The Coming Civil War

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Awesome Friend
Mar 5, 2020
Georgia Mountains
A Cautionary Note to Antifa and BLM Thugs Contemplating 'Civil War'
war” has been a term much in use by both the Left and the Right these days. Try a web search on “civil war in America 2020,” and the result is dozens/hundreds of links to commentators speculating about the “coming war between Left and Right and who will ignite the spark”

“One could further argue that the Antifa/BLM rioting to date has been merely a dress rehearsal and practicing of unit-level tactics in preparation for the “real deal,” as their advocates have been announcing on social media in the run-up to the election. Here is what Newsweek reported on 20 October about “200 protests already planned.” The likelihood that those people have dispersed given the current state of the contested election is exceedingly low. In fact, they came out with a vengeance just last night in Washington, DC, to attack Trump supporters.

What will happen when President Trump is certified the winner after the massive electronic voter fraud by Dominion Systems et al has been fully exposed?

Here is what the man known to a select few as “Spear One” had to say:

The American civil militia movement is the largest and best trained para-military force in the history of the world. The elements of which militias are compromised are as follows (Note: None of the below includes the small numbers of White Supremacist or Racist Groups.):
Veterans. There are large numbers of veterans that have learned of war, and especially unconventional war, during our long years pretending to fight the insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan (referred to as “Afghaniraq”). Their skills learned in the formal training and in operations and their informal (unconventional) training at the hands of the enemy (that operate from the manuals and training supplied to Iran, pre-Islamic Republic, by both the U.S. Army Special Forces and the CIA). These vets have labored through the worse run combat operations America has ever fostered due to poor leadership micro-managed directly from Washington (US political leadership is more attuned to the bleating of the Washington Post then the needs of their troops or the requirements that must be met to win any kind of war). This poor leadership was adversely amplified by Rules of Engagement that negated any possibility to win, or even break even, in counter-insurgency warfare. These vets, between repeated rotations back to Afghaniraq spent their time taking care of each other (as the military did not understand their needs or would spend precious budget on soldier “life-cycle” systems support to little effect. These vets are literally chomping at the bit to tear into an obvious enemy of the US, namely, the socialists and anyone simple-minded enough to carry the socialist banner. Add in NO ROE and learned practices by terminal control of the target populations as taught by the Iranian-led Iraqi and Afghan insurgents. During their time between deployments, these troops were buying 4-Wheel-Drive vehicles, world class sniper rifles, world class combat pistols and world class (semi-automatic) military quality light rifles – and practicing maintenance, marksmanship, and putting aside fairly large amounts of ammunition (close at hand at this moment).
Large numbers of retired Special Operations Forces (or those with expired terms of service) that are prepared and trained to organize and lead Civil Militia forces. Add to the veterans core the large numbers of talented folks who are combat engineers who are not only trained and experienced at building and fixing, but are inventive and talented at breaking anything placed in their way. One does not need explosives to conduct demolitions – heavy construction equipment, fire and good ol’ 7.62 ammo are better than adequate to destroy anything that needs “interdiction” to support the goals of a counter-insurgency. These folks are organizing right now, and many are in lock-step with their local sheriff’s office and nearby active military units. Let us not forget those special operations personnel that matriculated into the Intelligence Community. All of their skills lying dormant while in the military were exercised while with the IC. These folks know how to deal with anything the government dishes out.
The National Guard. I am out of touch with that element but my experience in the past and limited contact now (Intel and Special Forces Guard and Reserve units) indicates that many, if not most, Guard units will “go over” to the militia once such militia stands up after the leftists start their insurrection. Reserve units would simply dissipate as their more effective members also head to the militia. Consider the possibility that these guys go over WITH their equipment. To explain: the feds show up with armored vehicles; the “new” Guard shows up with Bradley IFV’s and M1A1 Abrams tanks. And having drawn the accessory equipment and ammo time after time for training purposes, these guys know where to go to gear up. And even if without ammo, both vehicles trump police vehicles and provide good platforms to fight from utilizing small arms.
NOTE – the Intel and planning elements included above far outstrip that of the federal government in any given locale. and soon after standing up a non-electronic communications system would link all large formations in a way that totally negates the ability of modern monitoring, In fact, they will use government monitoring to run fakes and lure government elements into traps. Yes – these guys know that armed couriers rule, and that internet, cell and telephonic commo is for fools or baiting the enemy.
The active duty military. This subject is staged. First of all, realize that even if the military stays disengaged there will be yuuge AWOL numbers as the most dedicated patriots in the military head home to join their fathers, uncles, brothers and friends in the militia. Second – once (if) deployed against civilians, that AWOL rate doubles the first week – now taking their equipment with them. Third – as seen in the past in Third World countries – there is the reality that at the unit level, the national headquarters (Pentagon) is not in charge. A rebellion at the O-4 and down levels would see serious large armed elements going over – with equipment – prepared to do what has to be done. The combat vets on active duty are known for fully understanding the “defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic” portion of their oath, and I have witnessed many of them stating that this is the “One Oath to Rule Them All”. (This the view of this ground-pounding spec ops vet.)
Civilians. Although mostly not prior service, there are MILLIONS of civilians who feel strongly about the country and are prepared to stand up at the moment it makes sense to do so. Large numbers of these folks own a good hunting rifle that is the equivalent of any but the most specialized military sniper rifle. Since 2008, these folks have also been purchasing military quality rifles and combat pistols. Civil training schools that specialize in close quarters combat training (often touted as “self-defense training”) have opened in all but the New England states. Many of these training organizations are quite large and staffed by prior military and LEO types, and most are fully booked all year long (okay, they close down for Christmas). This able and available civil force can fairly easily be absorbed into the above active and veteran militia after the Left initiates their insurgent actions. Also understand that there are untold billions of rounds of ammunition on hand with reloading of battlefield components a real resource. Speaking of ammunition – battle field recovery is well understood, and one must know that the
trunk of every official LEO vehicle is a treasure trove of support items to include firearms and ammunition. There is enough ammunition on hand already to eradicate all known leftist/socialist threats and their add-on elements (i.e., the media, Islamic elements, LEOs siding with the socialists, and any federal officers attempting to interfere with militia actions that are required to end all socialist threats and actions and restore confidence in the federal government to the people of the US).
Relatives and support systems. Finally, as with all successful resistance forces, there is a large support element backing the militias – pre-screened by blood and life-long friendships. These provide surveillance, safe havens, transport, logistics, and hospital services. (This is the real reason the Nazis or Soviets – heck, even the Romans, back in the day – would go after family members well into 2-3 degrees of separation from a person they had caught and imprisoned/executed for anti-government actions.)

