Theories...What to expect for 2016.

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Rob Painless

Awesome Friend
Dec 15, 2015
Texas, southern panhandle
Amateur Radio Call Sign
Just wondering what everyone is expecting to be our most likely 'Doomsday' calamity for the new year, 2016. Lots of possibilities, as usual, with a couple of new players coming into view.

For instance...the more we learn about the sun, the more we are aware of the likelihood of a CME ( Coronal Mass Ejection, flare or filament release ) which would bombard us, overloading our magnetic shield, producing an earth-effect EMP. And we know what THAT probably means.

Our buddies, the North Koreans, led by the cute, loveable little Kim Jon-un, has possibly upped the ante by detonating a hydrogen bomb. If so, that will almost certainly embolden them to consider taking actions against us. Not to mention the encouragement it will give their compadres in Iran. And we all know how they feel about us. Nothing but love, baby. ;)

How about the growth of ISIS/ISIL and the mind boggling speed of the spread of radical Islam? Even into the U.S.A.

Also, we are seeing an acceleration of the shifting of our magnetic poles, hastening the predicted magnetic-pole reversal. What the heck is THAT going to bring us? At the very least, I may have to learn to use my compass all over again!

Should we even mention the potential for political or economic upheaval due to this being an election year?

Anyway, you get the idea. What do you think? What do we need to watch out for? What is our biggest threat now?
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still think russkies are a big threat,but I'll have to take their number 1 place on the podium and let them share it with those muzzies,I know a bad situation makes strange bedfellows,so there might be a joint effort here someday to erradicate that ISIS threat first.

saw an interesting drama-documentary on BBC-earth of a possible landslide on the island of la palma,that would give the US / eastern seabord a good beating and UK would get some too...
More of a build-up year.

The Russians and China will continue to have goals that clash with ours, and because of this, they too will be gradually building up their military as they did last year.

By the end of the year, I suspect we will have abandoned our goals in Syria, letting Putin have his damn pipeline (and allowing him to deal with ISIL in Syria). We'll still be dealing with them in Iraq, and Putin's success with them in Syria will force our hand out of the "containment" strategy, and force us to deal with it more directly (though still no US boots on the ground, other than the covert trainers there now).

The real global story will be the shake-ups in other Middle Eastern nations. The rise of ISIL has stirred the pot, and formerly stable (as in leadership) regimes like Saudi Arabia and Iraq may see some serious instability or even a coup. It's really a question of timing, depending on how early we abandon our Syria "keep it going" policy. The sooner we abandon it, the sooner we can deal serious blows to ISIL that will make it no longer a state. If we wait, then we could see the nations mentioned become converted, and with THOSE assets, we'll have a very serious problem on our hands.

As for SHTF, I still think our very real number one looming crisis is financial collapse. Nearly every economist will tell you it's a matter of when, not if. Currently, the only reason we haven't collapsed is that we simply refuse to, so the powers that be do anything they can to keep it all afloat. But, eventually, even such measures are really more like band-aids to a gaping head wound. It's why self-sufficiency is my primary prepping concern and goal.
I feel that our own government will continue to be our biggest threat in 2016; unlimited immigration; legal and illegal, continued overreach in to every part of our lives in the name of "security", more surveillance on citizen's, more taxes, more regulations, more control, more growth in government and overall higher cost of living. The muzzies will continue doing what they do, nothing different from them. Americans will continue buying Made in China crap, which will help grow their economy at the detriment of ours. Europe will continue to self destruct from their invited middle eastern "friends" and Russia will continue to grow and gain influence around the world.
China won't have cheap crap for long. They are rapidly building a middle class, and inevitably, that is going to lead to higher wages across the board. China still has a good endgame, but their dependence on oil is still their weak point.
Commodities collapsed 2015, stocks and junk bonds continuing to collapse this is going to lead to foreclosures, liquidations and major economic strife. The weather is helping things along very bad news with floods, drought storms across the globe. US elections will be chaos as economy fails and 'racial' tension that started in 2015 will paralyses a lot of US cities, lines drawn on gun control will add more fuel to the US elections polarizing people into different groups. I think by Sept/Oct 2016 we might be living on our preps.
A link to article below on Royal Bank of Scotland telling all clients to sell everything as we are heading to 2008 type collapse - I did post this under the financial section as well!! I am the eternal pessimist and always doom and gloom but it is even frightening me as it is like this is really happening!!
Just wondering what everyone is expecting to be our most likely 'Doomsday' calamity for the new year, 2016. Lots of possibilities, as usual, with a couple of new players coming into view.

