The world’s biggest chocolate-maker says we’re running out of chocolate

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
I was debating on if this belongs in the 'Conspiracy Theories' or here since this could be a form of population control given some peoples dire need of chocolate ;)

"There's no easy way to say this: You're eating too much chocolate, all of you. And it's getting so out of hand that the world could be headed towards a potentially disastrous (if you love chocolate) scenario if it doesn't stop"
That's it. The end of the world is now quickly approaching.
Reminds me to add some more powdered cocoa mix to my preps. About the only way to really enjoy chocolate post SHTF. (other than growing your own beans)
I'm not a sweets fan so chocolate can come and go. I'll just set here eating my popcorn and watch the world go mad... this is going to be interesting! and here the world leaders were concerned with putin, has anyone ever seen a chocolate deprived human? yap, putin going to be the least of your worries ;)
Just shoot me and get it over quickly!
Should have bought stock in the Chocolate industry prices will soar .

Shortage is nothing new, been going on for years. In the 90's, a candy bar was just over 50 cents. Now, it is more than twice the price.

They are going to have to be a bit more creative though, as folks just aren't going to spend over 2 bucks for a regular sized candy bar. Simple as that, at least not in the near future.

My guess is they'll gradually make them a little the soda companies have tried to do.
I used to work for effem inc (which has since been entirely bought out by Mars).

I loved working in a chocolate factory (despite my name being charles). All you can eat while you're on the floor...

When an issue happened down the line they would shift the line in another direction. At the end of this 'new direction' was an unfortunate soul who'd have to try and package the chocolate.before it hit the floor.

You usually ended up knee-deep in snickers. These mountains of snicker waste went off to the pigs after getting pureed.

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