The truth about radioactive half-life and it's horrid

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The Man

Super Friend
Oct 25, 2017
Northern Canada, Yellowknife
Amateur Radio Call Sign
The truth about radioactive half-life, and how horrific it really is outside the laboratory, in the real world. (Radioactive Material) Some other similar things talked about too. Gun rights 3 or 4 paragraphs down. A new prospective, totally new.

Also new information about medical community added and other things like. Have millions of sexual assault victims (males) been charged with a hate crime? Also when I talk in the attached file about doctors saying "you may get a flare up later on in life". He is saying "I'm not going to give you enough antibiotics to make sure your infection is really cleared up. I want you to get sick later on in life." You are still a income stream for him or her. You may even get really sick and have serious complications, especially if your infection makes you feel and or be weaken or exhausted. Then the doctor will get your life savings, and then lots of taxpayer money or insurance money. Lots of unnecessary, pain and suffering, for you, and your family. Worst, in some ways, if they do these things to your loved ones.

Also, you are suppose to take all your antibiotics and drugs, so as not help spread antibiotic resistant bacteria and drug resistant diseases and such. Apparently having them stay in your body, and maybe become antibiotic resistant is OK though. Out of a million people like your loved ones, many will have this happen. More money for the medical community though, and that's all that matters to politicians and bureaucrats, because of institutionalized corruption, throughout the entire government. The law, will not hold them accountable, because we do not have the rule or law any longer. Just the rule of force and fear, that's just for us though. Wait and see.

Where is the press, the liberal press? Why are they not screaming at the top of there lungs, or the rest of the press? Because they are no better. Why? Do you dare to speak about these issues out loud? Is it that bad already? Will it get better, or worst, for you and your family, under the tender loving care of the government? Just politician and bureaucrats, people.

I think politicians and there business interest right now, in the medical community, in various countries, are trying to figure out, what they can do to not disturb there income streams (prescriptions, etc). Well, and look like they are doing there job. Well or not. Maybe a show trial on TV, or movies, so you can pretend, and computer games.

In order to convince the public that nuclear power is safe, a politically correct version of half-life was created by the USA government (politicians and the military for money and fear). So, that they could create weapons grade radioactive material in massive amounts. Many nuclear weapons have been made and used, including by other countries like Britain, France and the Russia. Ten thousand plus each, by the USA and Russia alone, have been detonated, lots above ground, until scientist in mass, started complaining about the background radiation levels increasing, on the entire planet. How bad is it really, to make even government scientists complain? Other countries too, were detonating nuclear weapons.Lucky for us, politicians and the military have to live on earth too.

The press should “label” silencers as “noise reducers” or “mufflers” of dB sound levels. After all it’s the real world we live in, and not the movie and TV show fantasy worlds. They are still loud, especially on rifles. Of course, once you get an expensive silencer, you are going to start running around, and killing people right, because that’s what you do, when you own a silencer right? Well everyone else, but not you, if you owned one. That’s what you have been taught and think right? Scary to think, of people around you, owning a silencer, and there are lots of people in America anyway, who do too. You don’t really care to buy one, do you? But if you did, you would start running around and killing people, right? All a silencer really is, is a muffler will a hole in the baffles for the bullet to pass through.

Is fear, a good enough reason to take a persons’ right to buy a silencer? Personally, on an emotional level, I do find silencers a little scary. Because I have never used one, being a Canadian. I will never will allowed to, because we all become mass murders, as soon as we have a silencer. Being Canadian, not having silencers, stops us from becoming mass murders, apparently. That one thing alone (non-possession). Well, mass murder using silencers anyway. (It's true, the fantasy TV shows, showed us and movies) Same with “high capacity” clips or magazines. There are other ways to commit mass murder, as the government well knows. Freedom, real freedom, has a price. I wish it did not, but it does.

Is it not interesting, that mostly U.S.A. TV shows (with gun violence), in NATO countries anyway, teach us, what socialist politicians, in other countries, and there own. Well, what they want us to believe, and how to act. Like to act, grossly dangerous, in lots of occasions, when involving guns. How many people with no experience with firearms, like children, does this kill? Other things to of course, get taught to us, that suits politicians interests.

So some supposed anti-gun person, does things on TV and in the movies, to get people killed, by guns, with guns. He or she knows, in some cases anyway, what they are doing. Also to do to get funding maybe easier, and maybe, even gets told, to add or change something. Like part of a script, or a shot or scene. A weirdo, who thinks it OK, if people die, to push that persons agenda.A narcissist "you see, you just don't understand, but I do, so I'm going to do this, because I can." Or something happened to them, or a family member (crusaders), so everyone else must suffer to. Or just paid to do it.