...continued on next post
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Spear One” then provided this summary of the nominal goals of the militia movement:

The civil militia goal is to clean house once the Left initiate their insurrection in the streets – to harshly dispense with the violent rioters and looters, to protect people and their property, and to send surviving local, state and federal government officials who failed to obey their oaths to enforce public safety home and demand elections for their immediate replacement. (Not change the structure of government – simply to clean it out and reset as near to founding documents as possible.) A side bar to the goal is that for the next 200 years, no one in Washington D.C. or the state capitols will be eager to risk another uprising, keeping in mind that humans will always require regrooving at intervals – just as Thomas Jefferson once said:
And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.
“Spear One” finished up his commentary with this summary:

A US civil militia is real; it is just waiting for things perpetrated in the streets by the Left to get to a tipping point, or a call from a congressional coalition or the President to commence action. They are forming now and vetting personnel. A few have initiated a few simple international operations and are ironing out the bumps in organization (they tend to be decentralized). Each Spec Ops NCO can train up and lead dozens, and upon linking up with other dozens can form large paramilitary formations. There is no fear factor – a civil war now to save the country from socialist takeover (and the subsequent turnover to globalist powers) overrides all life issues and is abetted by that pesky oath taken by those vets and those militia members upon enlistment and reenlistment. An oath that is not forgotten and an oath that will always be in effect until each patriot’s dying day: “… defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic …”
On a personal note, when I go to Arlington National Cemetery, I stand humbled before the eternal formation being stood by those who went before me. There is nothing I would not do to stay faithful to those heroes of our Republic. The least of them seems better than me, and I would do anything to measure up, and perhaps earn their respect after the fact. The current burgeoning domestic socialist threat has to be countered and in such a way as to make the point clear – Against All Enemies – period.
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This is great fiction! Although I honestly don't know if it's more Tom Clancy fan fiction or a proposed bit from Saturday Night Live.

