Trump's Spine

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user 7704

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Nov 27, 2015
Well, he told them he wouldn't sign. He didn't say he would veto. This is the pivotal point in his Presidency. If he caves, he doesn't stand a chance. The Dems will have the house in February.

The Libs were out celebrating their victory last night. I hope it comes back to bite their butts.
Well, the breaking news isn't so good for the Dems. My guess is we're likely to see a compromise of $1 billion being initially earmarked for the slats of the wall. To begin funding and construction. Anything short of this, isn't going to get signed.

I hope the Dems are happy. This is exactly what they voted for. Gridlock. We tried to tell 'em, but no, "Trump bad...grrr...." instead.
I have a problem with the Go Fund Me for the wall. They keep 15%. I have never looked them up, but if this is owned by Liberals, we are just padding their wallets.
Fox News has article that President Trump told them all, he will not sign the temp. funding unless it includes the money for the wall. No wall, no signing. As for the Go Fund Me. the best part is not that it will raise all the money needed but it shows the politicians there is REAL support of the wall, not just polls. I don't care if the Left get some money from the go fund me effort, it will be the most painful money they ever collected. Works for me.
I don't think Trump will negotiate. Give him the $5B, or get a shutdown. Trump will not compromise 1 penny on this. We will see....
All or nothing is not Trump's MO. He'll compromise.

In negotiations, typically your would ask for a lot more that you expected to get, so we see how this pans out. If I wanted 2.5 billion, I would ask for 5 billion and offer to compromise in the end. Settle for 2.5 billion now and accept the short term funding package to go after more later.
In negotiations, typically your would ask for a lot more that you expected to get, so we see how this pans out. If I wanted 2.5 billion, I would ask for 5 billion and offer to compromise in the end. Settle for 2.5 billion now and accept the short term funding package to go after more later.

Later when the Dems take over, there will not be a later for at least two years. People will be disgusted by then.

It's now or never. See what Michael Reagan just tweeted about how his dad is still waiting on promises made to him in 1986.
All or nothing is not Trump's MO. He'll compromise.

I think Trump compromises on the PATH to get there, but not on what the objective is. I predict he'll get the full $5B. He'll do victory dances for the next 2 years & win reelection. He'll do regular tweets showing how the wall is getting built all the way to keep reminding people of how well it's working and how wrong D's are.

PS: ok, he's compromised on "Lock Her Up". But he's not done yet! The Clinton Foundation is all but closed down. He's made her (and Bill) completely irrelevant (nobody shows up for the stadium tour, shutting it down). She is suffering the best way he could: zero cash flow.
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I think the shut down is going to happen. The Senate needs the Dem vote to pass the bill. I also think the Dems will fold during eh shutdown and give President Trump is wall money. You are going to see the Go-Fund me money continue to grow, discontent with the shut down being pinned on the Dems and they will fold. The Dems will try a spin it that they caved to protect all those innocent government employees but they do not want to keep this in the news. The GOP (House) finally did their job and forced the vote and now folks can be held accountable. It is going to be interesting. Something many may not have considered but one of the agencies effect by the shut down---- the IRS --- Nobody to answer phones (not critical work force and not filing info. The government will want those monies. Coming due, from quarterly filers, end of year business filers and all the audits stop in action too. It is going to be interesting to watch.
Facts are facts, until you start twisting them. Even after the freak out over the shut down and worry about the Democrats controlling the House, the numbers are still higher than what Obuma left us with.
the media which is a part of the LEFT are doing their part to make Trump look bad,,,,nothing more
on a side note I wonder just how much cash is flowing into the media to get them to play along with the Democrats
I remember the dark days of ovomit. I did very well in the market during his regain, even in spite of that idiot. Trump has had a very positive affect on my investments. Keep it up Trump.
I have a problem with the Go Fund Me for the wall. They keep 15%. I have never looked them up, but if this is owned by Liberals, we are just padding their wallets.

It's not 15%. It's 5% off the top, but then 2.9% on each transaction goes to the payment processors (and a 30 cents charge on each). Overall, it ends up being about roughly 8 percent total (Go Fund Me getting 5 of it).

There are many other fundraising avenues, with much lower percentages (Facebook's fundraiser is only about 3%), but they simply aren't as well known.

We were lucky enough to have raised enough through GoFundMe to handle most of the immediate expenses after my son's tragic suicide. Sure, they got their cut, but without it, (and the kindness of all who donated), not sure how else we would have handled it.

It's up to nearly 17.5 million right now. (so Go Fund Me would make $875,000 on it).

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