Transport in our cities a telling tale

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Silent Earth

Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
watching from afar
A telling concern about the way our cities are moving towards total collapse despite record amounts of money being lavished in them is how 21st century modern super cities transport is developing.

EG London in recent years has had Cross Rail, Thames Link, Docklands Light Railway, Gatwick Express, Channel Tunnel Rail link, etc this comes on top of extensions to the Tube system and new rolling stock, billions spent upgrading OVERGROUND stock, a massive investment in buses both bendy and double deckers plus trams and taxis, River Taxis and River buses.

And yet it is reported that sales of Folding bicycles now number in the tens of thousands each year and the rise of pedal powered Rickshaws is astounding.

These MODERN multi cultural super fast broadband 24 hour a day cities are seeing that even with insane levels of investment in public transport HUGE numbers of people are having to rely on bicycles just to get around like London was becoming like Mumbai or Calcutta.

I now absolutely believe our cities are wobbling their way to a total societal collapse, we spend more money than ever on fabulous, expensive, high tec transit system yet more people than ever have to use bikes to get around.
Granted, it was years ago, but I remember the Underground of London being pretty easy to use and navigate, and I was just a kid at the time. Hard to imagine people biking all over London, for example. It's an old, and pretty spread out city center.
Oh yeah, even back then, driving through London was a nightmare. We basically drove to the hotel, and the airport, and that was it. We used the Underground and taxis the rest of the time. (and the taxis, only when we weren't in a hurry). Each time we were there, it was for a couple of weeks at a time, so we kind of got to know the place a bit more than the average tourist.
I believe there was a recent tube workers strike that left millions of Londoners trying to get on overcrowded buses.
Cities remind me of termite colonies with millions of worker drones wandering in and out every day doing their allotted chores to keep the community, then every now and then someone comes along and knocks the colony down leaving millions of drones at a loss for what to do and completely unable to fend for themselves.

Just like New York City/Manhattan ;)

Why anybody likes living like that is far beyond me. I will never understand why people like living like sardines in a small can. That is insane.
I could never understand why someone wants to live in a multi cultural hellhole that is one of the UK cities, luckily I got out of a city just as Labour was opening up the UK to unlimited migration.
It's funny, in NYC, I actually got to Times Square faster in a bike taxi than I would have in an actual one (because the bikes don't really stop for traffic). Was probably one of the more terrifying moments in my life, but I did get there quicker and in one piece!
It's funny, in NYC, I actually got to Times Square faster in a bike taxi than I would have in an actual one (because the bikes don't really stop for traffic). Was probably one of the more terrifying moments in my life, but I did get there quicker and in one piece!
In a many Asian city's I traveled a lot by motorbike taxi's. They can get you where you want to go in a hurry, but can be a little nerve wracking at times.
So big cities, slow moving traffic with very long commuter traffic Rush hours, polluted air, no go areas for decent people, heavily multi ethnic,cities especially those linked to the outside by bridges , tunnels, over water elevated roads, reliant in daily supplies of imported FOOD, WATER, POWER etc.

You got to have a death wish to live there, simple as that.
WTSHTF it WILL be a death wish.

Yeah just look what happened to New York/New Jersey after hurricane Sandy. That gives a good indicator of how people living like that will act after shtf, only then it will be much worse, and last alot longer.
current thinking this side of the pond is a 90-95% die off following a societal collapse, majority of British people are 4 generations removed from the land, most do not know where their food comes from or in some cases even which animal, nor do they care, many of them are scared of the countryside, recently a (distant)relative from Birmingham(Midlands) described the countryside as "spooky"!!! gives you an idea of their mental state.
Bigpaul that's no different here in the states. That's precisely how the citiots think and believed in the cities in the united states also.
I would have thought there was some difference, especially with Americans pioneer history, but I suppose city people are the same all over.
You'd think so but there to far removed from reality. The cities here are were you find your lunatic liberals, your anti gunners, your tree huggers, your PETA members animal rights activists etc etc. The people who scream don't hurt that cow and go home and eat the steak that bought in the grocery store cause no animal was hurt. If the zombie Apocalypse ever did hit. These would be the same people who'd come up with zombie rights and fair treatment groups.
nope, they'll be the people that end up dead cos they havent got a clue how to look after themselves.

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