The Economy+ rant about ignorance (2 in 1 deal!)

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Awesome Friend
Mar 14, 2013
hey all, ive been wondering about this for some time now... What exactly happens if the US defaults on its debt? Im not sure how this works exactly for a nation... The debts approaching 17 trillion dollars, and it doesnt take a genius to figure out that at some point, this is all going to come crashing down. There is a point where it is simply impossible to pay back the debt (waiving all idiotic ideas big brother might come up with), and the economy will receive its final blow.

BEGIN RANT*************************

The most annoying part of this has to be that most just deny this.... Even my girlfriend, when attempting to bring up a subject such as this, just dismisses the idea of any bad possibilities. I always ask, "what happens then?" and the response is "I just hope it doesnt happen while im alive...". That last sentence is the killer.... HOPE can create a life of bliss... and youve just said youre scared of it, so why not prep a little? I guess it just bothers me how people just stare at a problem, and decide to walk away and say "Oh, someone else will handle that" La dee da dee da.

Furthermore, some people who prep say "ohh, if you knew what i know, youd see this coming," and act like some kind of oracle, but thats just it, anyone can get this info. Just look at the debt clock and thats about all you need to see that theres something wrong here. I know its kind of a rant here, but I cant seem to get people to understand this. Most agree the debts a problem, but dont seem to care.... I dont know... My more religious friends say "God will take care of me," and from here, i tell a story of a man stuck in a flood, where everyone warns him to leave, but the man keeps saying "God will save me, im ok." Well, the flood killed him, and he asked God "Why didnt you save me?" God's response "I sent everyone I could to warn you... What more do you want?" Were messengers warning of an impending catastrophe... and most decide to sit and stare

(im not saying we're God's messengers either, some may be offended if I claim to be some messenger, but im just using the story as an analogy)

END RANT****************

I wont stop trying to spur this thought within people to warn them, but I have accepted that my success will be limited. Though helping one person makes it all worth it, cause it may just save their life.

Thanks for reading, I know its a big rant, but you stuck through it all! Give yourself a pat on the back :D From me to you!
When the govt. is broke, they can't pay out all the checks to the nonworking , dependents that have been sucking off the govt. tit for decades..................those folks are going to get hungry.....and because you are the cause of their problems ,they are going to take your stuff owe them.
Let's see....broke nation with the world's most powerful military and the threat of MAD almost off the table.... Doesn't seem like rocket science to guess the best course of action. IMPERIALISM! ;)

So, naturally, the rest of the world sees this too, so has been doing all it can to PREVENT the fall of the US economy...because if it does, it means we put that military to USE. :tank:
you've made a good point there tntboy..i've talked with a couple of ppl some what about how things are..and thier the same way as your other words they beleave that the so callled government will fix it and/or take good care of other words.they beleave any type of econemy collapse wont happen..but yet they watch the news and see whats happening.not only here in usa,but other countrys as's like thier liveing in a dream world,and they refuse to wake up to the real world..and my mom is one of those very people..she dont like how im stocking up on food that'll last longer then any meat where home canning aint's like they see a car accident take place.but yet they still dont beleave that it did take place..
I watch people spend money on the stupidest **** every week when I'm set up at the market. Things that anyone should have the knowledge to make or grow for themselves. Seriously. I sell bread. $5 a loaf. Now I'm going to be honest I would never spend that much on bread, but I sell out every week. I make soap and I sell that too, I'd never pay what I charge for it, but people do and it never ceases to amaze me that people don't realize that they could do this themselves. I have one woman who shows up every week to buy 5 pies to take to church with her the next day. Those pies are $10 each and I can tell you that they sure don't cost me anywhere near that to make, but it's the convenience for her and she's bringing something homemade and not store bought.

