The TRUE face of the European migrant crisis

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oh,how I hate Turkey too..those wankers are playing both sides.....
It's disgusting that these people expect and demand a free ride! What's even more disgusting is that there are people who feel the need to help these people. This would all stop if governments weren't so generous with the tax payers money. Cut off all handouts to these people and maybe they'd go home and fight to fix their own problems. Turn them around at the point of a bayonet.
like that bayonet idea..very much!!
oh it's hair raising what some left-dogodders say and do here,whenever my blood preassure is low,I'll fix it by reading some of their ideas ;)
been thinking when the police in Austria warns about possible terrorist activity in Europe this incoming new year,what could be better in timeing,hoards of drunk people an all,so many soft targets,well hate to say but it's true,my own country is a big soft one and I have very little trust in my police here..that so-called inteligence police is a,well a joke

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