So, if I fear my government, and justly so, or not, do I get to take away there “rights” over us? What about the rest of us, the citizens? Can the citizens take away there “rights” over us? If the government commits crimes against it’s citizens, and gets away with it. Do we need to, take away the “rights” of all of them? Like they do to us when a politician or bureaucrats get attacked, or even just threatened? When that person commits a crime against the government (politician or bureaucrats), and is charged, with a crime, and punished? Should we have it, so that they do not even get charged, with a crime instead? Like it is today for politician and bureaucrats?

What about taking away their “high capacity” magazines, or full auto weapons, or all their weapons, and silencers they have? What about being in charge of law enforcement, should they be and the courts? Should we take away their heavy belt feed machine guns, bombers? What about there “right” to tax us? To be in charge of us, you know there “right” to be in charge of us. Lord over us? You know, the criminals, A.K.A. politicians and such, in the government.
See attached link. 2 attached files. For more info.

Do you think management at the newspaper here where I use to work, are the biggest F Ups in human history? For making me like this. Or just close to it, for a newspaper anyway?


So there has been another mass shooting. In LA this time. I've been thinking about what people can do to somewhat protect themselves, and empower themselves at the same time. As to not feel completely hopeless, and helpless, in the face of a mass shooting. At the same time, not be completely at that person, or persons mercy. Since most likely, you or a family member, will not have a gun to fight back with, for example.

If you did have a gun, the police, would almost certainly, consider you a threat to be dealt with. With immediate and overwhelming violence. Unless, lots of people there have guns. Then they don't treat you, or anyone else, with immediate and overwhelming violence, unless you are the mass shooter of course. Assuming someone else didn't deal with you. That's how it works. Most likely it wasn't a mass shooting then. Just another shooting, reported by the press, and down played in importance. No one will even know, how many people were going to be killed by that person in that case. Because of a gun in the right hands.

You are actually safer, if a concealed carry armed person, gets into a gun fight with a mass murder, than if the police get into a gun fight, with that mass murder. The concealed carry person or license holder, has to worry about shooting innocent bystanders, and going to prison.

The police do not have to worry about shooting innocent bystanders, (lots of people) and going to prison. So concealed carry license holders, are much more careful, than law enforcement, in an engagement with a mass shooter. That makes it safer, for you, and your family, and other loved ones, if they are around, and not law enforcement. Well when it comes to actually dealing with the mass shooter threats. Actually, anyone who knows how to properly use a firearm, is safer, than law enforcement to be around, because of law enforcement "unaccountably" not going to jail, or prison, while concealed carry license holders, or regular citizens, have to spend there life saving, to stay free, at least during, the trail.

Simply by having law enforcement charge those honest law abiding concealed carry license holders (citizens) unjustly. That citizen, looses there life savings, at least. So law enforcement, does that sometimes, in my opinion. To scare people, who want to be a concealed carry holders, and to convince the general public, that in the long run.

The government wants you to believe. Only law enforcement, can be trusted with firearms. First for self defense situations, involving firearms, should law enforcement be, only trusted with lethal force, like Canada. Then in all circumstances, only should law enforcement (the government) be trusted with firearms, like Canada. So as to have everyone completely disarmed eventually. They always want you to compromise, that means, you loose more of your gun rights as time goes by. You always loose defense warfare in the end. As you give up more and more.

The only logical reason the government, would want the law abiding public disarmed, is because, they want to do things, to the general law abiding public, that would make, those politicians in power believe. Well, that the general law abiding public must be disarmed, in order for politicians, to be able to carry out, those plans. Whatever those plans are. Basically, they think, if you had firearms, you would resist there plans, they want to put into motion, again you, and your family, and every body else. Against you, the general law abiding public. Look at what we put up with already.

To empower yourself, and your family, in this situation (a mass shooting). You and your family might want to make up "thought experiments" of what you and they would do in these situations. More importantly, eventually what you and family would do to increase the likely hood of being safe "not going to places where concealed carry is not allowed" for example. To knowing where the exits are. To knowing where a sniper type person would attack from. Then you know right away, where to go, so he can not see you, and shoot at you, or family members.

