I have been grilling and smoking all my life and we grill or smoke something every weekend even in the winter. I have had many smokers over the years, smokers with the fire box on the side, electric and charcoal barrel looking smokers, homemade, store bought, you name it, but about two years ago I bought a Masterbuilt smoker that was recommended by a friend and it is by far the best smoker I have ever used in my life, I waited till I saw it was going to hold up before I recommended it to anyone, for two years I have used and abused this thing and it just keeps getting better and better, I have smoked everything in the world in this thing (except fish, fish are gross) and it comes out prefect every time, at one time I smoked four full racks of spare ribs and two Boston butts, another time I smoked three turkeys all at the same time. And the best part is you don’t have to babysit this thing like they say “just set it and forget it” I put the meat in drop in a few wood chips and go do something else about two hours later I dump in another hand full of wood chips and then let the smoker do the rest, I don’t have to touch it till the meat is done, usually I start it in the evening and its done when I wake up. Everybody need one of these!!!!