Truth Disclosure coming soon

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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
Hey people,
Why am I here? Why are you here? Because we want to survive right? Because we feel something is not right. Because we feel the government knows something that they refuse to tell us. Are we tired of being part of a country that was made by the people and is no longer for the people?

There was a president who warned the people of this country about the growing military complex who were developing undeniable power amongst themselves. Today it's a military corporate financial elite complex that has become so powerful that those in the whitehouse, even the president do not have a high enough security clearance to know about most government secrets. These are secrets that this complex must, by the use of deadly force keep secret from the people. These secrets could free all people of this world but will destroy this complex and it's power and control over the people of the world.
These secrets started when, in truth, an extra-terrestrial ship was shot down in the 1940's by a magnetic pulse weapon which had been in R&D for some years. ( I can say truthfully this happened as my father worked for Lockheed (35 yrs) and was involved in the analysis of materials recovered at the crash site). He was an engineer at the highest levels.
When this craft was downed all of a sudden we had technologies we didn't understand and would eventually reverse engineer but most important, we could not let this knowledge become world news nor let our enemies know we had it. This is when the secrets or lies began and you know how lies are, you tell one then tell another to cover that one up, and so on and so on. Later the structure of the government was completely redone which moved all secret (black) projects away from whitehouse hands including the president. These security clearance levels were also restructured which put the presidents need to know at the bottom of the priority list. In other words, they did not want anyone who could affect these black projects to have the clearance to do so. The CIA, FBI, NSA, DOD, HSA and more are really their own government and military. They answer to nobody and their trillion dollar budget comes from our tax dollars. There is currently a few trillion dollars missing from the federal reserve and their statement as to why?, It will take them 7 years to even begin to start an audit. Hmmmmm, what a coverup.
Think about technology. When did it start to take off? And remember that there is about a 10 year laps between what the military has and whats on the consumer market.
Fiber optics, night vision, silicone chips are just a few technologies that were reverse engineered from these downed craft and slowly moved into the consumer playing field.
There are so many other techonologies and some could make oil and gas obsolete. This would end the income for the elite. It would destroy the trillion dollar oil market and there would never ever be a need for fuels for driving cars or heating homes. There are technologies that could make every country self reliant and hunger would be a thing of the past. These technologies are some the secrets that keep the elite in power and control.
This complex of rich bastards only care about the all mighty dollar and power and DO NOT care about the people of this world. They could care less about people in some country starving to death.
Some don't see that we have been, for a very long time programmed to believe what the government wants us to believe. The truth about extraterrestrials has been warped and brought to us by negative propaganda that portrays aliens as evil. They are going to come to earth and destroys us, disect us. You go to a pizza place and they have a game "whack the alien", this programs the children to believe that aliens are evil and we must kill them. It is very subtle but in time these subtle things create a negative impression in our minds.
Look at all the movies about aliens, most of them portray aliens as evil. Thats NOT the way it is. They have been visiting earth for thousands of years and if they were evil we would have been exterminated along time ago. Ever since we first exploded a nuclear device the UFO incidents increased rapidly and since this universe is a neighborhood and we are part of it and, we now have nuclear abilities and are about to go into space they are very concerned. So concerned that they have kept 5 (that I have validated) nuclear launches
from being successful. They see us as the war hungry killers we are and they don't want us wondering around the universe with nuclear capabilities and our war attitude. They do want us to be part of this neighborhood as we will but first we must learn to be a peaceful and loving people which alot of us are not. So, the destruction of these nuclear warheads proves that they have the technologies to destroy us but they are not going to do this because they are here to help us get back on the right path.
How do you think they feel? They come here in peace and we shoot at them and in some cases shoot them down (4 incidents validated including roswell). What would you think of humans if you were ET's?

The Next False Flag...............
There may be an event soon that will be presented to the people of the world as evil and we must be afraid. This is Far from the truth but it's what the government wants you to believe. It will most likely be used to declare martial law on the people and whatever the government does, they will say it's for your own protection.
Our prepping is important because we still have to survive what is to come. Our real threat is not aliens from outer space, it's this military corporate financial complex that has been working for years on becoming the world controllers. They have all the control, power and money and will attempt and do anything to control you, even kill you if you disagree with their program.
Think of how far we've come since everyone believed that the world was flat. Think of how far we've come since everyone believed that the universe revolved around the earth.
How long will it take before the truth is known that this universe is a neigborhood and all it's beings were created by God, the same God you may worship at church on sunday.
Everything new like this that comes along at first isn't believed and the ones speaking of such crazy stuff is burned at the stake. Right now there are hundreds of thousands of people in the world that know this truth and are trying desperately to make truth the rule. Some of them have created organizations to pressure the government to start telling the truth. It's called Sirius Disclosures. It's what the people of the world need and what this planet needs to survive as well. Truth can save us and our dying planet. Yes, the earth is dying. It's only meant to support 550 million people forever and we have about 7 billion people and look around, we can't create the resources to maintain 7 billion people and slowly but surely the demand for resources will consume all the land and that is what is killing this planet. We are raping this planet of everything.
We are doing such things to the earth that nature is trying desperately to balance nature with storms and earthquakes among a few.

