I guess I've had an optimistic look about the grid going down. I've spent much of my life studying history (on my free time, when I wasn't deployed or working on one particular virus or bacteria. Its part of why it's my fourth profession and why I am in a 4 walled facility teaching facts (Fun with Flags) each day. So lets be a little pragmatic here and not so much gloom and doom. I will give it to you all, I've spent my money on Solar Power, Generac systems, Goal Zero products, a wind technology apparatus and other power generating systems...but I got to believe we are going to get through it, abate, those with the prepping mindset at least.
Here is a bit of trivia for you all...know a man who helped author the Declaration of Independence, coauthored the Treaty of Paris 1783 and proposed initially the Albany Plan of Union. You got it, the same man who was a representative to England prior to the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War and was ambassador to France. He was the man that actually believed that France would give the colonies, yes that right, a Ship of the Line (in those days, the battleships and modern carriers of today's navy) for free. He was a player-player, quite the ladies man in Paris, even though his face would not launch a "thousand ships". You've been salivating with this answer, so if you thought of the man that published Poor Richard's Almanac, was possibly the first forger of money in the U.S...you know that man was the inventor of the bifocals, a host of other inventions and proved the conductivity of electricity by inventing the lightning rod (which by the way is still used today)...that man was Benjamin Franklin.
Why do I bring this up, I've always believed that American's (not that I have an ethnocentric view of our country), far from it, as I served with many other nations and believe men and women have always contributed best to mankind, when the chips are down. We've placed a man on the moon, when people said it could not be done. The U.S. owns many patents and still believe that the youth of America can still contribute toward the growth and brilliance of humanity. I will granted you, their are days, when some of my little twerps, think they are indestructible and "are know it all's", but I have to believe that when and if, the grid does go down, their will be many, who will accept it, go on their merry way and find an alternative source of energy that will restore some semblance of order and not forecast what many state will happen in prophecy. Granted, I am sure, eventually, I will get around to writing some simulation or one of you that loves to write about the grid going down, will contribute his thoughts and energy by crafting a scenario for us all to communicate our thoughts. Alas, I do believe even simple "Joe Snuffy" will find someway to generate power either though his windmill contraption or sitting on some treadmill that provides power to his much needed powered item. Certainly not Joe Snuffy, then Jim Bo Bubba, as I am sure he will certainly miss his moments of the Grand Ole Opry and his 8 Track Tape? Oh, dang sorry Pandora download on his IPhone.
Okay, or at least I hope so...or all of those lovely DVD's, I've stored are going to collect dust. So lets have a little faith people. Me, I am simply terrified at the thought of catching the common cold and dying from some weird bronchial problem. Oh yeah, that's payback for sitting in the Gulf when that crazy dictator blew up all the oil wells and dang it if I didn't have to go back again to that infernal place, all simply because some rich CEO and political PACS told a Texan that their were WMD's all over that place, wonder where your tax money is located after 15 years...yup lining the pockets of those same $#@ holes.
Sleep well tonight, I know I've got AC/DC power.