Trump threatens to shut down 'whole border' with Mexico

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Awesome Friend
Jul 20, 2018
This President is not going to back down. This is not Obuma and the reset policies of old. Anybody with half a brain (Circut Court Judge) should have see this coming. If theses caravan people do a bum's rush, or even form up for such a tactic, President Trump will close the port of entry and then you are going to see massive violence against the caravan people. There are thousands that depend on working in San Diego county and if they can't get across, no money. There are already thousands of folks struggling to survive in T.J., and many more depend on the money earned in San Diego, this is not going to be pretty.

"Speaking to reporters while in Florida for the holiday, Trump threatened to close the U.S. border with Mexico for an undisclosed period of time if his administration determines that its southern ally has lost "control" on its side.

Trump also said he has given the thousands of active-duty troops he sent to the border before the Nov. 6 midterm elections the "OK" to use lethal force against migrants "if they have to." And he said Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, whom he has faulted for not being tough enough on immigration, is "in there trying."

"It's a tough job," he said.

Trump's border threat came days after a federal judge put the administration's asylum policy on hold. Under that new policy, Trump declared no one could apply for asylum except at an official border entry point. Some ports of entry are already facing huge backups, with people waiting for weeks."
Lots of products come in from Mexico. Lots of fruits and vegetables.

Just one more reason the caravan folks better rethink their plans. President Trump will not give it a second thought. Those folks depending on selling and distributing to America a re not going to take kindly to being screwed by a bunch of foreigners. Also, tempers tend to run real hot down there (yeah, I know racial profiling) but I have been there and watched it happen. If the border gets shut down, the North Americans are not going to make up the loss to the Mexican producers and the Mexicans know this. The Border patrol Agents and the Military will have advance notice if they try to just rush the ports. The Mexican military and the T.J. police will have advanced notice if they try to assemble at the border crossing. This is not going to end well, unless Mexico clears this group and future groups way for the ports. All the talking heads of the various new media now know their B.S. is not working and these are not asylum seekers but a bunch of people not waiting in line for a piece of the American pie.
Just one more reason the caravan folks better rethink their plans. President Trump will not give it a second thought. Those folks depending on selling and distributing to America a re not going to take kindly to being screwed by a bunch of foreigners. Also, tempers tend to run real hot down there (yeah, I know racial profiling) but I have been there and watched it happen. If the border gets shut down, the North Americans are not going to make up the loss to the Mexican producers and the Mexicans know this. The Border patrol Agents and the Military will have advance notice if they try to just rush the ports. The Mexican military and the T.J. police will have advanced notice if they try to assemble at the border crossing. This is not going to end well, unless Mexico clears this group and future groups way for the ports. All the talking heads of the various new media now know their B.S. is not working and these are not asylum seekers but a bunch of people not waiting in line for a piece of the American pie.
I read that the caravan was not allowed to cross a bridge into Mexico, so they went under the bridge and waded over, the authorities only stopped them from the b ridge, but just watched as they walked through the water and over into Mexico. Mexican authorities don't give a rats behind enough to make a real stand.

Yeah it was a mistake for them (the Mexican police /soldiers) to not stop them at their southern border but again these politicians still think Obuma is in office. They were not expecting the reaction for President Trump OR the reaction of the people in T.J. Now they are royally screwed. The caravan people are now DEMANDING better food, housing and medical care. The mayor of T.J. is telling everybody that T.J. is not going to foot the bill. Too many have and are underestimation President Trump. The United Nation can also thank President for the high number of nations that are or have withdrawn from their International free immigration act. It is now falling apart.
fruit and veg dosent only come from Mexico, they are grown other places.
Yes, they are grown in other places, but Mexico is a big supplier. You can get the same vegetable grown in Mexico about 1/3 of the price as you can from California. Lots of shipping cost involved.
A large number of migrants stormed the San Diego border today. The border crossing was shut down. Pretty dramatic coverage on the news. Almost like something out of the beginning of an apocalyptic movie. I am conflicted with this. There is a part of me that cares for fellow human beings and hates seeing anyone desperate and hungry. There’s also the realist side that knows we cannot financially absorb all the poor and desperate people from South America. I also know this is just the tip of the iceberg. The immigrants trying to cross over will only continue and increase over time. Not really expressing any opinion or stand on this, just voicing my feelings here.
I could feel for these folks but they were offered jobs and legal document to stay and work in Mexico, they turned it down. So these are not desperate people but folks trying to maximize their potential earning by lying and disregarding our laws and borders.