What's "Spear One's" take on the very real probably that the election will not be overturned and Biden is sworn in on Jan 20th? What if rioters don't swarm businesses and American homes in protest since Trump is finally forced to accept defeat once voter fraud is shown to be false and all his legal options are exhausted? What then? Would spear head be willing to accept those results, especially if there's no so-called violent uprising, I wonder?

Picture this; 1. No voter fraud is proven, either through the Dominion systems or otherwise. 2. The rest of Trump's lawsuits follow the previous suits and are thrown out by the state courts (Georgia) and he has no other legal options to fight the legitimate election results. 3. Biden is sworn in as the 46th President on Jan 20, 2021. 4. No violence occurs as a result of the transition.

What will Spear Head and others like him/her do then?
I'm getting to be an old lady now but I will fight and do my part to make sure that our Constitution stays intact in this country. . . my kids and grandkids lives depend on it. I would like to see my babies grow up in the free nation I did where news media actually reported news and not opinions and we the people voted someone into office and not chosen for us with fraud. I want us to be able to voice our opinions and not worry about the backlash, both verbal and violent we get from opposition or worry about getting fired from a job. This is supposed to be a FREE nation, but it doesnt seem like it now with all the censorship.
I'm neither right nor left. I'm middle road. I take the side of common sense and don't believe in the always-flawed "us vs. them" mentality. And I'm not mocking anybody. I'm asking legitimate questions in a time when critical thinking is at an all time low and unfounded conspiracy theories rage on the Internet...and people take them seriously.

And I'm a prepper for events of civil disruption among many other events (notice I say 'civil disruption' not 'civil war'. A "war" is a little too much, wouldn't ya say?)

But yes, there's this flawed perspective that if you're not for A you must be for B. If you're not red you must be blue, but like so many others on this forum who make the claim, I really do think for myself. If you consider an opposite opinion "mocking" then I'd say you're just another piece of the problem.

^ Are you left or right? Are you a preppier or a sidestepper? You mock the moderators and several prominent posters here. What are your motives? I wonder....
Hmmnn........ I don't think these thugs are worthy of the civil wars. The majority of them are homeless, uneducated, basement babies and not to mention no jobless cretin. They are more like a menace to society. a few kicks in their faces will make them go away.

However, I do think, the puppeteers are the ones we should be worried about. like the media and Socialist leaders, like AOC, Newsome, and Cuomo. They are the real bad news. I think Antifa and BLM terrorist are just there to divert us to see who the true evil in our society.
I'm getting to be an old lady now but I will fight and do my part to make sure that our Constitution stays intact in this country. . . my kids and grandkids lives depend on it. I would like to see my babies grow up in the free nation I did where news media actually reported news and not opinions and we the people voted someone into office and not chosen for us with fraud. I want us to be able to voice our opinions and not worry about the backlash, both verbal and violent we get from opposition or worry about getting fired from a job. This is supposed to be a FREE nation, but it doesnt seem like it now with all the censorship.

Same as you, I’m no longer young, but am still very much in shape. We all owe it to our children and grand babies to give them a truly FREE country! We have as much censorship to our 1st Amendment as 3rd world countries! We must all fight to stop them! Did you read the article about civil war I posted? It is long, but well worth the read.
Hmmnn........ I don't think these thugs are worthy of the civil wars. The majority of them are homeless, uneducated, basement babies and not to mention no jobless cretin. They are more like a menace to society. a few kicks in their faces will make them go away.

However, I do think, the puppeteers are the ones we should be worried about. like the media and Socialist leaders, like AOC, Newsome, and Cuomo. They are the real bad news. I think Antifa and BLM terrorist are just there to divert us to see who the true evil in our society.

