Tactical clothing

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Hai / yes sensai "Civilian Operator" cherry picks the best of civvy and military and security industry practice. Civvy approach shoes / boots like Merrills Salomon etc, Multi pocket plain cargos, possibly a vest under a polo shirt. Look at the guys in your image, take the carbines off them give them SBRs or Bullpups instead and pop a decent outdoor jacket on them and they blend in to a point of discreteness that works who to trash and opfor alike they ooze " professional". But under the coat is firepower and protection.

Course the tourists don't have any situational awareness of whats going on around them where as the enlightened will. ( Much needed in London and Birmingham these days)

I think most career bad guys can detect if potential prey is self confident in their behaviour and mannerisms and their instincts make them hold back.

As they say MOVE WITH PURPOSE, don't doddle, don't read maps :)

I'm sorry but these 3 just stand out like a sore thumb even without the gear
now in all fairness I would like some body armor but it is not much of a priority with me,,
if and that is a big IF the SHTF it would be nice to have,,,myself I go camo because that will fit my environment in the case of SHTF,,,,for everyday wear just blend in even your ride matters in this,older VS new,= older is better there is no misconception that you have a fat wallet so thugs don't look to hard at you,clothing that has that worn look is a plus when out,,(most folks dress in their better clothing when going to town )

in other words old ride worn older clothing is an indication of not having much,,,,


out for a day of shopping, lol, for what and where. People think that when the SHTF that stores will still be open, that you'll be able to get gas for your cars. Think again. When you think of what's coming, think of the most unimaginable situation. From the things i have seen, there won't be as many people around as you're planning to shoot. plan on seeing them already dead in the street from the sickness that's coming.. Hope those guy's in the picture have something for their legs. I'm going for a leg shot and bleed out first, but if they can struggle enough to get up it won't be for long. Just hunker down for a few months.
out for a day of shopping, lol, for what and where. People think that when the SHTF that stores will still be open, that you'll be able to get gas for your cars. Think again. When you think of what's coming, think of the most unimaginable situation. From the things i have seen, there won't be as many people around as you're planning to shoot. plan on seeing them already dead in the street from the sickness that's coming.. Hope those guy's in the picture have something for their legs. I'm going for a leg shot and bleed out first, but if they can struggle enough to get up it won't be for long. Just hunker down for a few months.
has the SHTF yet,,,,no it has not,,,,,,,you miss my point entirely we aren't in South America or one of the other **** holes around the world,,,,,we are more prone to suffer thru a earthquake ,tornado, or hurricane or a sever winter storm ,a few months at the worse,,,,to many here hoping for the SHTF,,,,
perp by all means better safe than sorry, will the SHTF,it could happen,,,,will it ,I highly doubt it
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Tactical clothing,,,ha

what you wear depends on where you are, are you in the city or town or out for a days shopping,you want to blend in and not draw attention to yourself

you have been wearing that Basque and fish net stockings around town again haven't you naughty boy :)
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Sods law dictates that just as you can see the **** coming over the horizon you realise the bastard has already crept up on you from the sides.
wrong,,,thugs go for those who looks like they have money,,,,jeans and a T-Shirt spells Average Joe and probably not worth the trouble
They will attack to cripple or kill.
The gangs that are initially formed from the marginalized elements of the population are not in any way not interested in the material resources that the population has. Attacks on people are carried out with the purpose of intimidation and self-affirmation. The main criterion in choosing a victim is the safety of this victim for attackers.
( Between the fat wolf and the shabby sheep, the ram is always chosen as a sacrifice.)
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What do you expect, when it does happen it will be more than from some off shore war. The fighting will be more among ourselves, fighting to survive. People who aren't prepared will ask for food the first time, the second time they won't be asking.
Sorry, i just have to laugh. My wife and i both prep, We are stocked up with enough food for two years. Some that is in jars and cans we rotate. But we have containers of dry food with a shelf life of 25 years and other stuff like dried beans in rice are in mylar bags and in seal- able buckets. Right now 25 containers of water, along with small filters in our bug out bags, and a portable filter in the basement. We have lots of medical supply's, since we both work in medical. We have rifles, a cross bow, and 12 hands guns between us including thousands of round of ammo. We have knives, ax and machete. We also have survival kits we keep in our cars. Along with our bug out bags. Always have weapons in my truck. Clothes for winter and summer. I'm not here looking for cool clothes. Everything we have has a purpose.
Sorry, i just have to laugh. My wife and i both prep, We are stocked up with enough food for two years. Some that is in jars and cans we rotate. But we have containers of dry food with a shelf life of 25 years and other stuff like dried beans in rice are in mylar bags and in seal- able buckets. Right now 25 containers of water, along with small filters in our bug out bags, and a portable filter in the basement. We have lots of medical supply's, since we both work in medical. We have rifles, a cross bow, and 12 hands guns between us including thousands of round of ammo. We have knives, ax and machete. We also have survival kits we keep in our cars. Along with our bug out bags. Always have weapons in my truck. Clothes for winter and summer. I'm not here looking for cool clothes. Everything we have has a purpose.

give this a thought,,,look at it through my eyes for a moment,,,if it goes to hell,the tactical clothing bullet proof vest maybe a helmet to protect the old noggin lets say you have all that,,,
now I know my area and everyone who should be in it,I spot you and no one around here is going to be decked out like you are,I know you don't belong here and have no good reason to be here,maybe you are just passing through ,I am taking no chances,you are now a target,,,,
without the added gear you might slip through even if seen but looking like an outsider you have no chance
I see a lot of paranoid people here,,,,not the type I want to be around if the world did go to ****

See your the type of person I’d lense out and snipe. I doubt anyone is coming to you when it gets bad. I doubt you’d let anyone come to you. And you say Others are paranoid. You just shot someone passing through. Smh.
See your the type of person I’d lense out and snipe. I doubt anyone is coming to you when it gets bad. I doubt you’d let anyone come to you. And you say Others are paranoid. You just shot someone passing through. Smh.
slick this is a isolated area anyone who is in this area who does not belong is fair game,,,
Roninsensei ,,,WTHeck,,,, if the SHTF are you going to put up a neon sign and a big welcome mat,and then greet all strangers with a smile and box of food,,,,,,,,,,,everyone unknown is a potential threat ,anyone who finds your location could and probably will return to see what they can take from you...and they won't come alone..
a little incite for you regarding what i will wear and for my location. Although not knowing what your beliefs are. Does anyone know what being a Medium means, also being Clairvoyant, I'm both. I'm not planning for the next winter storm. I am planning for what is coming, and yes, it will be coming in your lifetime, very soon. My advice, stock up. The east coast will not be a good place to be.
if I had seen this I would not have bothered with this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
just because your paranoid dosent mean they ARENT out to get you.
paranoids are not surprised by anything, those with their heads in the sand are surprised by everything.
What do you expect, when it does happen it will be more than from some off shore war. The fighting will be more among ourselves, fighting to survive. People who aren't prepared will ask for food the first time, the second time they won't be asking.
No one will not ask for anything from anyone. Just a person with a gun comes and takes everything he likes from a person who does not have a machine gun. When there is nothing to take, a person who does not have a machine will simply be shot for uselessness or turned into a slave.
Perhaps the consciousness of your society is permeated with humanism and philanthropy, but in the occupied part of my country it is precisely on this principle.

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