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Come and Take It

Awesome Friend
Feb 22, 2013

"Stopping terrorism is simple. Just quit screwing around with other people's countries and the terrorists will go home. But the government of the United States wants to go on screwing around with other people's countries, refuses to stop, indeed views it as Manifest Destiny for the United States Government to persist in screwing around with other people's countries, and views the inconvenience, increased tax burden, loss of civil liberties, deaths among the American people, and even global war as just another cost of doing business." -- Michael Rivero
Pretty much says it all. For some damned reason, our government has decided that we have to mount up and ride in to save the day for EVERYONE but the American citizen. Honestly most of the countries our government is 'saving' wants us to go die in a hole, so why the hell do we bother with them? Seriously?

The Middle East, sorry, let them kill each other until they are sick and tired of it, our dog don't need to be in this fight. If some wealthy American business owner has interests over there, tough ****, go hire your own people to protect your crap, stop using the US military as a fancy bodyguard system.

The **** in Africa, yeah, so sad, so sorry. Not in my backyard. People have been at war with each other since they learned to pick up a rock and throw it. Let them have at it. The smart ones will get the hell out of the way.

In my own personal opinion, we should have flat out carpet bombed after 9/11. These people don't think right. They raise the kids to hate Americans and to want to kill us from the time they can understand words. Yeah, we would kill innocent people, but this **** would have been over and done and the next generation of terrorists and the ones following wouldn't be an issue any longer. Should have been made a ******* parking lot.

When we have kids that aren't getting enough food to eat right here in our own country, why the hell are we sending food and money somewhere else? Someone explain this to me and make it make sense.

Yes it's sad that the people in North Korea are starving. Man up and slap that little constipated penguin out of his ivory tower and take back the right to be a human being again instead of what they've become.

Damn near everywhere our country has gone into and kicked the **** out of, we stay after the party to help them rebuild. WTHeck??? Why? So they can just tear it all down as soon as we leave? So that they have a few steps up in the road to retaliating against us? Is this our government's way of being the planet's benevolent parent?

I may not be the sharpest tack in the box, but I do know that if I'm going to take the time and effort to destroy my enemy I am NOT going to be there with band aids and lollipops afterwards.

I want to know where the hell is the humanitarian aid going to come from when our country falls flat on it's face from our government's doing. That distant sound you hear is not the sound of people rushing to help. No, that sound my friends is the sound of the rest of the world applauding and laughing their fool asses off at us.
Those people have been arguing and fighting over the same real estate for thousands of years. I say let them have it.
We already have our own desert and oil. We don't need theirs.

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