The TRUE face of Black Lives Matter

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Ya, after it is all said and done now the store fronts get protection, I also read that almost all protesters that were arrested had out of state drivers license I also seen ****** sharpton face on the news, this whole thing stinks, just like unions... lets truck in the thugs, I have absolutely no sympathy, respect for their cause nor plight. It is all of their own making not the COPs not the white man period, this fire is fed by the man in the white house, the left and the professional agitators such as sharton.
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Read the Wikileaks emails, and you'll see exactly what this is all about.

The whole movement was started by George Soros and pals to have the public clamoring for a Federalized police force. And it's going to work.
Soros has his hands in everything that's deceiving and corrupt, he has been the puppet master for years and that includes his kids, all you have to do is look up 'Open Society Foundation' and the now defunct 'Secretary of State Project' supported by the Open Society Foundation. One can see how far reaching and influential his foundations truly are! Now, if you are a strong believer in the Holy Scriptures, soros makes for a good candidate for the anti-Christ... in spades!

In my opinion he is the most dangerous human on planet earth today.

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