Those mild mannered Canadians...

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HCL Supporter
Sep 7, 2013
Have had enough! They are getting their panties in a wad over illegal immigration!
Fists fly, and so does a megaphone, as refugee crisis inflames local politics in Toronto area
I just threw out Korean as that’s the first thing that came to mind. Just thought it was humorous. I still don’t know why any illegal is entitled to any benefits or anything other than a plane ticket back to their capital. I’m compassionate too, I say give them a bag of peanuts on the flight home...
At first it wasn’t to bad now it’s getting bad up here. When veterans go hungry and these people are crossing the border illegally and getting places to settle with gift cards for food that’s when the government needs to give their head a shake and figure out their priorities.
Canadians are facing what the US have dealt with for years now and have a new understanding of how we feel about illegal boarder crossings. All they have to do is take a look at what is happening in our country with the sanctuary cities and other places that offer asylum for illegals. Can't blame them one bit.