Tactical clothing

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I see a lot of paranoid people here,,,,not the type I want to be around if the world did go to ****
I can understand how it could get to someone when thinking worse case scenarios, a person could scare themselves into paranoia. Just let common sense prevail. I find it this site useful and entertaining as well.
just because your paranoid dosent mean they ARENT out to get you.
paranoids are not surprised by anything, those with their heads in the sand are surprised by everything.
Just keep an eye out, be aware, be prepared JUST IN CASE. Above all, enjoy this life we have been given it's a blessing.
the 20th century had its good and bad parts but I reckon the 21st is going downhill fast, and its only 18 years old.
I personally don't see the need to wear anything remotely like military clothing or camo, now or post SHTF. I don't even wear camo when hunting. We're not at war and it's highly unlikely that we'll ever be invaded and I have no desire to run around the woods playing army either. I think it's actually kind of silly for those that do, but to each their own.
It's turkey season around here now so most people are wearing some sort of camo. Its more of a fashion statement I guess because I see turkeys every day and they don't seem to care what I wear.
I personally don't see the need to wear anything remotely like military clothing or camo, now or post SHTF. I don't even wear camo when hunting. We're not at war and it's highly unlikely that we'll ever be invaded and I have no desire to run around the woods playing army either. I think it's actually kind of silly for those that do, but to each their own.
It's turkey season around here now so most people are wearing some sort of camo. Its more of a fashion statement I guess because I see turkeys every day and they don't seem to care what I wear.
As long as you blend around the edges, plaid I believe works well. I know turkeys have great eyesight. Hereabouts it's camo for daily dressing and going to town.
As long as you blend around the edges, plaid I believe works well. I know turkeys have great eyesight. Hereabouts it's camo for daily dressing and going to town.
Most people here are ranchers or loggers and that's how they dress. But its not unusual to see people wearing hunting camo either. Now if someone was dressed like GI Joe they'd stand out like a sore thumb.
Since I've closed the ranch to all hunting (except for me of course) our turkeys have zero hunting pressure. They hang around the barn area during winter waiting to be fed.
When the SHTF, it will give all of those people who have been angered throughout the years by politics a reason to lash out and kill other innocent people. Why, just because. There won't be anyone to arrest you or a jail to go to. That is where the world has failed you. All rational thought has gone out the window. The respect for other lives has all been lost, which is why we are where we are now. People just don't care about anyone anymore. I'm not worried about the keyboard tough guys who think their snipers. I know my fate. I have no fear. No one here in this world has any control over me, only God.
I really don't want to go to the East coast as I have had family go on vacations there and came back with some stories. In the Bible belt you find more of the people who are honest and care for each other, but you still need to watch out for those that are takers. Dad always says there are takers and there are givers.
I really don't want to go to the East coast as I have had family go on vacations there and came back with some stories. In the Bible belt you find more of the people who are honest and care for each other, but you still need to watch out for those that are takers. Dad always says there are takers and there are givers.

I used to live on the East Coast one day I got fed up with it and left,you will never see me on the Eastern side of the Mississippi again
yes, the big cities will be heaving with the dead and the dying:)
I used to live on the East Coast one day I got fed up with it and left,you will never see me on the Eastern side of the Mississippi again
I hear that. If it takes me more than 5 minutes to cross town then the town is too big and the people too mean. I don't think people were meant to live packed up like sardines, small towns are usually ok, but I like my privacy, take a bath in the rain if I want to, stand on the porch in my birthday suit if I want to. Would like more land to spread out, don't even like hearing anything but the wind and the birds. People make too much noise. I know that I do at times but I don't like my own noise either. Generally it is using the tractor or the chainsaw, but a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do. Still need to work on more security, front is good with a sharp ditch and old tree line, in the rear mostly water border with sharp banks, the sides are the issue, need to stop line of travel, thinking of starting with some brush piles, tree stumps? Fencing is expensive. That's a good idea for another line of discussion.
we live on the edge of a small rural market town, ditto.
With this anti gun push, there will be a significant increase in stun devices.

Wouldnt it be nice if every piece of tactical clothing had a layer of woven carbon fiber (like spark plug cable stuff) to short the electrical path before the skin?!?! Someone feel free to steal that idea and patent it.

And for the few who dont understand electricity, you will not feel a thing. You can take a million volt stun gun to a pop can held in the other hand and you will NOT feel it. Electricity from these devices follows the easiest path between the contacts, make that path not you.

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