Take time to communicate with your loved ones

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Silent Bob

Awesome Friend
Mar 20, 2014
Its a very sad day for us in our home. Yesterday, my wife came home with very distressing news that a young 19 year old passed away suddenly. My daughter had grew up with this young fine man, who was a very good football player, had a heart of gold when it came back to giving to underprivileged children, serving in Christian youth groups, Upward Bound football clinics, an local charities. This young man was so quiet, you would never have thought of him as the typical football players that make media news today. My daughter has known him since the 7th grade and thought of him as one of the nicest young men she knew in high school. He was never neglected. In fact, my wife was so concerned when he was a freshman because he wasn't eating lunch in school; that she arranged to have my daughter sneak a snack to him, only to find out from his grandmother that he had over a 100 dollars in his school backpack, he simply just was a quiet kid that didn't like attracting attention. I think what is saddest for us, we know his grandparents and they are good hardworking people like us all. We've spent the evening talking to our children and the importance of communicating.

I am use to tragedies, combat may seem to make you insensitive at times to life, but I think most of us who have served in combat, will agree it doesn't ease the pain. Why am I saying this, well it struck me when I was reading some posts and how much of us all recall the lack of social media devices; really never impacted our lives. Things seemed so simple then, even though we lived in the Cold War and survived one very close nuclear scare. However, I think as many of you will agree that younger people today, feel more comfortable discussing issues through their media devices through texting. Its a form of communication, but so much is lost and I've been dealing with this for several years with my daughter. Granted, we have an open line, their are times, when she has thrown us for a loop. Just from my standpoint more arguments are started using social media devices rather than face to face communications.

So I ask all my friends and those that just come on here to read a forum. Talk to your loved ones today or even a friend. Ask them how things are going? Certainly, discuss the issue about open lines of communication and the need to seek out a friend when things look so dim that you opt to do something that will leave those all that love you, tragically asking the question today..."what could I have done better to prevent this?" If your a young adult, things may look very dim at times for you, but struggle forth, things will always look bad at first, but you can overcome them. If you feel that bad enough to take drastic measure, seek someone close to you and talk about it. You'll find out that your friends will always have your back. If anything if you don't feel comfortable talking to someone, just go give a hug...everyone needs one of those some days.

I will miss this young man, he was a bright star as a youth and he had such a promising future ahead of himself.
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very good points there.and so true about communicating face to face..so much of that has been lost over the last few years,it's scary..people have gone from writing letters to who ever,to sending emails..to calling on a cell phone..and the phone their calling is probably another cell phone..
very good points there.and so true about communicating face to face..so much of that has been lost over the last few years,it's scary..people have gone from writing letters to who ever,to sending emails..to calling on a cell phone..and the phone their calling is probably another cell phone..

Good to hear from you my friend. Yes, very tragic. Son and I've talked about moments in life. Your right on the letter writing. I am not as good as I once was about letters, depending more on emails to keep up with friends/family. Texting is my least favorite medium of communication. I actually deplore the use of when face to face is necessary.
yeah..even thoe i have used texting when it's a plus..i never did like texting.on account id rather call and talk with a person that way.or talk with them face to face.and i've alway stunk at writing letters.
it's always sad when a young life is extinguished, what could that person have done, we will never know...
I've learnt to respect simple phonecalls to my kids,an coffee now and then with my brother..
the hardest part with friends seem to be when they simply shut up, they don't wanna talk and you see they are hurting but talk,no way...what to do with friends like that??
the only problem here is that a typical Finnish-male is like a clam,won't say anything even if it might help...and keeps all in...but as you said my friend JimLe,sometimes it helps just beeing there
I totally agree with showing and telling someone you care. There will be a day when you can't. After dad has his strokes, he was only able to talk the day of and the one after. I will always remember the last words he said to me. . . and hold those dear to my heart. . . at that time, I just didn't realize. I truly believed that he would beat the MRSA infection and overcome the damage the strokes did to his body since he was such a strong man all my life. Point is. . . life is precious and you really need to cherish the ones you hold dear and let them know how much you care about them. You never know what tomorrow will bring.
this thread with the replys only PROVES that people here have a heart, we're not gun-crazy preppers, ok we like them, we are human-beings wo care
Its a very sad day for us in our home. Yesterday, my wife came home with very distressing news that a young 19 year old passed away suddenly. My daughter had grew up with this young fine man, who was a very good football player, had a heart of gold when it came back to giving to underprivileged children, serving in Christian youth groups, Upward Bound football clinics, an local charities. This young man was so quiet, you would never have thought of him as the typical football players that make media news today. My daughter has known him since the 7th grade and thought of him as one of the nicest young men she knew in high school. He was never neglected. In fact, my wife was so concerned when he was a freshman because he wasn't eating lunch in school; that she arranged to have my daughter sneak a snack to him, only to find out from his grandmother that he had over a 100 dollars in his school backpack, he simply just was a quiet kid that didn't like attracting attention. I think what is saddest for us, we know his grandparents and they are good hardworking people like us all. We've spent the evening talking to our children and the importance of communicating.

