Tactical clothing

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Awesome Friend
Aug 8, 2017
Looking for affordable tactical clothing. Have checked out 5.11 tactical pants, opinion's on them? looking for a good tactical vest, have seen a few on a site called Cold Dead hands, they seem to have the same as other sites, everyone just has a different price.https://store.colddeadhands.us/collections/best-selling-tactical-gear
also been looking at bullet prrof vest's and plate carriers, but i like this,https://www.ebay.com/itm/XL-IIIA-Co...ffffebbe|iid:1&_trksid=p2481888.c100675.m4236

Thoughts and comments appreciated. Any suggestions for other places to look would help.
have a vest,but I'm still going to get a plate carrier too.

can only advice you to keep your gear on the lighter side,as weight slows you and a more compact body armor will heat your body,thus you need to have
more water to drink.
you might get a good surplus plate carrier,but my advice to you is;get new plates..second hand is always second hand.
do you really need all that stuff in Delaware??
I can see the need, maybe, in a big city, but where I live it would just get in the way.
I tend to agree with Paul here. First off, I want to avoid needing a vest as I want to do my best to remain unnoticed. Secondly, I’d rather take that money and buy a really good water filtration system. Just my 2cents worth here.
I've got a vest- what we would call a sleeveless waistcoat- but its not a "tactical" one more of a fishing vest with lots of pockets, more useful given my location.
a little incite for you regarding what i will wear and for my location. Although not knowing what your beliefs are. Does anyone know what being a Medium means, also being Clairvoyant, I'm both. I'm not planning for the next winter storm. I am planning for what is coming, and yes, it will be coming in your lifetime, very soon. My advice, stock up. The east coast will not be a good place to be.
a little incite for you regarding what i will wear and for my location. Although not knowing what your beliefs are. Does anyone know what being a Medium means, also being Clairvoyant, I'm both. I'm not planning for the next winter storm. I am planning for what is coming, and yes, it will be coming in your lifetime, very soon. My advice, stock up. The east coast will not be a good place to be.
I agree with you, we DONT know what is coming, but we can make a fair guess from what is going on.
A very bad virus, they will call it the flu, but it's not, people will be dropping like flies. you'll see them dead in the streets, people won't be coming out of their houses. i keep having visions of myself walking through a very large grave yard indicating that more people will die in unimaginable numbers. also government will fall apart, more or less put up their hands and walk away/ The infighting in the country will become uncontrollable. Although i hate to use this as an example, it will be like the walking dead minus the zombies. this will be present for 4 years. so like i said, stock up. I am not making assumptions here. I have seen spirit all my life, just figured i grew up and have lived in haunted houses. It all changed when i was about to turn 50. Found out through other mediums i have met that i'm not the only one waking up. I see spirit all day long. No i'm not in a paranormal group and i'm not charging people money to talk to their relatives. I'm not that kind of medium. i am here to teach It's up to you, you can either believe or use your free will not to.
Thanks for the honesty. Not sure I agree, but then I'm not on the east coast of the USA, in fact I'm not even on the same continent.
I assume you will be wearing this then...


Worldwide epidemic isn't without precedent. It's happened, not even that long ago.

But the CDC and the WHO like to put out scare news every flu season, it's hard to separate the frequency from the noise.
A very bad virus, they will call it the flu, but it's not, people will be dropping like flies. you'll see them dead in the streets, people won't be coming out of their houses. i keep having visions of myself walking through a very large grave yard indicating that more people will die in unimaginable numbers. also government will fall apart, more or less put up their hands and walk away/ The infighting in the country will become uncontrollable. Although i hate to use this as an example, it will be like the walking dead minus the zombies. this will be present for 4 years. so like i said, stock up. I am not making assumptions here. I have seen spirit all my life, just figured i grew up and have lived in haunted houses. It all changed when i was about to turn 50. Found out through other mediums i have met that i'm not the only one waking up. I see spirit all day long. No i'm not in a paranormal group and i'm not charging people money to talk to their relatives. I'm not that kind of medium. i am here to teach It's up to you, you can either believe or use your free will not to.
pretty much along the lines I've always talked about...minus the spirit bit.
not everyone will be affected, so no, i won't be wearing that. These are just some of the things that will take place. But like i said, it's up to you to decided if you want to believe. But i know you're all on a preppers site for one reason or another. Just look around you, pay attention.. One other thing that's already taking place is the division of this country. That will be a big part of what's coming. They, meaning the government will be trying to take your guns on a much larger scale, there will be an uprising. And i know the die hard 2nd amendment people say it won't happen, your government changes laws every day, some have undetected clauses in them, so be aware.
can't give you specific dates, spirit doesn't work that way. They don't exist in time and space, they're just here. But it's already begun.
Great pants here at good prices. General good tactical clothing for good price.
This has become my favorite vest, although it’s just a plate carrier, (has no armor in it)because of its versatility if you want soft armor it takes it. If you wanna drop in plates it’s got space for that as well. Also with the lattice lay out I can mount molle in all kinds of directions.
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Also level 3a armor is considered light weight. Only able to stop some hand gun and shotgun rounds NOT rifle rounds. Level 4 plate is what stops most everything.

