Tools and Hardware for a bug in situation.

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Jun 16, 2014
I was thinking and planning about when SHTF when I'd be staying in my house and different tools and hardware to keep enough off. Stock piling a good number of nails instead of screws. No power mean no electric drills, which means those old "antique" hand drills will be a item that people would want. It's just a starting point and I was wondering if anyone else has thought of it aswell. I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts!
I think similar, some of my recent purchases






Note that these are not for barter as such, they are being used as working tools, OTOH I don't need all those braces and maybe not all 3 saws.

I am also starting to collect nails/screws/washers etc. They are cheap now but very difficult to impossible to make yourself. As we live well out of town I would do this anyway because it's a real pain to drive in for a few nails, but I'll be storing more than I really need.

So why don't you want screws? I admit I would not look forward to using a manual screwdriver all the time, but they can be driven in like nails then the final torque done with a screw driver. Also you can use a screw driver bit in a brace.

Mind you I live off grid so expect to have normal power pretty much regardless of what happens.
the ratcheting drills that graynomad posted a pic of..these can come in handy when it comes to screws.but only if you have the accessories/hardware to use with them.if you have the screw driver bits and other stuff that goes with them..then you can use one of these when it comes to the different screws
