teaching your pets to help!!!

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Aug 14, 2013
Chauvin, Louisiana
I have been teaching my boxer/mastiff to pull up the crab nets to the dock/land and he knows how to go into the water to bring fish & my St Bernard has been trained to being what I call puppy buckets up to me, I have a pulley system hanging from my house & he knows how to work the dog safe pulley system & bring the goods upstairs. it is kinda like potty training or crate training it is constant training & positive training. almost any dog can do their part with proper training. slow training & commands can train your furry family members to "do their part"
There are a lot of other treads on what you can have your animals do for you....
I cant remember who, but they are teaching their dog to pull a cart...I think thats pretty cool!
I think what you are teaching your dog to do is pretty cool!
I need to think of some neat trick to teach my dog!