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Fiction! You can still learn from it though.
sure it is fiction,,,,,,but I can see members fighting each other and don't try and tell me this can not happen,,,,,,in a SHTF situation your life long buddy can become your worse enemy,,,the only way I would be part of a group is if it was all family even then I have cousins I would not trust
I am sad to hear something like that GG. Even if I had a choice, I would not really like to be in a group. For those who got a copy of my book, read the section of a group survival situation again. Very hard to keep the control, keep the motivation and over all, keep the fears and anger down to a human level.
I learned from the military, if you have a single unhappy person, give them some down-time, quality-time so they can get back on their feet. BUT, if you have a GROUP of unhappy persons, you have problems!!!
I hope all of you have a small but appropriately trained and motivated group to survive with.
My brother was a Green Beret, I taught him lots more survival than he learned in the Army, especially
psy-ops. He told me a time he was sent on a plane with 2 other teams to an unknown place to train the locals and fight if necessary, like Green Berets are trained to do...
ONLY, after the mission was scrubbed and they were turned around in mid-flight, brought back home and had their de-briefing...did they then realise that there was NOT ONE BLACK PERSON IN ANY OF THE 3 TEAMS....(the mission was to go to Angola)...
Even with the highly trained, motivated and "manly" love between soldiers, there were STILL thoughts in some of those in the chain-of-command___who still had reservations as to how some black soldiers MIGHT HAVE REACTED, if they were one of the last surviving Americans, about to be over-run by (black) Angolans and MAYBE would turn on their own white buddy just to save their own life and act like they "were forced" to come and fight...
Hard stuff to swallow, after the second most hardest training known to American soldiers, hand picked and ready to die for each other...
Who are we, little civilians, ex-soldiers, housewives and such, compared to such professionals??
Our human instincts, our will to live and survive, our love for others and even family; must be put to the test. Go thru FIRE so to say, before we really know how we will act or re-act in a truly dangerous and life-threatening situation. I have seen 12 year-old children fight with a vengence and grown men run and cry like little girls when faced with gunfire...
God bless us all and hope we can avoid the need for such an incident. But only time will tell.
Live free and proud, Gary
A group would have to be pretty darn sharp to interest me in joining. MY family group is all I am interested in joining. Known factors vs. the unknown. For example: My stepson would make a horrible sniper, could not shoot, unless being attacked. My senior son would drop you in your tracks. The known is more important than just numbers.
"Groups" will evolve. Family & extended family will only go so far. Who to trust is the magic. But better to find out know than after STHF.
My group begins and ends with my immediate family. Not my siblings or in-laws, just my immediate family. If it goes to WROL then I will look at local alliances, not enrollment, rather alliances. My BOL is extremely rural and those people LIVE prepping, so that is who I would consider
My group begins and ends with my immediate family. Not my siblings or in-laws, just my immediate family. If it goes to WROL then I will look at local alliances, not enrollment, rather alliances. My BOL is extremely rural and those people LIVE prepping, so that is who I would consider
Same here. It's just my husband and myself at our rural cabin. My family has all passed away; His is pretty distant as well as non-communicative for many years now. Our place is extremely remote, nearly to the end of a gravel dead-end county road, with only maybe 12 families total the entire length of the 3-4 mile road. The family (and their elderly parents) at the dead end sold us our place (the elder parents used to homestead our place). She's a vet over in College Station, musician by night; he's a phone lineman that's often out of town for hurricane/disaster repair duty. His father, retired navy, was an electrician with HL&P in Houston before he finally retired from working. He hand cleared and built our cabin himself from the ground up (plumbing, septic lines, wired and pulled electric onto the property). They homesteaded there for 20 or more years before first renting awhile and then finally deciding to sell the property. We might form a security alliance with him, his son & daughter-in-law (the vet) and the horse rancher across the road to seal off our end of the road if things got that bad. The old man's daughter and husband live near us, too. Not sure what skills they might bring to a security alliance. We have met absolutely nobody else on the road closer to the tiny town we're nearest to.
sure it is fiction,,,,,,but I can see members fighting each other and don't try and tell me this can not happen,,,,,,in a SHTF situation your life long buddy can become your worse enemy,,,the only way I would be part of a group is if it was all family even then I have cousins I would not trust
Every family reunion I've went to ended in at the very least cursing at each other.

The Irish side of the clan would Fight the Scots, because it's the biggest mixup the world has ever seen.

Imagine if we had to live together.
We might form a security alliance with him, his son & daughter-in-law (the vet) and the horse rancher across the road to seal off our end of the road if things got that bad.
Morning Buttoni, try and get a plan on how to make a "fake" road leading into nature somewhere and plan to drop some trees in the right place to cover the road to your BOL. Find the right place and materials to cover all tracks and roads even near your place, disguise, camoflage and then take a look from all other possible detection-directions...GP
Something like that might work, but only if everyone down at our end of the road were willing to go along with it. It's the only way to access their property. There are no back ways to get to any of them, not even by creek/river. Solid woods around there. So I don't think hiding their only road in/out with TREES is possible. That said, right where our road begins/forks off of the connecting county road, now THAT might be doable, provided EVERYONE on our dead end of the road were willing. Since some are elderly, and might need clinic/hospital care, don't know if they would go along with such a plan or not. The removal of the camoflage, perhaps with some sort of movable gate, would have to be easy. We have considered such things, as well as rises in the terrain both on our property, on nearby properties, and the road entry itself.
Same with my property.... 3.5 miles in through deep deep woods and only the same 3.5 miles out.... 3 houses along that stretch..... it will be a very, very long 3.5 miles out for the wrong people
No extended family except my kids significant others and kids, if they have any.
I have a set of neighbors who are welcomed to join us and their kids. They are from longtime farming families.
Have a welder friend who is a real McGyver, and a scrapper, he and his family are welcomed also.
Anyone else is SOL.

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