The 4th of July and Patriots

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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
As the festivities commence tonight may every soul enjoy them and return home to enjoy another day tomorrow without attacks on us. attacks on us will only fuel the Love for our country and our enemies will be dealt with swiftly and come to understand that in times of need we have "Wolverines" among us who will stand up and protect our nation letting our enemies know that you mess with the USA, you mess with the loving people of these Unites States of America. There is something inside an American that comes to the surface when our country is attacked and you can trust that this will surface and become the power to overcome anything that threatens our liberties and freedoms. American's will prevail and our enemies will know what true American Patriotism is and will understand how each and every American loves this country. We may be spoiled in our western ways but you can bet we will defend with our lives the very country that spoiled us. I am proud to know that from a small boy to an elder man, there is a sense of pride in our country and a love for it that brings about a special sense of duty within ourselves to NOT just watch but to be part of the defensive then offensive movement to rid our lands of the disease that threatens our way of life. America will NOT tolerate attacks and I mean the people of this country, even without the military will defend and die to protect what our fathers have left us. Even though the country is mixed and many things are taking place one thing that is solid is the pride that true Americans have for their country. True American's, those are the people who still feel something inside during the nat'l anthem and trust me, you mess with America and it's proud people, you bring terror upon yourselves in a way you have not had to deal with before.
God Bless the United States of America and every TRUE American who has built this country with their own sweat and blood and lives. God Bless Love and Pride that has blessed every true american to give "We The People" The power to overcome any threat to our great nation and the balls to get-r-done the American way.
God Bless all true Americans everywhere, in every state and in spite of the dangers will step forward to protect for the sake of our children and their children and what we must leave for them to build on.
Today i'm sad after watching video's of proud americans who have pride in the Confederate flag as I do but cannot put aside their differences or ignore their egos. I display my Confederate flag but I DO NOT take it into a black community where I know damn well it will start something that this great Nation DOES NOT need right now. Our government is laughing their butts off because some CANNOT put aside their differences for the sake of peace for all peoples, instead they are playing right along with the governments agenda to create a situation to declare martial law so they can control us true Americans even more. Race wars are surely to occur soon if we don't stop the racism that creates hatred for our fellow man. Focus and fight the true enemies, not Americans because they are different. Race wars will weaken us and give tyrants more strength to defeat and control us and this is exactly the opportunity they need to declare martial law and leaves us weak for the true enemies to attack us.
It takes pride, intellegence and self control to win a battle, NOT hatred and your ego.

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