Survivor! TV Show - Anyone watch?

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Awesome Friend
Aug 15, 2013
From the first episode, I was a die hard fan of this show...but eventually, got burned out from it. I've missed the past few seasons, but did tune into this one (David vs. Goliath). Seems I picked a really good season to pick the show back up.

Nicely paced, kept you guessing. Gave you people to root for, and people to root against. All of the things that used to make this a must watch show for me.

Just a heads up that even if you had given up on this show, check out this season, as it was really a good return to the best seasons of old.
I sometimes watch Bear Grylls- born survivor just to watch his antics which do make me laugh, he eats some bug or a scorpion and then makes a face! hilarious! then throws himself down a rock face or a waterfall, i'm waiting for the day he breaks a leg!!
Survivor is actually so much less about surviving, and more about the social game of trying to get to the end of the competition. The first seasons had more about actual survival, but later seasons focused more on the game aspects.
This show is the perfect example of why I don't plan to ever join a MAG. Even when the people know the others will lie, they still get back stabbed. In a TV show, no big deal. In a real life SHTF event, you die.
I've heard of MAG, I think it MAY have happened in Britain back along but not these days.
I only trust about 2 other preppers I have actually met and know I can work with, no one else is even getting close.
one is in Somerset(next county) and the other is in Wiltshire(2 counties over) .
Since I am such a poor judge of human character, I will never join a MAG. Family I know and understand.
I don't believe such agreements exist in the UK anymore.
I know who I would trust and its not many.
I don't believe such agreements exist in the UK anymore.
I know who I would trust and its not many.

I know who I can trust too, and it is only family. Everyday troubles make people do crazy things, I can't even imagine what a real crisis would make them do.
most people, those without supplies, will panic.
the London "riots" a few years ago showed us how it will happen and how easily the Police will lose control of the streets- and that's was with a relatively low number of people.
most people, those without supplies, will panic.
the London "riots" a few years ago showed us how it will happen and how easily the Police will lose control of the streets- and that's was with a relatively low number of people.

There is no way the police are going to be able to maintain control, once it really HTF. It will be up to the people to protect their own. During one of the riots (I forget which one) Asian shop owners posted shooters on their roof tops and let the rioters know they would shoot to protect their stores. Not a single pane of glass was broken. A gun store in the same area also posted shooter at the entrance, no harm was done to them either. When the SHTF, those that are armed and willing to use arms will stand a much better chance of survival.
and those that aren't in the city will fare the best of all.
the best thing I did was to leave the city 20 years ago when I remarried.