The Ladies

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That's true. Including an older lady at the fitness center who's husband is going to need to take a blue pill tonight.
i told goes across multiple states too.

james rockford and debbie dentist are like a tornado affecting lives all over !
It got late faster than we wanted it to and the time arrived for us to set off for her apartment. As we made our way through town we talked more about the night and her performance. She asked me if I liked the song she sang. Slightly puzzled as I had done nothing but praise her performance I said “Yes, of course, I have been telling you that for hours.” She said I misunderstood and asked if I liked the original song, the actual song by the band 10cc. I told her I had heard it before and it was a really good song. She began to tell me all about the band and how they made music using styles and instruments no one else was using at the time. Then she told me how the idea for the song came into the band’s lead singers mind. The song was apparently written in response to his wife’s comment that he didn’t express his love to her often enough. The band member, feeling guilty, countered that if he said “I love you” all the time, the phrase would lose its meaning and its intensity. And thus “I’m not in love” was his way of telling her that when he did say it, he really meant it. The lady then, with less enthusiasm, mentioned that for a large part of her life she would say it because it was “just what you say” even if you don’t really feel it. But the next time she says it, she will say it with purpose and she will truly mean it. After a short period of silence I responded by saying “I don’t think people should ever say something that powerful unless they are being completely honest with the words”. I also confessed that those words have never really been in my vocabulary before, but one never knew what the future held.
I find songs like this confusing. I am a very straight forward person. I remember Groucho Marx on the television when I was a kid. I thought he was a mean person. I just didn't understand his sense of humor. Just like the song my recently deceased friend sang about his son, "I Ain't Missing you At All." It is the reverse of what he meant.
I find songs like this confusing. I am a very straight forward person. I remember Groucho Marx on the television when I was a kid. I thought he was a mean person. I just didn't understand his sense of humor. Just like the song my recently deceased friend sang about his son, "I Ain't Missing you At All." It is the reverse of what he meant.

I was a touch confused myself. Then again I am always a little unsure about what's happening in this lady's head. Fortunately she explained it to me so we were on the same page, something I predict will just become automatic as we move forward. She can do the thinking and I will lift heavy things.

She is currently setting up auto-pay through my checking account to pay my bills, which are now limited to car insurance, renters insurance, a few memberships and a few monthly donations. Earlier this week she cancelled my streaming services, utilities and other stuff. Stuff she actually likes doing. Weird.
It's beef jerky flowers with beef stick bases. It was actually really fresh and tasty. I liked it more than I would have liked actual flowers. Of course now it's in a zip lock bag since I don't want stale or dusty jerky, but I still have the cup!

The lady has a set food budget and both her and her daughter can add things to the list al week then boom it shows up. This keeps them from going over that firm budget and according to her, spend less money.

The grocery people deliver the food in cloth bags to the door, she has to bring it in and put it away. The cleaning people on the other hand are in every nook and cranny. Weirds me out too. I am either going to start cleaning the place myself or I am going to mandate I be here when they come to clean. Already have two cameras up, adding three more. Already got one in the hallway without anyone noticing.
People do get stuff stolen by cleaning people and other people who come into their homes. I know someone who had a pair of diamond earrings stolen.

Actually, I know two people who have had diamond earrings stolen. When my niece, who is in the Army, moved to Hawaii, there are people who move you in and completely set up your place. After they left, she left to go get groceries. When she got back, several things were gone, including her diamond earrings. It had to be people who were involved in moving her in. Someone had to be a lookout.
People do get stuff stolen by cleaning people and other people who come into their homes. I know someone who had a pair of diamond earrings stolen.

Actually, I know two people who have had diamond earrings stolen. When my niece, who is in the Army, moved to Hawaii, there re people who move you in and completely set up your place. After they left, she left to go get groceries. When she got back, several things were gone, including her diamond earrings. It had to be people who were involved in moving her in. Someone had to be a lookout.

The lady hasn't had any issues to date, but she does have a fire-resistant safe in her closet that she keeps her jewelry, important papers and other stuff in. I only have a pistol safe in the drawer next to my side of the bed, the long guns are just under the bed in cases except the one in the shower. I still need a small 8-10 long gun safe to mount in the hall closet. Either way I think I would prefer to be here when they come clean.
I have taken MANY a job from dishonest cleaning people!!😉
I know that there are people who have no respect for people's privacy or property.