Now because of this "Bums Rush" action today, there is going to a ton of violence visited on the illegal aliens (to both countries). If you thought the hostile reaction towards the caravan folks was bad before, watch it turn bloody now. The people in T.J. are losing their livelihood and I can guarantee you they are not going to sit by quietly. The police in T. J. are going to get real tired of the constant attacks and the military (on both sides) are going to get real tired of the attacks too. Somebody is going to get shot. Today it was smoke grenades but soon it will be bullets.

The fact the Mexican President elect, back walked the announced agreement (Remain In Mexico) is going to make President Trump extremely mad, so the border may stay locked down for a while. Just a guess on my part. That stupid 9th. circuit Judge can be real proud his decision has escalated this situation. Before they could catch and send back, now they have to be stopped on the Mexican side, That is going to lead to bloodshed. There are militia troop (private citizen militia) manning observation posts all along the souther border. These are volunteers and they are armed. Desperation and gunpowder do not bode well for a happy out come, for the illegal aliens. The wall would have stopped 95 percent of all this crap. Now we are going to wait for enough of them to get killed to actually move forward. All these countries need to close their border and then work together to improve conditions, at a local level. America is not the food basket of the world. sad but a fact.
Up,you forgot the cartells,the way that situation is played now,cartells loose money,something they don't like and they have far less scruples in taking some lives down there..
The situation on the border is getting very interesting . Once We are committed to change if will happen . This will send a ripple effect all through Mexico and Central America .
Up,you forgot the cartells,the way that situation is played now,cartells loose money,something they don't like and they have far less scruples in taking some lives down there..

Yes the Cartels do exist and they are extremely dangerous, that does not change the fact these "Desperate" people were offered work permit, jobs and assistance. Turned down to get to the "Promised Land". None of their asylum claims will stand up, just because they passed on the opportunities presented to them in Mexico. Them having to stay an wait in Mexico does help the Cartels make money. They will have to pay coyotes to slip them across. The Cartels don't want them just walking across for free, no money in that for them. These migrants just got used by the liberals, the Cartels and those looking to keep access to very cheap labor. They are not getting in and will have walked all that distance to have the same life style they had in their own countries.

The people in T.J. are going to drive them out, they can't afford to keep having the border closed. This time the border got closed in both directions. That means no tourist dollars coming in and no job money from San Diego coming back. The economy of T.J. is not self sufficient, they must have border access to survive. The tourist will stop crossing for fear they will get stuck on the wrong side, for who knows how long. Th employers are going to start looking at where these people live, in T.J., sorry, too risky. The employers need people that can get to work everyday. A low paid employee is of no value if he can't get to the job site.

The border wall and immigration reform will stop these people from being used by all sides. Human nature to want a better life, but they are going to have to find a way in their own countries.
These are human beings, not trash. That being said, I actually support having a controlled border, but still have some compassion for these people that want something better for their kids. I saw one mother with three small kids getting tear gassed. I don’t agree with locking them up in tents in the desert for undetermined amounts of time or separating them from their children either. For one, I read that it costs 750.00 per day to ‘house’ each detainee. Are you kidding me, what a monumental waste of my tax dollars. It’s inhumane and expensive. Charter some 747’s, sure, not cheap but less than the millions we are wasting now on detentions. Buy them a meal and a one way flight back to the capital of the country they came from. Keep the families together, but deport immediately. Before long the word would spread that making the journey isn’t worth the effort.
But we would pay for that forever! If every jet held a hundred, and we caught 1000 a day, that's 10 flights a day, for ever. Crime would build up around that, ground crew would start smuggling drugs on those flights, women would trade sexual favors to be "lost".

I used to get in some fights. Sometimes I didn't want to, but the other person did, and then it's a fight. How I felt that day didn't matter. Even if I knew I was being nice, because the person clearly couldn't fight, the second they swung it was all over. My good intentions, didn't matter.

That's how I see the border at this point. We have good intentions, not hurting anyone while attempting to uphold immigration law.

But they want to fight. And they're gonna swing. And then it's fight on.

Why weren't those 300 skulking background guys carrying the women and kids to safety? Sheilding them? Being smart enough to not start **** when 3 year old kids are right there?