For instance...the more we learn about the sun, the more we are aware of the likelihood of a CME ( Coronal Mass Ejection, flare or filament release ) which would bombard us, overloading our magnetic shield, producing an earth-effect EMP. And we know what THAT probably means.

Our buddies, the North Koreans, led by the cute, loveable little Kim Jon-un, has possibly upped the ante by detonating a hydrogen bomb. If so, that will almost certainly embolden them to consider taking actions against us. Not to mention the encouragement it will give their compadres in Iran. And we all know how they feel about us. Nothing but love, baby. ;)

How about the growth of ISIS/ISIL and the mind boggling speed of the spread of radical Islam? Even into the U.S.A.

Also, we are seeing an acceleration of the shifting of our magnetic poles, hastening the predicted magnetic-pole reversal. What the heck is THAT going to bring us? At the very least, I may have to learn to use my compass all over again!

Should we even mention the potential for political or economic upheaval due to this being an election year?

Anyway, you get the idea. What do you think? What do we need to watch out for? What is our biggest threat now?
Man, I just read this first post on this thread, and I'm already depressed!
Ha! Don't be depressed, Brent! I imagine everything will turn out alright......mostly. It's just fun (?) to speculate. :D
Well, I try to plan for the worse, but hope for the best. I do know the world is going to change before too long, I just don't like to dwell on it!
There is a lot of evil and corruption in the world a big reset is needed. Every major civilization has come to a sticky end. The end result we will be better off.
"The man with one eye is king in the land of the blind". Those that have prepped will be like kings, one should prep to thrive no just survive.

Yeah the economy continues to bounce down and bad news comes in daily by the bucket full.
I think the economy is the most pressing factor today. If it goes down then the ripple effect spreads out to everything, like food distribution, the grid, security etc. a lot of the services we take for granted would end. I just paid for a years trash pick up. Yes I could live without it, but it's really nice.
I thought a lot about wether it was wise to help my son start an electrical company now or not. I really don't think the economy is going to stay good, and know he gave up a good job with benefits to do this. On the other side of it though is when things slow down, they would lay off their guys in a heartbeat, no matter how good they were. At least with your own thing, you're more in control of your own livelihood.
All I can say is good luck to all over whatever happens.
Continued low gas prices under $2
Continued bad financial news from China
More roller coasters on the stock markets (heading towards Recession)
A Recession worse than 2008 by end of year
Hillary/Castro ticket is elected in Nov
Fed will take back the slight Dec interest rate hike
Investors fleeing to precious metals (so good investment early in the year)
The Revenant will get the Oscar for Best Picture
We'll lose Tim Curry....sigh....
China's market is going to have another big drop on the 22nd of the month.

When they ended the 7% drop circuit breaker they added a new rule - that if you're selling holdings as a major stock holder that you need to give the government 15 days notice.
I paid $1.98 a gallon for Diesel last night. I'd be happier if I was blissfully ignorant of the repercussions of this in other industries. I love it when I get $60 of gas and they look at me funny, and say, "Is that all going to fit?".... (that won't even half fill the main auxiliary tank of my truck, lol.)
I hear ya. However since we are gonna hit the road to south Florida next week....I am especially happy for the lower gasoline prices. I can only hope they are equally low when we get to Martin county. I paid $1.51 yesterday here. Maybe it will be below $2.00 there. On the other hand, a lot of my friends (and customers), who work in the oil patch, are pretty slow right now. We are fortunate around here to have a good mix of oil and agriculture. Keeps the economies from being as bad as they might otherwise be.
I can't agree more, I'm lovin the gas prices personally!
It's still over $2.30 gallon here. Cheaper than $4.00 a gallon, but it's still far from "cheap". The problem with lower fuel prices is that government is foaming at the mouth to add more fuel taxes. Their reasoning is that people are used to paying high prices for fuel and we won't notice.
Economic news is getting scary....

