The Flu; To Flu Shot Or Not To Flu Shot

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Prepping Goddess
Dec 13, 2012
Okay, I've been dog sick for the last 5-6 days, figured it was a cold that turned into a sinus infection. Finally saw my doc this afternoon.

It's a new strain of flu that is going through our area like wildfire. My youngest was home all last week with what we thought was a bad cold, she started to feel better so she went to school today. Had to go pick her up this morning, she was dizzy, running a temp, nauseas, achy, the whole enchilada. Apparently I got the plague from her. Talking to the doctor, he tells me that this strain is taking people up to a month to recover fully, it's very easy to relapse as my daughter did apparently.

So while sick, my ear started leaking clear fluid down the side of my neck. The doctor confirmed what I had suspected; perforated ear drum. Yay me.

Anyhow, if you had your flu shot this year, it isn't going to do squat to protect you from this strain. I had mine and I'm laid out now.
I could be wrong with this but the flu shot isn't really very accurate is it? I mean from what I understand it's their best guess of which flu is going to be kicking around this year. And also, if you start taking the flu shot you ALWAYS have to keep getting it or else you get it worse.

Could be old wives tales, but I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu.
This is the first time in nearly 15 years that I've had the flu and I've had the shot yearly due to scarring on my lungs. Can't do lung infections very well, the last one I had ended up with me in the hospital for about a week.
Okay, I've been dog sick for the last 5-6 days, figured it was a cold that turned into a sinus infection. Finally saw my doc this afternoon.

It's a new strain of flu that is going through our area like wildfire. My youngest was home all last week with what we thought was a bad cold, she started to feel better so she went to school today. Had to go pick her up this morning, she was dizzy, running a temp, nauseas, achy, the whole enchilada. Apparently I got the plague from her. Talking to the doctor, he tells me that this strain is taking people up to a month to recover fully, it's very easy to relapse as my daughter did apparently.

So while sick, my ear started leaking clear fluid down the side of my neck. The doctor confirmed what I had suspected; perforated ear drum. Yay me.

Anyhow, if you had your flu shot this year, it isn't going to do squat to protect you from this strain. I had mine and I'm laid out now.
I hope you get well very soon, and your kid is doing well!
I do NOT get flu shots as it is my understanding that the flu shot only treats the strain from the prior year.
I usually get the flu every 10 - 15 years.
That may well be the case Clydesdale. For me, I get it to hopefully help stave of something worse.
The reason I posted was to let parents know that this strain isn't presenting like most flus, so if a kiddo starts feeling punky you have a heads up on what it may be and can get Tamiflu for them. I feel horrible that my girl's sick and I can only relieve her symptoms instead of making her better because we thought it was just a cold.
We gave her a hot toddy before she went to bed, so hoping that will help. I'm going to make one for myself here in a minute.

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