A civil war would mean going after the ones behind it.
I'm neither right nor left. I'm middle road. I take the side of common sense and don't believe in the always-flawed "us vs. them" mentality. And I'm not mocking anybody. I'm asking legitimate questions in a time when critical thinking is at an all time low and unfounded conspiracy theories rage on the Internet...and people take them seriously.

Right. No such thing as 'us vs them'. Got it. So, per the Bible, there are those who go to Heaven and those who burn in the Lake of Fire. Tell me, using the Bible, where it is not a 'us vs them' finale? Not your opinion, not made-up hogwash, from the Bible. Saved and unsaved. Forgiven and unforgiven. In the presence of God and not. No grey areas there as I read it.
Those Antifa soy boys don't have the backbone for a real fight. Neither does blm. Where do you think is all the guns and ammo are? Safe to say that we possess the lion's share. Drop a few trouble makers in the first few minutes and watch them scatter like the roaches they are.
Those Antifa soy boys don't have the backbone for a real fight. Neither does blm. Where do you think is all the guns and ammo are? Safe to say that we possess the lion's share. Drop a few trouble makers in the first few minutes and watch them scatter like the roaches they are.

Yup. The hardest part of killing them is just catching them hiding in their mommy's basement in a corner, wetting themselves. Oh wait, it'll be easy. Never mind.
But yes, there's this flawed perspective that if you're not for A you must be for B. If you're not red you must be blue, but like so many others on this forum who make the claim, I really do think for myself
I do recall the heavy discussions with the demonstrators in Germany against the Pershing nuclear rocket systems back in the late 80's and early 90's...We made the point of the "green" party they proclaimed to be supporting...others made their support for the "red" party...
(green=clean air and simple life)
(red= socialist and controlled life)
SOOOO...we made a joke of how apples are "green" while they are growing and then, when ripe, suddenly turned---red----!!
I will take my experiences with these and many other people with which I have had to deal with in my civil and war time experiences...some still alive and some now not...and make a personal opinion to an unknown person here, who proclaims to be "middle of the road"...
1. you cannot be "middle" of anything, (for abortion but against capital punishment...) killing is killing...
2. you cannot be "middle" of politics and have any hope for success. (gray man= unknown= no votes)
3. you cannot be "middle" of life and hope to be accepted by ANYBODY...
4. IF YOU ARE NOT BLUE OR RED:::THEN YOU ARE BOTH BY DEFAULT, but not ready to defend either...making you a parasite and a leach from which SUCKS energy from the system and demands freedom,,,,,but will NOT choose a side from which he will fight for/ or against...
5. BTW, remember what happens when you mix blue with red paint??? IT TURNS BROWN; like the brown shirts from Hitler and Mussolini. (or the color of the feces from most healthy and grown up homo-sapiens...don't know if I would like to be the middle of "red" and "blue" if it just means being brown....Live free, or die fighting for the freedom you call "yours"...Gary (my real name...)
I served 16 years in the military. Active Army, National Guard and Active Duty National Guard. I left the service as a Staff Sergeant. 2017/2018 I was briefly in another militia group but left because they were ate up. October 2019 I started a militia group because if I was going to be in a militia I wanted to do it right. My vision for the unit is to train my limited members to be trainers and leaders that way if **** hits the fan I have a cadre ready to train a fighting force to Army standards and have ready leaders to lead them.

As far as the article saying the militia are the best trained in history I disagree. From my observations and from what I have heard about other units, the militia(some) are ate the **** up. A lot of the units have limited training and crappy leadership. They train once a month on a Saturday for a couple of hours and call it good. The training is most likely hip pocket and there just winging it.

In my unit the trainer will have reference material on hand so that everything can be backed up by most likely an Army manual or two. I do not allow winging it. We start our training on Friday evening and ENDEX Sunday by noon. Usually Friday is ADMIN day to set up. We train all day and some times into the night Saturday and Sunday we clean up and go home.

Most of our training subjects are Army in nature but we also train in guerrilla warfare and we do this in cities and villages.
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As much as I think Antifa and BLM need to be dealt with, I will wait until they come to my neighborhood. Much easier to S.S.S., not as far to drag nasty critters.