Some of those people seem pretty trashy.
The law is the catch-22 problem. Yes they could be shipped back home a lot cheaper than housing them, the LAW does not allow that. The second they are arrested for illegal crossing, they claim asylum, that start a formal procedure, that can take years. Then you get the large amount logistics involved and again the law gets involved in the quality of housing, the medical care (one illegal demanded and got an abortions) and a ton of different rules and regulations as to how adults are cared for and how children are cared for.

If humane treatment is the goal, change the immigration / asylum laws so they know not to come here. America has to stick to the legal immigration process and have zero illegal immigration. America does not need, not can it afford more untrained people. If we are going to allow people into this country, they they have to bring something of value, that is on short supply here. We don't need more day labor workers, or gardeners or housekeeping staff, we have enough people that can do those jobs, once welfare is cut off. We don't need more taxi drivers, truck drivers, those jobs are going to be obsolete in less than a decade.

If you studied the travel pictures of these caravans, the majority of the people are not women and children, they are full grown adults. I do not feel sorry for the woman with the kids getting tear gassed, the mother put the kids into that position. Why should Americans have to defend our borders? Why do these people feel they have a right to violate our law and endanger our law enforcement and or military? They want us to be compassionate but they throw rocks and bottles at those that would prevent them from accomplishing their wishes /demands. They were yelling 'Yes WE Can" in defiance to our demand they respect our laws and not try to cross.

They do not act like respectful law abiding humans, they act like ungrateful migrant herds. They demand better shelter, better food, better care and better treatment but I don't remember anybody inviting down here. They demand we open our border because they deserve it. So what have they done for us, to deserve being let in? Lets see, they abandoned their own country and blamed it for being too dangerous but spent weeks waving their national flags. They claim they are in danger but refused asylum in Mexico. They claim they just want to work, but turned down jobs in Mexico. The only thing I can be sure of, it that they want into America. Wait, I can also be sure they will become a HUGE drain on our economy.
They are coached. I've been in war ravaged and crime ridden countries where people actually did require immediate rescue and aid, and if anyone thinks that these "migrant caravans" look anything like that, I'm telling you flat out, your wrong.

Somalia springs to mind, although I didn't go ashore during Op Restore Hope. I did see some refugees in Djibouti, on shore live and person, and they looked like this.

Loads of women and children. People malnourished. Nothing with them, because they literally ran the **** away from where they were to avoid instant death. ****** clothes. Filthy. Shell shocked. Passive. Hopeless.

This whole migrant caravans? Theatre.

They ain't fooling me. Does it suck where they came from? Of course!

Are they about to drop dead? Are they dying on the trek, like many Somali refugee did? Children starving? Mass rape? Harried along the way by gunfire?

Nope. Theyre pretty much good to go.
These are human beings, not trash. That being said, I actually support having a controlled border, but still have some compassion for these people that want something better for their kids. I saw one mother with three small kids getting tear gassed. I don’t agree with locking them up in tents in the desert for undetermined amounts of time or separating them from their children either. For one, I read that it costs 750.00 per day to ‘house’ each detainee. Are you kidding me, what a monumental waste of my tax dollars. It’s inhumane and expensive. Charter some 747’s, sure, not cheap but less than the millions we are wasting now on detentions. Buy them a meal and a one way flight back to the capital of the country they came from. Keep the families together, but deport immediately. Before long the word would spread that making the journey isn’t worth the effort.

You may be right Brent, how many are you taking in? If your answer is none, then we need to keep them from crossing the border illegaly.
They are coached. I've been in war ravaged and crime ridden countries where people actually did require immediate rescue and aid, and if anyone thinks that these "migrant caravans" look anything like that, I'm telling you flat out, your wrong.

Somalia springs to mind, although I didn't go ashore during Op Restore Hope. I did see some refugees in Djibouti, on shore live and person, and they looked like this.

Loads of women and children. People malnourished. Nothing with them, because they literally ran the 性交 away from where they were to avoid instant death. ****** clothes. Filthy. Shell shocked. Passive. Hopeless.

This whole migrant caravans? Theatre.

They ain't fooling me. Does it suck where they came from? Of course!

Are they about to drop dead? Are they dying on the trek, like many Somali refugee did? Children starving? Mass rape? Harried along the way by gunfire?

Nope. Theyre pretty much good to go.

Thank you SGS, you painted the picture as it really is, Fake exodus. They want a better life, sure but they are not a real exodus. They are just a bunch of entitled thinking from a different country. We already got enough of those types.

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