Three glasses of milk a day linked to earlier death

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
If this study survives peer review it sure going to fly in the face of conventional wisdom ah 'milk does a body good' I am so screwed *sigh

"Drinking a few half pint glasses of milk every day does nothing to lower the chance of suffering broken bones, the research says, and can make the risk of an early death more likely"

"These sugars can increase oxidative stress and chronic inflammation in the body – both of which are major causes of a host of killer and chronic diseases"

"Further analysis showed a link between milk intake and biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation.

In contrast, a high intake of fermented milk products such as yoghurt was associated with lower rates of mortality and fracture, particularly in women.

The researchers concluded that a higher consumption of milk in women and men is not accompanied by a lower risk of fracture and may be linked with higher mortality. But they say their study can only show an association and cannot prove cause and effect"
“The results should, however, be interpreted cautiously given the observational design of our study.

“The findings merit independent replication before they can be used for dietary recommendations.”

Translation: The methodology was admittedly flawed and the results have not been replicated and are therefore statistically meaningless.

But the media will report it as fact anyhow.
Translation: The methodology was admittedly flawed and the results have not been replicated and are therefore statistically meaningless.

But the media will report it as fact anyhow.

Yep. Probably the biggest thing I took away from college. Statistics are lies, damn lies....because it is ALL in the methodology. So, if that's skewed, so are your statistics, but people are so hung up on believing them, that they can easily be manipulated into thinking they are FACT vs. invented FICTION.

Even peer review often fails to really uncover this....though better than just going public without it.
"Drinking a few half pint glasses of milk every day does nothing to lower the chance of suffering broken bones, the research says,"

Hmmm. . . I don't by it. Hunny got kicked so hard in the face from a donkey not too long ago that should have broken something, but didn't. He normally drinks a pint of raw milk at all meal times. Me, I may drink 2 pints a week. When I fell on my butt out in the pasture, I was the one who broke an ankle in 3 places a couple years back.
I've seen 'medical guidelines' change on lots of issues many times over the years. I think half the time a study is done, it's by a company that is trying to sell something. I think moderation is key to most things in life. Even a thing that's good for you can become bad when overdone.
There a new movement now telling people that they need gluten's back in their diets. I never got rid of them. People with Celiacs disease I understand but, for the rest of us who don't gluten free is a fad. lol
I have a grown daughter that jumps from one fad to another almost weekly. I'm glad shes trying to be healthy, but she is fanatical about most things she gets her mind set on. One of my favorites was the adkins diet, eat all the bacon you want to loose weight! What a great concept, and yes I love bacon, just don't worry about that little side effect called a heart attack!!!!
I drink milk though I am down to a half gallon a day (un-homogenized) I eat 4 strips of bacon, 2 sausages, 2eggs and corned beef hash sometimes grits with it for breakfast, my blood is tested every year, it all comes back normal, my blood pressure and cholesterol is just slightly elevated and hasn't changed in ten years and the doctor said I don't have to really change my eating habit though though they said I should cut back a little because of my age they also had no concern with me having 1 shot of whiskey with my first cup of coffee every morning, in all tens and purposes I should be a doctors nightmare and as my doctor said, I'm 'just one of these people that's just going to drop dead' and that is fine with me as long as they have milk and bacon in the after life.
if that's the sweedish study..I'll use it as toiletpaper...not many years ago a doc told my mother who lives in sweeden now,that you should not eat butter,it's dangerous to you...some odd years later the same doc asked my mother,what do you use? butter or margarine?? when told that margarine...oh, that's poison,start useing butter emediately...

just like one doc told me, a grown up man needs only 4 hrs of sleep...
if that's the sweedish study..I'll use it as toiletpaper...not many years ago a doc told my mother who lives in sweeden now,that you should not eat butter,it's dangerous to you...some odd years later the same doc asked my mother,what do you use? butter or margarine?? when told that margarine...oh, that's poison,start useing butter emediately...

just like one doc told me, a grown up man needs only 4 hrs of sleep...

I don't use margarine, makes the popcorn soggy ;) its all I use is real butter :)
Much like the studies that come out every other year saying coffee is evil, then it's ok for you. What i don't get is the problem that people have over homogenized milk. It's not chemically altered, it's physically altered, by spraying the milk through small holes. It breaks up the fat into small droplets, which stay in suspension longer. Any oldsters remember milk with the layer of cream at the top?
Much like the studies that come out every other year saying coffee is evil, then it's ok for you. What i don't get is the problem that people have over homogenized milk. It's not chemically altered, it's physically altered, by spraying the milk through small holes. It breaks up the fat into small droplets, which stay in suspension longer. Any oldsters remember milk with the layer of cream at the top?

Vitamin D and A is added to Pasteurized milk mandated by federal law including organic labeled milk, the vitamin D that is added is chemically extracted oils from wool so in essence the milk is altered. Also, Vitamin A is synthetic ;)
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oh,still remember here the "old milk",you had to shake it before use...and taste was sooooooo good,before it went into this hyper crazy healty b.s you could get for awhile old-time milk with higher fat content...
still the best milk I've ever had was direct from the dairy farm..

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