for the end of the world, but really for any potential disaster that could change our way of life in a heartbeat. What was a major catastrophe for some, was more of an inconvenience to you, because you were prepared.
thanks for the post john yap..what you posted diffently proves that its a all around best idea to prepare for any thing..and to stock up on more of what you need and think you might glad that you and your family servived it..
Hi John,

Kababayan! Taga-Bohol ka pala.

A Warm Welcome to the Board! How are you after the earthquake and superstorm?

Be Safe Always... I have a prepper friend from Bacolod, pwede din kayo mag-network nun.