If you know where the exits are, and someone comes in a exit shooting, you go in the opposite direction, to get out, through another exit.

What legally allowed tools, could you bring with you to help you stay alive, or the same for your family? How about monoculars, or binoculars, to see whats happening far away. Distance can be safety for you and family. It can give you more time to react to a situation, and make a better decision. How about pocket transceivers for you and your family, if the cells phones are not working right now (flooded lines). Where to go after a emergency. A safety rally point, with a e-mail and phone number to call, on a card, they carry, and you carry. Carry some critical first-aid supplies. How about smoke grenades (smoke generators) to throw upwind to provide you with a smoke screen if you have no choice, but to cross open ground, with shot people still there. Etc. Tape up spoon or striker, on smoke grenade, for a extra layer of accident protection, from setting off by accident. In a vehicle, driving down the street, for example.

If the government does not allow you or family to have, smoke grenades for example. It's because your government, wants you, and your family, to feel helpless, and more importantly, actually be helpless, or more helpless. Also to get a higher body count, which they like to parade on the news, to push there anti-gun agenda. They give you no options, but no guns for you. That's what it means, you get to have no guns. When they say it's about taking the guns away from the "bad" people. The laws apply to you, and your family, the "bad" people they are talking about and "that is" what they want. The general, law abiding public, disarmed.

I think people should get some self administered violence inoculation training. Some experience with violence and extreme violence eventually. There is at least 2 movie fights scenes, one a shootout, and one a knife fight. People should watch them, over and over again. Especially if you find them shocking. To somewhat anyway, inoculate yourself and family against, extreme acts of violence. Better than nothing. Out of a million people, more would remain functional or "more functional" during extreme violence situations. Not go into shock basically. Just 2 examples, much more can be done. Self training and other training.

Heat shootout scene. Knew after that movie, new gun laws would be made, and they were. For a fake gun shootout.

The man from nowhere knife fight scene with some gun violence. Some swearing.

Again watch these scenes over and over again, over a period of months anyway. Do scenarios and such. Do them on paper to. Use real life areas like your local mall, where your family goes, and spends lots of time, outside of home. Schools, malls, movie theaters, etc. Locally.

I talk about Labrador some, in one of these files, and how hard it was for the people there. Here is a public domain audio book below, called "Lure of the Labrador Wild". Have you ever heard about people, having to eat there own leather boots, and or belts. Well this is the place where it happened. One place in Canada anyway. Just one story.

Cannabis legalization in Canada.
Why it is very important, to have small size grow ops, and personal sales. Even if it is just one person, growing and or selling.

First of all, we do not want the government, having yet another defacto monopoly getting most of the profits for politicians and there business interests (friends). (Billions of dollars). They will start making, via function creep, breaking laws growing person usage Cannabis, a more and more serious offense. Simply to protect there own profit making. Also to help keep the jail and prisons full with nonviolent offenders, and to scare people from growing Cannabis at all. A monopoly for each province. Various Cartels country wide basically, pretending not to be monopolies in each province or territory. Instead of hit men, the police show up.

Billions of dollars, a year, or every few years, would be a really nice cottage industry, country wide for Canadians. All taxed. Then it's official government tax income. All kinds of spin-off industries to, nation wide. Jobs, jobs, jobs. No "tax exempt" corporations making huge profits, and not paying taxes this way.

Say for example, you are allowed to have 5 plants growing at one time. You buy some seeds. Because you have too, all the time. Since you have so few plants and well you can't just look at a seed, and tell if it's still alive or not, or male or female. Females only produce THC. Lets say they get wet some how, and 2 of those seeds, costing hundreds of dollars each, now sprout.

The police come to your house for some reason. Maybe someone doesn't like you, and wets them down on purpose. You have 5 plants growing and 2 have just sprouted. The police interpret that as having 7 plants, instead of the allowed 5 plants.

As the years have gone by, politicians have make it a more and more, of a serious crime, to break these laws, not rules, not regulations, when it comes to us, the people. Now you loose everything, because of drugs laws, and you will probably go to prison. Now, also having a criminal record, and a serious one. No job for you. Not even washing dished, you drug dealer, or whatever you are.

That is a simplistic reason, but a important one. Well, why anybody should be able to grow and sell Cannabis, once legalized, in any amount. As long as they pay the required taxes. Reasonable taxes or business taxes.

