The Global Carbon Tax Revolt

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Sep 7, 2013
The Global Carbon Tax Revolt
The French are the latest to refuse to sacrifice growth for green piety.
France’s violent Yellow Vest protests are now about many domestic concerns, but it’s no accident that the trigger was a fuel-tax hike. Nothing reveals the disconnect between ordinary voters and an aloof political class more than carbon taxation.
It is easy for some over paid bureaucrat to want to the poor and under paid citizens. Her is a like to just how hypocritical these people are.

UN Climate Summit To Emit More CO2 Than 8,200 American Homes Do in a Year

This year’s United Nations climate summit will have a carbon footprint equivalent to the yearly electricity usage of more than 8,200 American households, according to the international body’s own figures.

The U.N. estimates the summit, called COP24, will emit 55,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide — the very greenhouse gas U.N. officials are trying to keep from accumulating in the atmosphere.

Based on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency figures, that’s the equivalent of more than 11,700 cars driving for one year or 728 tanker trucks worth of gasoline. That amount of CO2 emissions is also the same as 8,243 American homes for an entire year, according to EPA.

However, that’s a low-ball estimate because it only includes the emissions from the conference itself, and not emissions associated with the thousands of people who flew to the meeting in Katowice, Poland. More than a few summit-goers, including celebrities, likely flew private jets.

When those emissions are factored in, COP24’s carbon footprint is likely much higher, according to environmental economist Richard Tol.