Triggers to the Second American Revolution, by A.D.
SurvivalBlog Contributor August 30, 2019
Having been a reader of SurvivalBlog for a couple of years, I have read some fascinating articles. The body of knowledge out there is truly astounding. There have been many articles about preparing for the difficult times ahead which I found to be helpful and unsettling. Sometimes, I feel the dread of knowing a powerful storm is heading our way and there is going to be much hardship as a result. My family lives in the hurricane belt, and one of the frustrating things is knowing a storm is on the way and trying to develop an action plan when the course and arrival time of the calamity is constantly changing. We face the same unknown with the likely coming collapse of society. We all see signs of increased political tension and name-calling by the media. The political left controls the media, or vice-versa…I am not sure it isn’t the media controlling the politicians at this stage. The result of this is a constant feed of propaganda. An entire generation has been brainwashed as a result. Right-leaning media does the same, so there are few sources of truth to be found.
In a recent conversation about media bias, I argued bias can also be defined by what is not reported. Try finding any information that reveals how lawlessly the previous administration behaved. You will have to search long and hard to find anything. With the recent mass shootings, there is another round of knee-jerk anti-gun legislation heading our way. There is no doubt, the left will not be content until all guns have been confiscated except those used for their protection. At what point will the tipping point be reached? How will we know?
The purpose of this article is to explore how we are to recognize when the tipping point has been reached and the Second American Revolution has begun. Some prefer to call it the Second Civil War…by either name, we are going to be in for some difficult times ahead. I do not claim to have the answers, but am very interested in learning what others who may be more informed have to say about the subject. As a result, my hopes are to initiate discussion in the comments section by making observations and asking several questions in this article. Hopefully, the comments section will turn into the actual centerpiece of this article.
Possible Triggers
I have identified some potential triggers to the Second American Revolution. They include:
1) Attempts to further restrict gun ownership. So many sheep are willing to give away your right to own firearms with the false illusion of gaining safety and security. Any person capable of critical thinking should be able to figure out that this is a pointless evolution. The root cause of the gun violence is a breakdown of the family. Contributing factors may be the left’s glorification of gun violence in movies and video games as well as overuse of drugs to control behavioral issues. At what point will you be willing to fight for your right to own firearms? What would happen if the Democrats won big and ended up with both congressional houses and the presidency? Would they then attempt a gun-grab? Would this be the start of the war?
2) Lack of political representation. The current strategy from the left is to flood the country with illegal immigrants hoping to later convert them into a voting block for the left. There will come a time in the near future when it will no longer be mathematically possible to elect a Republican president. Some say President Trump will be the last Republican president. Will the total alienation of conservative America by the left be the cause of the coming war?
3) Racial divide. The current media narrative has shifted from Russia collusion to calling conservatives racists. It is maddening to be constantly labeled a racist if you do not agree with the left’s agenda. The country began a huge backslide in this area under the Obama presidency. This seems to be more of an issue in the big cities rather than out in flyover country. I live in the south, and we all seem to get along pretty well down here in spite of the stereotypes hyped by the media about the people in the south. Will a racially-motivated event serve as the trigger for the coming war?
4) Economic collapse. Our country is doing fairly well when it comes to GDP and employment, but we are drowning in debt. Our leaders continue to kick the can down the road, and it would seem we are unable to address the debt. Will we default on our debt? Will a global recession serve as the trigger?
5) EMP. I have no doubt if someone popped an EMP weapon, we would be in the dark ages once again. Perhaps a week after such an event, our entire society would crumble. What is the probability of such an attack?
6) Terrorism. Could sleeper cells go active and stir up enough chaos to trigger the war?
7) Natural disaster. Any event which interrupted the normal lives of people creates an opportunity for collapse. Imagine a large region of the US without power for a week. How long would it take for the looters to hit the streets? Martial law would be declared. Would the ensuing chaos result in “open season” against the thugs? Would this then trigger larger conflict?
8) Re-election of Donald Trump. Remember how much civil unrest there was at the time of the inauguration? The left was unable to conceive how it was possible for Donald Trump to have been elected. This is because the media made a Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC) presidency seem to be a sure bet. The media was so onboard with HRC that they were unable to report what most of our people were feeling about the failed Obama Presidency and the prospects of an HRC Presidency. Typical of the left, demonstrations and riots broke out. I don’t recall the right destroying property when Obama was elected. If Donald Trump is re-elected, will it result in widespread rioting by the left? If so, will this be the trigger?
9) Impeachment of Donald Trump. There are many from both sides of the aisle who would like to see Trump impeached. I don’t want to argue the merits of such a course of action, but rather the outcome if it were successful? Would conservatives view this as cause for action?
How would the battle likely unfold in the US? I have read many predictions stating that the military would fragment and citizen-soldiers would be needed to augment the Army.
Big cities would be the logical battleground since these serve as the havens of the left. How would the cites be isolated, surrounded, and subdued? Would the gun-owning conservatives prevail? What would the country physically look like after such a war? Would we need to change our form of government to straighten out the mess? Would hostile nations or the UN see an American Revolution as an opportunity to invade the US while we are sorting out our internal issues? Once it is over, how would the left and right ever be able to share the country, going forward? I can only imagine what the economy would look like if such an event were to take place. There would likely be an enormous loss of life leaving semi-vacant cities and unstaffed industry. Even without a shooting war, a prolonged breakdown of society would result in mass starvation in the urban areas progressing to local skirmishes over what food and weapons could be found.
I am also very interested in thoughts about how our military would respond to a civil war. Recognizing that in normal times, the states have the ability to call up the National Guard, how would the regular military be deployed? For interesting discussion on The Posse Comitatus Act, read this discussion. The military tends to be conservative. I have strong doubts that our forces would turn their guns on civilians en masse, but I have no doubt it would happen in some areas on a limited scale. I could see civilians using weapons against police, and military (Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard) in the event of an attempt to disarm the country.
Would there be mass desertions from our forces with the soldiers joining the ranks of their local militias? If there were any centralized command structure left, it would need to coordinate the campaign to isolate and neutralize the sanctuary cities. Would untrained civilians from both sides be able to operate weapon systems effectively without formal training? As a pilot, would I be able to put an A-10 into use, and if I did, would the opposing force have anti-aircraft capability? Could such systems be put to use in a grid-down situation, or are we back to small arms only? How could opposing forces use the oceans to their advantage? Will the Navy be parked for the duration, or deployed trying to keep China and Russia at bay?
Would the conservative forces take out the media? Would there be mass executions of political leadership in order to start over with a clean slate? Once the Revolution is over, how long would it take to rebuild the government, and how would it differ from the mess we currently have?
I really look forward to reading the input from the readers on these questions. I am particularly interested in any opinions about what the global implications of a Second American Revolution would be. Would China make a move on Taiwan? Would Iran try to eliminate Israel? Would Russia attempt to make a land-grab? Would Mexico make a run on the southern border and reclaim long-lost land?