I am use to tragedies, combat may seem to make you insensitive at times to life, but I think most of us who have served in combat, will agree it doesn't ease the pain. Why am I saying this, well it struck me when I was reading some posts and how much of us all recall the lack of social media devices; really never impacted our lives. Things seemed so simple then, even though we lived in the Cold War and survived one very close nuclear scare. However, I think as many of you will agree that younger people today, feel more comfortable discussing issues through their media devices through texting. Its a form of communication, but so much is lost and I've been dealing with this for several years with my daughter. Granted, we have an open line, their are times, when she has thrown us for a loop. Just from my standpoint more arguments are started using social media devices rather than face to face communications.

So I ask all my friends and those that just come on here to read a forum. Talk to your loved ones today or even a friend. Ask them how things are going? Certainly, discuss the issue about open lines of communication and the need to seek out a friend when things look so dim that you opt to do something that will leave those all that love you, tragically asking the question today..."what could I have done better to prevent this?" If your a young adult, things may look very dim at times for you, but struggle forth, things will always look bad at first, but you can overcome them. If you feel that bad enough to take drastic measure, seek someone close to you and talk about it. You'll find out that your friends will always have your back. If anything if you don't feel comfortable talking to someone, just go give a hug...everyone needs one of those some days.

I will miss this young man, he was a bright star as a youth and he had such a promising future ahead of himself.

Dear Mr. Silent Bob,
I'm so sorry for your families loss. There are no words that I could say but God tells us in His Word that He will not leave us comfortless and in Psalms 56 He tells us that He counts our tears and places them in a jar because He understands what those tears mean. What people have said here is so true, the comfort of your silent presents is a gift when the sorrow is so deep . There is nothing we can say or do to make the pain go away but we can walk through the pain with the hurting person. We can always pray for them as I will be doing for this young man's family and friends. God promises us in the book of Romans that His Holy Spirit also prayers for us with moans and groans that words can not express. May you experience God's peace and comfort Mr. Silent Bob ~Lindy
Dear Mr. Silent Bob,
I'm so sorry for your families loss. There are no words that I could say but God tells us in His Word that He will not leave us comfortless and in Psalms 56 He tells us that He counts our tears and places them in a jar because He understands what those tears mean. What people have said here is so true, the comfort of your silent presents is a gift when the sorrow is so deep . There is nothing we can say or do to make the pain go away but we can walk through the pain with the hurting person. We can always pray for them as I will be doing for this young man's family and friends. God promises us in the book of Romans that His Holy Spirit also prayers for us with moans and groans that words can not express. May you experience God's peace and comfort Mr. Silent Bob ~Lindy

Thanks to all of you for your posts. It is very kind of all of you. My wife was very touched by all of your thoughts.
Grief is a difficult journey we have to go on when there is a loss in our lives, no one is exempt. Some losses are more difficult than others to find peace in the midst of grief. Everyone goes through it one way or another, no one can escape it and yet so often we feel alone, but we are NOT ever alone. NO grief is exactly the some for people, that is why I depend and rely on God to help me through grief because He is always the same, yesterday, today and forever.

One of the most precious ways God helps me through the grief I've experienced in my life, is through the people He placed in my life. Several people on this forum have helped me through some of the most difficult losses of my life these past several years and I will be forever grateful to God for gift of this community of friends.

God is holding you Mr. , Mrs. and daughter Silent Bob, in the palm of His hand!
Peace be with you!

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