Don’t waste your money buying 511 gear. It’s overpriced and they get there stuff from the same factories that the cheaper stuff comes from. Propper, Blackhawk, LA police gear, these are all middle range and well made.

If you really wanna waste money go here

Then you can brag about your expensive gear that tore just as quick as the cheaper stuff. Lol..We had a new Contractor that showed up in this stuff. 300 dollar pants ripped on day 2. Then he started asking us were we got our stuff and was shocked he could buy 10 pairs of pants for what he payed. Lol.. I bring a sewing machine on almost all overseas deployments just to make a little side cash patching and fixing gear.
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bought 2 pair of 5.11 a few weeks ago but got them on sale as new old stock. but have since then bought two pair of the LA police gear. don't like to waste money. never know when we will really need it. not that paper money will do any good at that point
I scrounge a lot of tactical clothes.

For my environment, I discovered guyabara shirts. They'er a mexican/cuban style shirt that is practical and dressy at the same time.

The shirt isn't meant to be tucked in, so it works to conceal handguns in the waistband. The pleats in the shirt brake up the outline of the piece
I can see dressing a certain way to be easily identifiable to "your side" in combat. Otherwise, I can't even figure out what "tactical" clothing is. Vertx has a rain coat that has side zips to access holsters, and certain features that facilitate weapons and comms use, and that makes sense. But pants? Too me, not much difference between tan 5.11 pants and tan wrangler carpenter jeans.

If I put on some armor, and a battle belt, and some nice loose fitting, comfortable Levi's jeans, I would think I would still be able to do all the things I needed to do, and still be wearing pants at the end of the day.

Given a choice between range time, or buying a grand worth of tactical clothing, I know what I would choose. I'm not dissing tactical stuff, I like it, but I don't think getting completely kitted out with NFM group clothing is going to be what keeps me alive.

One of the reasons Military and contracting companies choose suppliers, is simply who can deliver large numbers of items. There are some great small companies making great gear, but they can't handle an order of say, one hundred vests to be delivered in one week.

And honestly, we are preppers, not combat troops.

If a 60 year old lady with diabetes and arthritis has fired 5K rounds through her AR, and has an extra mag and the mindset to shoot to kill, I don't want to be shot at by her, period. I don't care if she is in curlers and a terry cloth bathrobe, wearing bunny slippers and clenching a Virginia Slim cigarette in her teeth. I'll pass on that fight.

If a 25 year old man who is a gym rat and marathon runner has fired one magazine through his AR standing at a range bench, and he isn't quite sure of himself, and is fully decked out in brand new, unused armor, pants, battle belt, combat boots etc. etc. ... I might have a go at that.
Well, when those gyms close, and they will i would hope you'll learn to think differently
a little incite for you regarding what i will wear and for my location. Although not knowing what your beliefs are. Does anyone know what being a Medium means, also being Clairvoyant, I'm both. I'm not planning for the next winter storm. I am planning for what is coming, and yes, it will be coming in your lifetime, very soon. My advice, stock up. The east coast will not be a good place to be.
It has already been pretold for multiple hundreds of years. I just have to read Daniel and Revelations, it pretty much sums it up. In addition, if you research the length of life of a democracy, you will see that we are at the typical end of ours, only the prayers of the saints are holding it together.
Also level 3a armor is considered light weight. Only able to stop some hand gun and shotgun rounds NOT rifle rounds. Level 4 plate is what stops most everything.