Jobless claims up.
Stock market having numerous big drops.
No boats moving with goods in the Atlantic.
Global trade basically at a stand-still.
China continually getting called out on shady cooking of the books.

Sucks. Inevitable, but hope it takes longer please.
Economic news is getting scary....

Jobless claims up.
Stock market having numerous big drops.
No boats moving with goods in the Atlantic.
Global trade basically at a stand-still.
China continually getting called out on shady cooking of the books.

Sucks. Inevitable, but hope it takes longer please.

Yes. Longer. A LOT longer!
I posted this in "When does an 'economic collapse' begin?" So I will reiterate what Gaz and Rob said above "but hope it takes longer please"

"Profit warnings hit crisis-highs as market turmoil wracks UK plc
Turbulence takes it toll on corporates as economists warn that only the US Fed can end the market panic

Profit warnings have rocketed to their highest levels since the financial crisis amid growing market fears that the global economy is on the brink of a major new downturn.

Figures compiled by Ernst & Young show that UK-listed companies have issued 313 downgrades over the past year, the most since 2008.

The gloom intensified in the last three months of 2015, when the proportion of companies that said they would fail to meet their targets rose to its highest level since the dotcom crash in late 2001.

The pain from these falls “has been pushed down the supply chain” said Alan Hudson, EY’s head of restructuring for UK and Ireland, as oil producers have pulled back on capital expenditure and cancelled contracts. These businesses have “been at the sharp end, hit hardest and soonest”."
I posted this in "When does an 'economic collapse' begin?" So I will reiterate what Gaz and Rob said above "but hope it takes longer please"

"Profit warnings hit crisis-highs as market turmoil wracks UK plc
Turbulence takes it toll on corporates as economists warn that only the US Fed can end the market panic

Profit warnings have rocketed to their highest levels since the financial crisis amid growing market fears that the global economy is on the brink of a major new downturn.

Figures compiled by Ernst & Young show that UK-listed companies have issued 313 downgrades over the past year, the most since 2008.

The gloom intensified in the last three months of 2015, when the proportion of companies that said they would fail to meet their targets rose to its highest level since the dotcom crash in late 2001.

The pain from these falls “has been pushed down the supply chain” said Alan Hudson, EY’s head of restructuring for UK and Ireland, as oil producers have pulled back on capital expenditure and cancelled contracts. These businesses have “been at the sharp end, hit hardest and soonest”."
I believe it was the band Alabama that had a song that said "we were so poor that when Wall Street fell, we couldn't tell".
One thing I'm sure of is no matter what happens, there will still be an economy. There are still people that need to eat, tools that need a mechanic, etc. there may be more bartering, but people will still need things. There may not be much interest in investments and savings, but if you keep your eyes open for oppourtunities you will survive.
No doubt. I just mean that our current economy (debt and faith based) is doomed to fail eventually, and from indicators, will be sooner than later.

While there will always be economy, after the fall, I think there will be a fairly long (6 months to a year) period of complete unrest before a trade-based economy emerges. Eventually old states will re-emerge and new ones will rise, and once again create money, but said money will actually be backed by something then.
Stock market proving again that it is a rollercoaster. Back up a bunch this week....for no apparent good reason. I guess this at least buys us some more time to get ready for "whatever". Good thing! I'm still not quite ready. Probably never will feel like I am! ;)
I'm getting more and more worried about the bear in east,nothing good seems to come from there;they stuff muzzies over the border to de-stabilize us,now mad-vlad got pissed off that some of your F-15's and a few strykers are coming over for some friendly exercise this year...gosh how my russkies lovers got upset over it...
just a question,do you think they could "borrow" me a stryker?? promise to keep good care of it :)
Global instability brings a ton of hurt in particularly with nation feeling the heat from it's citizens, all I can do is go back historically and it isn't pretty! many wars have started because of the have-nots. We see a lot with what is going on now with countries staking claims to disputed areas so as to extract natural resources now add global instability to the mix. How many points of potential miscalculation that can easily turn into a vortex do we now have globally? Even territorial claims in the Arctic have reared it's head again now that russia is extending it's exclusive economic zone further out from 200 to 350 nautical miles pissing off the countries surrounding the Arctic. Generally all the players wants something and generally it's the same thing, someone is going to fxxx up!