Texas Appeals Court

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Yea !!

Shoots down 3 professor's challenge to campus carry.

Another one for the good guys.

Texas Appeals Court said:
“The lawsuit was filed because the professors disagreed with the law, not because they had any legal substance to their claim”...
“The right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed for all Americans, including college students, and the 5th Circuit’s decision prevents that right from being stripped away by three individuals who oppose the law enacted by the Legislature.”
The sad part is, that college has 3 professors who are not smart enough to know they don't have a legal leg to stand on.

"But we won't be able to freely teach that abortion is a good thing":cry: is not a valid argument.
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I strongly support professors and teachers carrying, if they want to and have been trained. I have always favored it, but this personal experience shows why it's the only intelligent opinion.

True story:
I was teaching a college class one evening when a series of shots thundered over my lecture. It was a spring semester evening class; thus, it was about 7 PM, still light out, but the only people on campus were me and my students, one other professor and his students, a low-level administrator, and our security agent, who was armed only with a radio.

The shots kept hammering the silence. The administrator opened my door in a panic. His eyes were like dinner plates stuck to his face. He said, "We have an active shooter situation! Follow the training! Have the students huddle in a safe corner! Lock and barricade the door! Turn off the lights!"

Then he scurried away. I did what he said because it was the best plan in that situation. WHAT TOTALLY SUCKED WAS THAT because I am a law-abiding citizen and gun owner, MY FAITHFUL 1911 that was my carry weapon at the time WAS LOCKED IN MY GLOVE BOX IN MY CAR!

We were SITTING DUCKS! My students were terrified. Most were crying and texting. I was frightened, but I was also PISSED! I knew that if my faithful 1911 had been in my possession, then I could have killed the SOB shooter the second he entered my classroom and before he got off a shot!

But my 1911 was in my car because of the !@#%&*$ law! And now, I and my students might die because I obeyed the law. I was far more PISSED than frightened, but I had plenty of both emotions running through my veins.

After 17 super-tense minutes with shots ringing out all around us, multiple police cars arrived. We knew it because the flashing blue lights flashed even through the drawn shades in the room. The shooting stopped. We waited what seemed like hours for some sort of news. Finally, the administrator knocked on the door and identified himself in a loud voice. He announced that the police had apprehended 2 boys who were shooting their rifles on the adjacent lot.

In hindsight, we were in no danger. But I lived through an active shooter lock-down, and it felt as real as it gets!

That day I decided that despite all the concerns over which teachers should be allowed to carry and what might go wrong if teachers carry, THIS professor favors teachers carrying in the classroom!

[I posted this true story once before, but it speaks to the topic of this thread.]
That day I decided that despite all the concerns over which teachers should be allowed to carry and what might go wrong if teachers carry, THIS professor favors teachers carrying in the classroom!

[I posted this true story once before, but it speaks to the topic of this thread.]
Good post. On point.
This case was 3 professors that not only did not want to carry, they wanted to make sure NOBODY ELSE, (students/faculty) could either.
You know, a gun-free campus is a safe campus and not a guaranteed defenseless killing field where a lunatic can execute people leisurely.
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As a theological and historical scholar, I am trained to put my mind in the mindset of different places, cultures, and times.
Given that criminals do not obey laws, I cannot, despite my best efforts, understand the rationale for gun free zones!
Believe me, I have tried!
Law says no guns. Law says no murder.
Criminals disobey law.
Law-abiding citizens do obey the gun-free law.
Result: Slaughter of good people. Bad people win.
I simply cannot understand how gun-free zones are a good idea.
Any tips?
Or am I right that gun-free zones are a terrible idea that makes for easy targets?

I'm serious. Can anyone make a case for gun-free zones?
I'm serious. Can anyone make a case for gun-free zones?
I always pride myself on being able to argue either side of an issue equally well.
Let me get my liberal hat on...


It's all about preventing accidents.
See, guns are dangerous.
If there are guns around students, one will inevitably get their hands on one and their curiosity will result in a tragic accident.
If there are no guns around, the possibility of this totally preventable tragedy is completely eliminated.
After the passage of the law making schools into gun-free zones, accidental shootings are practically non-existent.
[famous liberal mantra:] "If it will save just one child's life, it's worth it".
So, if you oppose the law, you must be for making schools a dangerous place for our children.

How did I do?
Lame argument Buttercup... :cool:

As RevV said:

"Law says no guns. Law says no murder.

Criminals disobey law. <===PERIOD

Law-abiding citizens do obey the gun-free law.

Result: Slaughter of good people. Bad people win."

Responsible Conservative Body Armor ON:

The answer is simple...concentric defense. Layers of security designed to recognize, thwart, and when necessary, neutralize a predator.

Cameras, fences, walls, metal detectors, locked exit only alarmed doors, armed guards walking the halls...may sound like a prison...but designed to keep the inmates out, not in.

Will obviously cost some $$...( federal grants, state taxes )...but worth every penny.