There is a more important reason why, anybody should be able to grow and sell. Without the permission of the government, to grow and sell Cannabis. First, it is OK to make some money, to help pay off your mortgage, or to be able to get one. Making some money "profits" does not make you a bad person. Maybe you just want to grow your own. That's OK too.

But the real reason anybody should be able to grow Cannabis, and at the same time make profits, is for experimentation. Especially medical experimentation. Corporations like to show on TV, for basically PR reasons, some person or persons, in a lab coat, doing some type or research, or pretending too.

Corporations once they have share holders I think, have laws requiring them to maximize profits. At least, in the states anyway. The bulk of there research goes into profit making, and not medical experimentation. Can they be trusted when they give a lawyer speak answer? With no qualifications?

Thousands, if not tens of thousands, of just Canadians alone. Would grow Cannabis for medical experimentation. They may have sick loved ones, or be sick themselves. They want there loved ones, or themselves, to be at least better. They would try and try and try. I will say again, it's OK for them to make a profit to, doing medical experimentation with Cannabis. They should not have to be "the noble poor".

Politicians never become "the noble poor". Neither do medical companies. Far from it. Why should they? Why should you? Other than to make politicians and there business "friends" even more wealthy?

Ordinary people, would share knowledge among themselves, online for example, and at meeting, and whatever other ways they want to, or not. Not the governments business. But it is there "business" interest, and unjustly so. They are that evil. A lot of them think, using eugenics, and similar things, is a perfectly acceptable way, for the society they created, to be. This would interfere with there medical community profit making.

Basically, politicians treat you, and everybody else "your family" as nothing but a source of income, to be disposed of, after you stop producing. Like you are nothing, but a farm animal, to mistreat, and then dispose of. Just an entry on a spread sheet, and not a human being. As you will learn reading the links and documents I have attached.


How, I think, the government could really help the poor, and middle class, and the rich too. To a point anyway. At the same time, also, help out local businesses (jobs).

Everybody in Canada anyway, is allowed to, at tax time, to "write off" at least some of your vacation expenses. Many poor people, are to poor, to go on a single vacation ever.

I think, everybody should be able to claim, at least 1 month, a year, as a vacation for tax purposes. Even if you never left your town or city or community. That way, all your bills, and other expenses, that month, can be claimed, as a tax "write off". A full tax "write off" would be best for all bills (receipts). No matter what your bills (receipts) are that month. Your rent, your food, clothing, your credit card payments, one steak, eating out, your pills, etc. "Write off" might not be the right term. You need to be able to get all your money back. Every last penny and more.

Make a really large credit card payment that month, and have it all be a tax "write off". I know, politicians don't understand this, because of conflicts they have with there money making, off of having ,poor dependent people, needing the government for basic life support services. (selective intelligence syndrome then), but, it is actually better politicians, to have more "richer people" than "poorer people" in a country. Especially in the long run.

Some people would be able to buy Christmas presents then, birthday, anniversary presents, gifts, etc. All a tax "write off". They would most likely still buy stuff at other times of the year still. Maybe not as much. However overall profits locally should go up. As people would have more money to spend because it's a tax "write off". More general sales, throughout the year to. So, less slow times, and less lay-offs. It should be that way. Again a tax "write off" might not be the right term. You need to be able to get all your money back. Every last penny and more.

Help spread the wealth, and prosperity, in your local community.

Only the banks (politicians business interests) should have a problem with this, as debts get payed off faster. They can, as usual, get bailed out. No one would care, except for maybe on TV. Shouldn't come to that anyway. As people get more prosperity (less poor and poverty). For some anyway, not all. A help anyway. Remember politicians are involved up to there eyeballs in the banking industry.

Remember most politicians are just business people, pretending not to be business people. It's a, you scratch my back, and I will scratch your back environment, they have created for themselves, at our expense. They do this as they take turns in leadership positions inside the government. They worry about there money making, first to last, and unfairly, at other business people expense too, so as to get rich and richer. In various ways of course. Locally to nationally.

Other business people never get to see the real profits that can be made. As far as I am concerned anyway. They see some unfair business advantages, like handing out tax payer money in certain types of contracts and situations anyway. Business people just get a pittance of the money that should be available.

Besides they get to have to pay huge taxes, to, in the end. When they try not paying personal taxes for any length of time, they soon find out about auditing, and there person income too.

Just like us, when the government decides to take back what they consider there personal property and wealth. That business person has no legal recourse. When it gets bad enough, there is no rule of law and the great leader or political party, or two, or three, owns everything, and takes what was built, for themselves, to manage now. For the greater good of course. So no real legal recourse for you either then. Then is not far away. Russian billionaire or not. Well former Russian billionaire.