I have one pair of clients whose dogs I have been seeing for about 7 years. I have a job to do. I go in, let the dogs out to do their business, feed them, make sure they have water, or whatever it is that they want me to do. I had been watching their dogs for a couple years. One day they asked me to go upstairs to do something. I told them I had never been upstairs, because I had no reason to go up there, so they would need to give me a little more information. I know that is shocking to some, because there are some mighty nosy and snoopy people in this world. They told me about all the things they had previously experienced from dog sitters. Their gun, in one drawer had been messed with. I don't open drawers, doors, etc., so I wouldn't know. I do think that some people I work for have cameras and microphones, and I always behave as though I am being watched, not that I like the idea of being watched, but people have to protect themselves with strangers in their homes. They need to have someone who is trustworthy. I do my best to be that. Do I make some mistakes? Of course, I am human. I try to tell on myself when I have failed.
@Weedygarden @Pearl

So here's the dirt on the cleaning service. It's not a private person but a business and from the sounds of it, a large business, contracted through the apartment complex. They show up as a crew of 3 with one of them being a supervisor. To work there they must have a clean background and a good work history. They are allowed to open the refrigerator but are not allowed to open cabinets or drawers unless specified on the work sheet. The lady was provided a long list of services to select from so they only clean areas that she wants cleaned. Her and her daughter each have a programmable safe, which apparently came with the apartment, and everything valuable is stored in them. It's been over 3 years and they have never had anything stolen, oddly moved or missing. They have had a few minor complaints about service but usually they just missed some small area. The lady wants to keep the service but is willing to let it go if I hate the idea of strangers roaming around. I have until Tuesday to think it over as they arrive again on Wednesday.
The universe decided to reverse UNO me today at the fitness center and there were like a dozen 20-something females wearing non-concealing outfits working out and prancing all about. And a couple of them had iPhone's on mounts to record their workouts. I think the gym is the new strip club. I need to figure out the "schedule" of this place and come workout when there is less people around.
I look good in every outfit. I think I would prefer a maid's outfit to an air force uniform though, more manly.
With Heels...?!? 🤣
The universe decided to reverse UNO me today at the fitness center and there were like a dozen 20-something females wearing non-concealing outfits working out and prancing all about. And a couple of them had iPhone's on mounts to record their workouts. I think the gym is the new strip club. I need to figure out the "schedule" of this place and come workout when there is less people around.
Yeah, RIGHT...?!?
@Weedygarden @Pearl

So here's the dirt on the cleaning service. It's not a private person but a business and from the sounds of it, a large business, contracted through the apartment complex. They show up as a crew of 3 with one of them being a supervisor. To work there they must have a clean background and a good work history. They are allowed to open the refrigerator but are not allowed to open cabinets or drawers unless specified on the work sheet. The lady was provided a long list of services to select from so they only clean areas that she wants cleaned. Her and her daughter each have a programmable safe, which apparently came with the apartment, and everything valuable is stored in them. It's been over 3 years and they have never had anything stolen, oddly moved or missing. They have had a few minor complaints about service but usually they just missed some small area. The lady wants to keep the service but is willing to let it go if I hate the idea of strangers roaming around. I have until Tuesday to think it over as they arrive again on Wednesday.
A couple of things to consider: if you do take over cleaning, or think you want to, make sure you ask the daughter. There may be things on her end she doesn't want you to clean. Just suggesting you run it by her. If you keep the cleaning service, you can always make the lady's bedroom and bathroom off limit and you clean those areas!
I look good in every outfit. I think I would prefer a maid's outfit to an air force uniform though, more manly.
Usually wear Heels, do You need Visual Aids...?!?
I work in houses where there are cleaning ladies. I have never seen one dressed like that, ever. The cleaning lady I saw yesterday was wearing jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt.

The cleaning service wears uniforms. They look kind of like navy blue medical scrubs with the business logo and name embroidered on the front. Some also wear a navy blue apron that also bears the logo and name. I have seen them in the hallways pushing carts.
WoW, didn't even get a shot to answer that ?

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