Screw arming the teachers...most of them don't want the responsibility...nor have the required skills to pull it off.

Last Line of Defense:

One ( preferably Three ) Well Trained Individual(s)... could be retired cops or ex-military... with a Firearm, the Expertise, and the Mind Set to stop any nut job intent on harming our children...our future... can easily put an end to the threat.


This type of program has been implemented in more than one school district in Pennsylvania...some since 2012:









And Jobs are being created:

SRO/School based Officer
Vital Security & Investigations - Oxford, PA

The primary mission of the SRO/School based Officer is to provide a safe and secure environment for students, staff and visitors within the school district. Carry out a wide range of safety and security duties outlined in the SOP and assist staff as needed. Act 120 or act 235 is a must. Valid drivers license and able to pass federal and local backgrounds checks including Child abuse.

Job Type: Full-time

Law Enforcement or Security: 5 years (Preferred)

High school (Required)



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Lame argument Buttercup... :cool:

Will obviously cost some $$...( federal grants, state taxes )...but worth every penny.

Last Line of Defense:

One ( preferably Three ) Well Trained Individual(s)... could be retired cops or ex-military... with a Firearm, the Expertise, and the Mind Set to stop any nut job intent on harming our children...our future... can easily put an end to the threat.
So you are for increasing taxes to add more school resource officers?

And seem to agree that pouring firearms into public schools would likely do more harm than good:
"Screw arming the teachers...most of them don't want the responsibility...nor have the required skills to pull it off."
If we add more resource officers, the school would need to remain a 'gun-free' zone because if the officer sees someone with a gun, they would possibly shoot them.
And we are back at square one with a tragic accident.

I think I did a pretty good job. (remember, I'm not a liberal, I just play one online occasionally:D).
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Read my post again...

PRO: Federal grants and State taxes...EXISTING $$ collected now... that is usually wasted on BS liberal programs and books that don't teach conservative values and the hard lessons learned throughout the sometimes turbulent history of our great nation.

CON: Giving teachers guns...not trained...not willing...not able...not a good idea !!

PRO: Trained retired cops and ex-military with the balls to do the job

CON: Gun Free Zone Signs...WTHeck does that do !?

Simple Solution... Deterrence works... as do Good Guys with Guns !!

( see above posted links... )

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Read my post again...

PRO: Federal grants and State taxes...EXISTING $$ collected now... that is usually wasted on BS liberal programs and books that don't teach conservative values and the hard lessons learned throughout the sometimes turbulent history of our great nation.
Wonderful concept.
Meet reality:
WHNT said:
"At its last meeting, Bob Hagood, the Deputy Superintendent of Finance, said the district was in danger of going under one month's operating budget reserve. It could mean disaster, board members learned....
Now, Watkins is asking Mackey to step in to "provide emergency insight on Huntsville City Schools financial status."
Sure it's mismanagement. But they are in real trouble of not being able to keep the employees they have now.
And this is without adding additional resource officers that cost $50K each per year:rolleyes:.

I doubt seriously that they would entertain your idea.
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Well...it's working in most of Pennsylvania ( 7 cases cited with links )...and if it's mismanaged in Huntsville, PA ( 1 link ) ...that's their problem to solve !!

Ya know what the say about opinions...right !?

They're like *******s...everybody's got one !!

...I just hope the next school shooting will be stopped by willful deterrence rather than a liberal wishful group think "come and shoot us" gun free zone sign...

Well...it's working in most of Pennsylvania ( 7 cases cited with links )...and if it's mismanaged in Huntsville, PA ( 1 link ) ...that's their problem to solve !!

...I just hope the next school shooting will be stopped by willful deterrence rather than a liberal wishful group think "come and shoot us" gun free zone sign...
Relax, it's Huntsville Alabama!
And they all have PHD's in mismanagement!
The next school shooting won't happen here because the bad-guy would never even make it into the school.
I still think elementary and middle-schools should remain 'gun-free zones' because the likelihood of an accident is hundreds of times greater than the opportunity of one being used to stop a threat.

And thanks for playing along and being such a good sport.

Next time you get to be the liberal and I'll be the conservative, ok?:D
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Good...there is a Huntsville PA... :confused:

No problem... same here my friend...

I'm just sitting here on the deck...working on my tan... drinking a few cold ones...before making dinner for the wife and I...and our make believe exchange just helped to kill some time.

As far as me being the Liberal next time...I'm sorry...I could NEVER even ACT that self righteous or naïve. :D

Until the next battle... :surrender:

No problem... same here my friend...

I'm just sitting here on the deck...working on my tan... drinking a few cold ones...before making dinner for the wife and I...and our make believe exchange just helped to kill some time.

As far as me being the Liberal next time...I'm sorry...I could NEVER even ACT that self righteous or naïve. :D
Aw c'mon! It's good exercise for the brain!
You just need to pull up a pic of Obama and Pelosi for motivation and twist people's words just a bit:ROLF:.
Drink one for me

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