Capitalism has done good things as far as the development of science and technology go. One great travesty of Capitalism, however, is that it has led to a sort of consumerism that leads people to go through life like zombies. All they do is consume, consume, consume.
Ads for this, ads for that. Many people don't even LIVE anymore. The constant consuming of food, television, movies, porn, or just some random fad serves to distract people from really looking inside themselves and contemplating their inner selves and their very existence.
Then people talk about "motivation" and the drive for "success." All this translates to is being a good little cog in the machine. It means working 10 hours days for your invisible boss. It means trying to accumulate monetary and material wealth so you look good for the invisible judges of society. The general sense of motivation and success nowadays is very perverted and corrupt.
Ads for this, ads for that. Many people don't even LIVE anymore. The constant consuming of food, television, movies, porn, or just some random fad serves to distract people from really looking inside themselves and contemplating their inner selves and their very existence.
Then people talk about "motivation" and the drive for "success." All this translates to is being a good little cog in the machine. It means working 10 hours days for your invisible boss. It means trying to accumulate monetary and material wealth so you look good for the invisible judges of society. The general sense of motivation and success nowadays is very perverted and corrupt.