Over here in Texas, we used to hunt the coyotes who preyed on our livestock. We would hang the carcass on the barbed wire fence. The warning took and they would avoid the area. You can just drag the corpse out to the road and leave in the ditch... the message will take
To correct your flawed paradigm, which I'm sure will fall on blind eyes, yes, you can be middle of the road, and on the fence. You're own experiences are from a certain, broken perspective that fails to be opened minded from other peoples' experiences and life choices. This is, inherently wrong and evil in it's very blindness. It fails from the "walk a mile in one's shoes" perspective and incites ignorance and intolerance, which then lead to war and violence. You, and people like you, accuse others of the very moral short comings you, yourself, are guilty of. Taking a more middle ground to view both perspectives and draw conclusions is a sign of superior intelligence and compassion as well as heightened perspective. As I like to say, when you sit on the fence, you can see the dog **** in both yards on either side of you.

As far as your points;

1. I absolutely can be in the middle of something such as abortion. I choose not to way in against or for abortion as I'm a white male and abortion does not affect me. I'm sure you're scoffing at that, but it's because you've already made up your mind, one way or the other, and have no capability of viewing things otherwise. It's the same as a dog pondering why a puddle is wet when they were sure it was dry. The dog is vexed and confused, but the water is still wet.
2. I can be middle of politics by being bi-partisan, or simply not choosing to vote straight ticket and instead weigh each topic and issue from my own moral and intellectual level.....not based on what my 'party' tells me to choose.
3. I am in the middle of life...and have many friends and allies based on acceptance of both sides, and others. I have very close friends on the right, and I have close friends on the left, and I have close friends who are libertarian, and I have close friends who are liberal and close friends who are very conservative. I have these friends because I am middle and I do not accept them based on politics or unfounded, flawed religious standpoints, but, instead, based on what brings us together on common ground. I am very much not alone.
4. I'm not blue, nor red, nor 'brown'. I am white, neutral, and, like the statue of Justice, blind as I weigh facts and reality. I weigh issues impartially, as I stated above. I do not have to choose a 'side' to make a decision, as infuriating as that makes someone like you and what you're missing is the difference between a side and a decision. Being that I'm not on a 'red or blue' side, I can fight against the opposing side I find to be flawed, treasonous, and unconstitutional, and I can judge that position free of dogmatic view points from one side or the other. That provides me far more freedom than your indoctorinated methodologies.
5. I think I've made myself clear regarding colors, Gary, and my freedoms are my own, without fear or guided misperceptions, or blind faith to an unjust cause.

I am middle, and's the superior stance to take in this political environment, but since this stance isn't 'your' stance, you'll outright reject it and view it as 'evil' or me as 'enemy'. That's fine, I'm here to provide balance against the likes of you, and others ignorant enough to believe this is a war against sides.

-Lee (My real name).

