Sorry to hear it. Have had a string of bad luck myself already. Had one of our cats die (the runt), and just last night, some idiot ran into my rear and sent my truck fishtailing all over the interstate. Almost spun us right into the concrete divider, but I somehow pulled it out, and kept us from hitting it, or flipping. I drive a tank, so he didn't do much damage, but the ******* fled the scene (and I couldn't even see a description, as during the time, I was trying to steer and keep us alive).
Some real idiot cops (FL Highway Patrol) too. They were on the other side of the road when it happened. They seem to doubt my story as they didn't see the vehicle, even though the fresh (but minor) damage was obvious on the truck. Like they thought I just lost control for some reason? I never even saw the guy either, just felt the impact when he hit us and knocked us off kilter (I was too busy focusing on the skid). (and then saw the damage from where he hit us). They made zero effort to even send someone up the road and look for the culprit. ********.