In some ways I feel bad about selling at the market because I know how crappy the economy is right now, but I need the money it generates to help my family. I guess I'm not really making any point, just rambling on a bit. I see these people in their designer everything paying $2 for a single tomato, $5 for a loaf of bread, $3 for a pound of green beans and I just shake my head because they are living in a land of dreams where unicorns fart rainbows and **** skittles, when it completely goes to hell, they won't have a clue as to what to do.
Well, they are paying for the time for you to do all of that. Presumably, they do something different with their time, which is why they pay you for the convenience. You shouldn't feel guilty at all. They could just as easily spend the time themselves or go to the supermarket and get a $1 loaf of bread or a $8 frozen pie. But, they don't, they choose to pay for quality vs. spending either the time themselves or getting cheaper items. This is a conscious choice they made. This is how THEY chose to allocate their resources. No guilt on you for that.
anorak, sounds like you have yourself a little business venture! Im glad that it works well for you, and as we all know, people pay for convenience!

Gazrok- I guess imperialism would make sense now that you put it that way. The only issue is that the world is a little better connected, and i feel like there would be some much bigger repercussions than there were some time ago. Most countries would see whats going on, and probably unite to try and beat the US and take their claim at whats left.

jimLE- well said. I just wish people werent so flippin ignorant... Plus, prepping is kinda fun, it reverts to a much simpler way of life :D

Realisticdude- I like your statement about how i owe them, because sadly, most truely believe we do owe them... Ive helped at a homeless shelter to serve breakfast, and you can tell which ones are which. About half of the people i meet are EXTREMELY grateful, always thanking us before, during, and after eating. Then theres the others, the ones who stare at us and have that look that says, "Thats it? Dont i get anymore?" and those people are the ones i dont enjoy serving at all...

Trapper- Ive figured this all out over time, I just wish others took a little time to pull their heads out of their butts, and look and see whats going on. Unfortunately , this country has become an overwhelming place where apathy and lack of concern run ramp-id.... and there seems to be no way to revert it back... Its all about not offending someone, and giving up your own beliefs to cater to another... Ive met a handful of people who have stood their ground in a heated argument, and told the other person "No, i do not accept your beliefs. I see where you come from, but i refuse to let you bulldoze my beliefs over so you can feel good." Those are the people that i admire for standing their ground, and still trying to be respectful.
I know I shouldn't feel guilty about it, I suppose it's just how I was raised. And I do quality work, I am not ashamed to say that at all and as a result I have repeat customers weekly who know that they can make special requests and get them filled if it's within my ability.
Gazrok- I guess imperialism would make sense now that you put it that way. The only issue is that the world is a little better connected, and i feel like there would be some much bigger repercussions than there were some time ago. Most countries would see whats going on, and probably unite to try and beat the US and take their claim at whats left.

I'm not saying we'd WANT to do it, but if it was that or starve...well, we won't go quietly. As for them uniting...look at the stats. Even without nukes, the odds are not greatly in their favor. Logistics (force projection) and geographic isolation is the key to US power and defense. We wouldn't be without allies either. Not saying it would be easy, but if it came down to it, and we threw behind it (like we did in WWI and WWII), then we'd put a lot of past empires to shame...if we really committed to doing old school imperialism. (which is highly unlikely by the way...but this is a "what if").

Add in nukes, and it's a pretty sealed deal. Most folks haven't bothered to check, but the world arsenal of readied nukes is pretty slim when compared to the cold war figures. And, most other nations' nukes are OLD, many with 80's electronics still in play. The US constantly retrofits its readied nukes. The Soviets have done some refitting, but a small percentage.

Of course, let's all hope this never has to be put to the test....

Unfortunately , this country has become an overwhelming place where apathy and lack of concern run ramp-id.... and there seems to be no way to revert it back.

Another factor though, is that people are too busy just trying to survive to pay much attention to things that don't affect (as they see it) that daily survival. If they do turn on the news, they want escape, not real news. So, they show us Miley twerking instead of how we're going to launch missiles at Syria in clear violation of international law.