So I am at the library in Yellowknife. It's Oct 16 2017 16:47pm. There's some teenagers carrying on close to me being loud. At least one teenager girl is sitting down moaning sometimes several times a minute to bother me. A form of entertainment. I go up at walked over and had a look at her. She has long blondish hair. They are all acting like they are just talking. also "oh... god...", "oh my god", etc. Also saying I'm crazy, he gay, etc. Laughing. I'm going to add even more because of these people and well your actions and in-actions politicians.

I've already added extra because the harassment has not stopped for example. That's just one thing.

Just like a get away driver in a bank robbery, they all deserve to be treated the same or not.

Why, and how do politicians, do these terrible things. They camouflage themselves, and pretend to be normal, and or, to hide what they are doing, and want to do, in a general sense. Think of it as another form of "culture". Where different attitudes are acceptable in private, an the norm. We are just talking animals to them, after all. Savages that "need" to be managed by them. How convenient for them.


Hello everyone,

The press does not want you to realize. The people of the US picked, Trump as president, for a reason. The only "not the same" they were offered, during election time. The people wanted change, and picked the only choice for change they were offered.

So the main stream press, does not want people to realize, they got change, as they wished. Now the press wants to destroy Trump. Make him look crazy. They might drive him crazy.

They do not want "the people of the world" to see him as a "symbol of change". However small. A beginning of something new in politics. So they are character assassinating him at ever opportunity.

But they got "Trumped" by the American people. Do not forget, it was about change for many people during that election, anything but the status quo. Not that the press, gave any indication of that basically. The main street press wants "the people" to forget this (we want more change for the better in politics). This is the actual issue here, they want gone, and not talked about, not remembered.

They want the momentum, of change crushed, stopped, forgotten, and the continuation of the status quo, where they have it good, and you have it worst, and worst, as time passes by.

One more thing. Trump is doing something unique. He is speaking his mind, and the truth, of what he thinks. At least some times anyway. I want the most important, and powerful people, in the world, to be able to say the truth on what they think about on issues. I do not want the main street press attacking like a bunch of Piranhas, if some politician, or anyone else, does not answer, with the standard, one or two answers they find acceptable. Hence you find acceptable.

I want to know the truth, of what important people, like even local politicians think. The press needs to start reporting facts only, and less telling, of what people should think, on a issue. Or at least give all sides equal access to the public, which will not happen.

I have heard it said, the press is kinda like another branch of the government. That is suppose to be guardians of the public interest, on our behalf. Keep us well informed, so as to make the proper decisions, on various issues, that affect us all.

As far as I am concerned, the main stream press. Especially on TV, has become just a mouth piece of the government. Pushing government agendas only, for the most part. That is not how it is suppose to be.

The government (politicians and bureaucrats), who claim to have our best interests at heart, did this, and for there own benefits alone. Corrupted the press during the cold war greatly.

This needs to change. The government needs you to believe in them. That's all they have, other that force, and threats of violence, to control us. Which they are also using against us.

Simply by letting people know the truth. These ordinary people (politicians and bureaucrats), who are just criminals in everything but name. Have a much harder time, doing the things they get away with.

As long as enough people know the truth about them. Especially in the long run. Then, more and more people understand, the type of people (politicians and bureaucrats) they are dealing with. People who will do anything, for a easy life, at your expense, and your families expense. (Yes men).

At the same time, they pretend through the press, they are doing you a favor. Stop watching TV or watch less, and they can not communicate with you. What they want you to worry about. (Issues that get them elected).

Politicians do no talking, about the real problems you have, like retiring. It's boils down to, that in the real world, you need money, to survive and prosper. Politicians and bureaucrats, survival and prosper, while you work for them, and have your money taken by them, at gun point. Your money is taken at gun point for (politicians and bureaucrats) personal gain. file

Government 100 year cleanup plan.pdf
Dear God we get em here.

"" The truth about radioactive half-life, and how horrific it really is outside the laboratory, in the real world. (Radioactive Material) ""

Erm all Radio active half life involves is the time for any and all radio active isotopes to decay by 50% in a set period. Nothing more than that IE the Haf life of some nasty isotopes like Uranium 234 can take 250,000 years to decay by 50%, but other isoptopes can lose 50% of their power in seconds or under and hour, there is nothing horrific about it.

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