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old tex

Awesome Friend
Mar 19, 2024
San Angelo Tx
A few days ago I was reading some stuff about Temu. It was mostly good so I checked the site out. I ended up buying a small storage cabinet for my kitchen (With the wife's approval of course). I'm posting this now because it's out for delivery & I'll be putting it together tonight. Then I'll come back & tell about the experience.
Does anyone else shop there? What's the quality of the items like? Did you have a good experience? Do you shop there often or just once?
I've ordered some crystals for my crystal tree. And a few tops. They were okay but I think I should have gone up a size or two as I don't like close fitting clothes. But they looked like the photos and were put together at least as good as Walmart.

Oh, and some tennis shoes. They are okay too. Not $100 shoes, but good for about $12.
We're not using it.

Big business is peeved at Temu because they are not getting their cut.
Instead of buying Chinese products through them, you can buy straight from the source.
My wife buys from Temu, same product as through Amazon but less expensive.
Some things ship directly from China so the delivery time may be two weeks instead of three days.
I had seen the concerns about Temu that Cabin Fever posted above (thanks for posting them). I'm not too worried about my credit card data because I went through a identity theft with my step father which cost him nothing. As for the other stuff, it just seems kind of a shades of grey issue. Buy direct from them & save money or buy their stuff indirectly & pay a lot more for the same thing. Either way your buying from China.
I have used them several times, and the products have always been good. Their deliveries are not timely, but as long as you aren't in a hurry, or need something right away your order will show up eventually. Their prices are unbelievably low, so I have ignored the politics and used them.

I have heard they are the Chinese version of Amazon, bur so far so good. I have not been disappointed with anything I bought.
The wife and I avoid anything made in China as much as possible. Slave labor is part of it. History of toxic materials in their products is certainly part of it. I don’t care to donate to the CCP, our sworn enemy.
I have ordered from them a few times. I only use a reloadable visa card, no debit or credit cards. The phone that the app is on doesn't have any banking or money apps on it. Quality seems about normal and prices are good.
Good thinking! My Wife and I bought from them for a while. Sometimes the stuff was good quality, some times the stuff was bootleg stuff, like the Gerber knife I bought and it says Made in China!
Thr biggest thing, and what made us delete our accounts, was when my debit card was used to buy Dancing lessons in Malaysia! $1600.00 worth! When I disputed it, my bank denied my request because the they said the transaction was not done online! It could have only have been done as in in person transaction with the card. Well, since I have Never been to Malaysia I said it couldn't have been me, they still denied me! Thankfully, I had used my card at Kroger on the same day and told them there was no way I purchased dance lessons and flew back home and went to Kroger the same day. I won and they gave me all my money back. Seems this has happened before and the bank believes ot is connected to Temu!
So if you take the chance, use a prepaid card or be Extremely careful.
Yeah, NO. My adults were ordering through that company and I urged them to not.

Wasn’t long after that the weird unknown seeds from that country started being delivered, here, to my house. Who remembers that!?

There are a few other companies like that to avoid, I’ve heard people I know say they had negative experiences with them too.
Like said.. The only thing I know about them is they are rumored to be some what of a Chinese version of Amazon, Ikea, and ?? ?? Also like said, that alone makes me ..cautious.. of a lot of things to include not wanting them to have my credit card info.. Maybe I'm just too much of a fraidy-cat...
I got to admit, some of their stuff was top quality, especially the magnetic spice racks! Lol Wife bought 3, liked them so much bought 10 more!🙄🥺
I heard they were a chinese company that by passed the middle man. It supposedly even hurt some American businesses by passing them here.
Ok, the cabinet arrived. I guess that it took us about 3.5 hours to put it together. One thing bad right off was that they didn't label we laminate parts very well. A few had letters but most of them didn't. Oddly all of the screws were labeled but I wish that in the listing of what you got they had sizes. One thing I loved was that they included extra screws in every package. Putting it together was a beast, but understandable. It was a main cabinet & had 2 side doors that close over the main part. The back of the side doors is the front of the cabinet when they are closed. The side doors have storage to put cans or whatever in. It's not real tall but there are lots of shelves. Doors closed & it does look really nice. I think that it will be great for extra food storage.

Now as far as cost, I believe I paid $128 for it. If it were sold here the cost would probably be 40 to 70 dollars more. And at that price it would be much cheaper looking. All in all I'm pretty happy with it.
One other downside, sometimes they have a minimum purchase amount. You may not be able to get the one item you want for $5.00. You may have to buy two or three or put a few items in the cart to reach the minimum. The minimum is not high, maybe $10 or $15 but it can be annoying.
I use a prepaid credit card for online shopping, to pay bills online.
I refill the prepaid credit card with cash every month.
I just fill safer this way.
Does this make me paranoid? Maybe.
But if my information is abused on my prepaid credit card they're only going to get what I have put on that card.
Not my primary banking information.
It's up to the individual, as it always is. So far (of course) I haven't had a problem. But to put it in perspective I've had to update my credit cards 2 different times because of the company's failed security & once because of someone I bought from failed security. I kind of think that's the world we live in.
I've just bought a few small craft bits from them, and curtain rings with pegs on that I couldn't source here at a decent price, or at all.
I don't use apps, and went through paypal, not credit card.
Everything was delivered in 8 working days, and seems fine. I also bought two small units for holding crystals- gothic looking things as gifts for my daughters.
I've seen them at x4 times the price, and even then on Amazon UK, not here. They are light, which is great for hanging, but very nice.
Not somewhere I'd shop regularly, and only for something I couldn't get here. I can no longer order from the USA/UK due to import taxes.
Ok, the cabinet arrived. I guess that it took us about 3.5 hours to put it together. One thing bad right off was that they didn't label we laminate parts very well. A few had letters but most of them didn't. Oddly all of the screws were labeled but I wish that in the listing of what you got they had sizes. One thing I loved was that they included extra screws in every package. Putting it together was a beast, but understandable. It was a main cabinet & had 2 side doors that close over the main part. The back of the side doors is the front of the cabinet when they are closed. The side doors have storage to put cans or whatever in. It's not real tall but there are lots of shelves. Doors closed & it does look really nice. I think that it will be great for extra food storage.

Now as far as cost, I believe I paid $128 for it. If it were sold here the cost would probably be 40 to 70 dollars more. And at that price it would be much cheaper looking. All in all I'm pretty happy with it.
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