Don’t waste your money buying 511 gear. It’s overpriced and they get there stuff from the same factories that the cheaper stuff comes from. Propper, Blackhawk, LA police gear, these are all middle range and well made.

If you really wanna waste money go here

Then you can brag about your expensive gear that tore just as quick as the cheaper stuff. Lol..We had a new Contractor that showed up in this stuff. 300 dollar pants ripped on day 2. Then he started asking us were we got our stuff and was shocked he could buy 10 pairs of pants for what he payed. Lol.. I bring a sewing machine on almost all overseas deployments just to make a little side cash patching and fixing gear.
You have the sound of experience. I appreciate your input and will be stashing this info in my brain bank.
What is that I see vanishing over the horizon? oh its the preppers best camouflage GREY MAN. If TSHTF my scope will be tracking anyone I see wearing pucker tactical kit approaching my AO. I reckon most of our US compatriots during a SHTF scenario would get VERY nervous if they see anything like GI Joe coming their way. Tac gear is fine for our sort of EDC gear IN MODERATION but going full on is going to make you VERY interesting to anyone on point. Beside as others point out much of the civilian gear is better made than Tac gear. The grey man armed with a accessorised civilian gun is not going to be as worry as a dude with a full set of tactical gear and a black rifle. (though I do understand that huge numbers of Americans carry AR15s these days.

Blend in and don't get noticed is much better than looking cool and having every rifle for a thousand yards looking for the gap in your vest.
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in the woods is one thing, but in an urban setting anyone wearing other than jeans and a sweatshirt or a hoodie is going to be noticed , and anyone wearing anything like military gear is going to stand out a mile.
On another respected forum a while back a member posted a photo of him, his three sons and his brother in law all kitted out in the same full on tactical clothing. He asked for opinions on the suitability of his bug out gear. He did not get the praise he was expecting, almost everyone said they would automatically consider his group as a VERY HIGH THREAT when compared to if they dressed in outdoorsy civilian gear. There gear look as cool as hell but it advertised them as a clear and present danger to other survivalists protecting their homes. Bunny bashing, Bambi bashing, Recce / Recon/ etc has a good used to cammo gear in the woods but obviously not in cities and vice versa.
Going in ACU/BDU cami’s and the like is probably a bad idea however, the people wearing jeans and regular clothing ARE the ones that’ll be targeted first, thugs go for what appears easy and weak. I believe that what I call “Contractor tactical” is fine. It’s still operational and looks serious enough to ward off the idiots. Take these guys (in photo) and remove the drop leg, plate carrier and AR and this is what I mean. Now some of you think it’s better to look like a non trained individual however, there is a certain person you wish to discourage like, your common thug. They will hit the easy instead of what COULD be trained. It’s not enough gear to scream “I’m a navy SEAL” but it is enough to be highly functional and give a certain “type” enough to make them think twice. This is just my experience with 2nd and 3rd world holes like Chad or parts of South America I’ve worked. Anyone that looked capable they stayed away from. People in common clothing usually got mugged by machete, revolver or old rifle carrying thugs. Regardless of area I have found that people are the same when the money and food goes away. They attack the easy first. Then try to build up to the well armed. The well armed are usually the last hit not the first. Go to parts of South America where the poor butts up to tourists and richer areas. Guess who doesn’t get mugged there. The cops the rich and the contractors(security). The locals sometimes get hit but, not too often either (usually too close to home, politics) however the common looking person is always targeted. They assume they don’t have the means to defend or stop them. Now some will say “ that’s the point and your advantage” WRONG! You are now facing a situation where you more than likely will have to kill or maim to keep what’s yours. So in my experience and opinion a little show of power keeps the thugs at bay until nothing will but, by then you’d have to face them anyways. People all too often think like the good guys they are. This is a fatal flaw. Nature hunts the weak. Animals go for the easy. Common looking clothing screams easy. Jeans are piss poor survival clothing anyways. No survival expert worth a damn recommends jeans.
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