Dutch said: " we kicked GOD out of school and our way of life! "
Ain't that the truth. It's the odds that's the problem. It's overwhelming.
Add in the strange path the country has taken in recent years and it's a recipe for disaster.
The 'strange path' is anything that can be construed as 'punishment' has been completely removed from the upbringing of children.
Nothing they do results in punishment, they have no idea of it so why not?
I remember as far back as elementary school, if you continued to act up, the teacher called you up in front of the class and popped your backside with a paddle.
(Actually it was one of those things that used to have a rubber-band and red ball on it).
It wasn't 'physical abuse', it didn't even hurt. But the humiliation and teasing from your peers was the actual punishment. And it was effective!
Nowadays if a student becomes uncontrollable, they are sent to "A-school" which is the same school, but with selected kids that are just as belligerent as them.
Great way to 'cultivate' misbehavior
. And we start them out with drugs by
requiring them to take drugs
. Brilliant!
Even in later years if they are arrested for committing crimes, they are given probation and sent right back home to do the same things except with a lesson on how not to get caught.
If they are caught again, they just get longer probation and the cycle repeats with
another lesson on how not to get caught.
They get all the way to their 20's with absolutely no concept that there might be consequences for their actions. Why, there never has been before.
As much as we'd like to blame the little monsters we have created, it's our fault.
I saw plenty of problem kids straightened out when I was in school. It
was possible.
Instead we are just
'killing them with kindness'.