I do recall the heavy discussions with the demonstrators in Germany against the Pershing nuclear rocket systems back in the late 80's and early 90's...We made the point of the "green" party they proclaimed to be supporting...others made their support for the "red" party...
(green=clean air and simple life)
(red= socialist and controlled life)
SOOOO...we made a joke of how apples are "green" while they are growing and then, when ripe, suddenly turned---red----!!
I will take my experiences with these and many other people with which I have had to deal with in my civil and war time experiences...some still alive and some now not...and make a personal opinion to an unknown person here, who proclaims to be "middle of the road"...
1. you cannot be "middle" of anything, (for abortion but against capital punishment...) killing is killing...
2. you cannot be "middle" of politics and have any hope for success. (gray man= unknown= no votes)
3. you cannot be "middle" of life and hope to be accepted by ANYBODY...
4. IF YOU ARE NOT BLUE OR RED:::THEN YOU ARE BOTH BY DEFAULT, but not ready to defend either...making you a parasite and a leach from which SUCKS energy from the system and demands freedom,,,,,but will NOT choose a side from which he will fight for/ or against...
5. BTW, remember what happens when you mix blue with red paint??? IT TURNS BROWN; like the brown shirts from Hitler and Mussolini. (or the color of the feces from most healthy and grown up homo-sapiens...don't know if I would like to be the middle of "red" and "blue" if it just means being brown....Live free, or die fighting for the freedom you call "yours"...Gary (my real name...)
Mr. Parahunter...Your self-righteousness stinks a bit to the "I am sooooo perfect" side of life. I will accept your definition of yourself quite gladly and am also willing to accept your IDEA of who and what I am since you only have read a single para-graph of my writings and you already have decided everything about me in an instant, after all I only took what you wrote and translated it into my definition according to my experiences. You, on the other hand, having soooo many friends (left, right, middle, lib....) to talk to and all of them put up with your side of "middle"??? Kinda reminds me of something my Granddad use to say: diplomacy and conceding in an argument, is the first step to doubting your own standpoint!
Some day you will have to choose; BECAUSE THE "OTHERS" WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO BE IN THE MIDDLE...Good luck. GP
Let’s face it most politicians left and right are power hungry. A lot of them are corrupt and a very small amount actually want to enact positive change or preserve what’s already working. I have lost faith in politics so will generally vote on the lesser of 2 evils, however I will always vote or I have no right to complain. In my opinion politics should have nothing to do with how much money a candidate has and they should be held accountable at the end of their term. If they have not delivered (very few do) on their promises perhaps send them to the Antarctic for 10 years to study algae. That might put a rocket up their backsides to do what they have promised 😉
To correct your flawed paradigm, which I'm sure will fall on blind eyes, yes, you can be middle of the road, and on the fence. You're own experiences are from a certain, broken perspective that fails to be opened minded from other peoples' experiences and life choices. This is, inherently wrong and evil in it's very blindness. It fails from the "walk a mile in one's shoes" perspective and incites ignorance and intolerance, which then lead to war and violence. You, and people like you, accuse others of the very moral short comings you, yourself, are guilty of. Taking a more middle ground to view both perspectives and draw conclusions is a sign of superior intelligence and compassion as well as heightened perspective. As I like to say, when you sit on the fence, you can see the dog **** in both yards on either side of you.

As far as your points;

1. I absolutely can be in the middle of something such as abortion. I choose not to way in against or for abortion as I'm a white male and abortion does not affect me. I'm sure you're scoffing at that, but it's because you've already made up your mind, one way or the other, and have no capability of viewing things otherwise. It's the same as a dog pondering why a puddle is wet when they were sure it was dry. The dog is vexed and confused, but the water is still wet.
2. I can be middle of politics by being bi-partisan, or simply not choosing to vote straight ticket and instead weigh each topic and issue from my own moral and intellectual level.....not based on what my 'party' tells me to choose.
3. I am in the middle of life...and have many friends and allies based on acceptance of both sides, and others. I have very close friends on the right, and I have close friends on the left, and I have close friends who are libertarian, and I have close friends who are liberal and close friends who are very conservative. I have these friends because I am middle and I do not accept them based on politics or unfounded, flawed religious standpoints, but, instead, based on what brings us together on common ground. I am very much not alone.
4. I'm not blue, nor red, nor 'brown'. I am white, neutral, and, like the statue of Justice, blind as I weigh facts and reality. I weigh issues impartially, as I stated above. I do not have to choose a 'side' to make a decision, as infuriating as that makes someone like you and what you're missing is the difference between a side and a decision. Being that I'm not on a 'red or blue' side, I can fight against the opposing side I find to be flawed, treasonous, and unconstitutional, and I can judge that position free of dogmatic view points from one side or the other. That provides me far more freedom than your indoctorinated methodologies.
5. I think I've made myself clear regarding colors, Gary, and my freedoms are my own, without fear or guided misperceptions, or blind faith to an unjust cause.

I am middle, and's the superior stance to take in this political environment, but since this stance isn't 'your' stance, you'll outright reject it and view it as 'evil' or me as 'enemy'. That's fine, I'm here to provide balance against the likes of you, and others ignorant enough to believe this is a war against sides.

-Lee (My real name).
MIDDLE OF THE ROAD,,,,,,it sounds good when you say it but there comes a point when you have to choose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and there are sides to everything other wise there would be no conflict we would all think the same

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