Here is something hard to swallow.......In Africa and many other places sometimes a species goes crazy with too many frogs let's say, and not enough resources to support this extremely high population of frogs. What does nature do? It creates a flood, a disease or something that will kill off the excess so that nature can be in balance...........
Ever notice in places where humans have way over-populated that that area seems to have either some carzy spread of disease or a catastrophe or earthquakes? It's nature trying to balance itself because the area cannot support that much population. What do we do? We create orgs and humanitarian efforts and groups to help feed the hungry. Don't get me wrong, helping to feed the hungry is what I would do but we don't create these things to help feed the hungry frogs or lions right? I'm just supporting the control of the population because the survival of the people of the world and the earth depend on it. If we don't control population we will definately and eventually all die because there is just not enough resources and we cannot create any of it fast enough............

Knowledge is power.....Research the truth with an open mind, evaluate the facts and choose for yourself.
If you'd like to make comments in support of the opposite please do but make sure you have done your research and can support what you say with proof and facts. My beliefs come after personal experiences and 17 years of in depth research on many subjects covering the years 2100 B.C. through 2014 A.D. including Egyptian history, Mayan history, native american history and our own history which does cover over 8 thousand documented cases by commercial and military pilots, polititians, policemen, air-traffic controllers and many others.

do you know how many reports are made each year around the world of UFO sightings?
Do you know how many of those include an actual landing with physical evidence?
Do some research at the MUFON, Mutual UFO Network, they recieve over 10,000 reports a year.
As said, I may be burned at the stake but in time as with other crazy claims the truth will come.

Links :
These are just a few....siriusdisclosure has links and documents to everything you would need to understand and know the real truth.
Take Care and God Bless.
What evidence is there that suggests the Roswell craft was shot down? Having extensively researched this myself, and having personal conversations with UFOlogists who've written on the subject (like Friedman and Randall), I've never seen anything suggesting we shot down the craft that was recovered in '47. If we did, we wouldn't have needed the rancher to come forward with the debris from the second crash site. Such a weapon (the pulse weapon you mentioned) was pretty much only conceptual at the time, because if we had it in the 40's, it would have gone public in the 60's.

I will concur on the likelihood of reverse-engineering and Lockheed involvement. Lockheed brat myself, and my father's boss (I'll put his initials as B.C. if you really want to research) was once working at Groom, and while he didn't say much of anything, his son (my friend) said enough to connect the dots. This was years later mind you, at a different assignment. Nothing definite, but looking back, it sure fits the bill. Col. Phillip Corso wrote a book about the reverse-engineering effort. Some scoff at it, but although he certainly exaggerates his role, I think there is a lot of truth in there.

I can also agree that aliens may not necessarily be evil. After all, if they were, we'd have been conquered by now....but they don't seem to be exactly interested in helping either (or they would have by now). So, their agenda really becomes all the more important. Personally, I think they are simply observing and waiting, deeming us as unfit, troublesome potential neighbors. I think we may have advanced a tad ahead of the galactic curve, so they are just making sure we don't go corrupt the neighborhood. In essence, they are our galactic jailors. It's the only thing that seems to make sense to me. Otherwise, why not conquer or help us by now?

Keep in mind, to stay a secret, BOTH parties have to keep it. So, one argument is that the Government should come clean. What if they can't? Obviously, the aliens want it to be a secret (based on the assumption they exist and are in communication). So, the aliens could go public too, correct? But they don' perhaps they have something preventing the governments from doing likewise.....maybe even an ultimatum? Simply put, it's been a secret for over half a century, so no amount of asking for it is going to get disclosure. Not unless ONE of the TWO wants us to know....

As for UFO reports, sure, there are 1000's of reports annually, but the vast majority are just observer error. Still, only takes ONE to be genuine to prove we aren't alone though. Personally, I'm just glad we never woke up to see huge motherships floating over D.C., etc. As you mentioned though, the bigger looming threat is from the powers that be, and the idea they may eventually just toss the Constitution aside and decide we're all prisoners instead of citizens.
In the above video which is only one that discloses the info that the ET craft was shot
down by an american pilot and also discloses that the magnetic pulse weapon was used as
"you have the weapon, shoot it down". Bushman refused to say it but the interviewer said it
and knew what bushman would not say. Listen closely.
Secret documents from the CIA proved that Tesla had been working on this pulse weapon
and a finished version was on this jet that was flown by the pilot who used it to shoot down
the ET craft. sometimes it is given a different name as with Tesla's first version and this
weapon is exactly the kind of secret that would NEVER be revealed nor released to the
public or private markets.
This is just one video of a well credited person who knows the truth. There are hundreds
of others.
My personal experience involves my father, head engineer on the Trident missle project,
lead engineer at Lockheed sunnyvale for all manned space flight vehicles including the
lunar lander and rover.
If I had not said before, my father was one of 5 top clearanced engineers who were brought
together at sunnyvale by CIA to evaluate some material from the craft from roswell. They
were told the usual stuff prior, then shown a plate of this material about 4" x 6". The plate
was then squashed by hand into a wade and placed into my fathers hand only to have this
material all by itself slowly return to it's original shape. It was then heated to 3,600 degrees
and as it was glowing red it was placed into my fathers hand and did not burn and wasn't
even warm to the touch.
After my father passed in 2010 I told this story to my uncle and to my surprize he wasn't
the bit surprized. Had no expression on his face and when I asked him why he wasn't
surprized he said "because I know it's true". I asked how do you know this? He said
"your aunt susan was married to one of the guys who was there to show your dad this
material, he was CIA.
My uncle had known about this before my dad was even contacted by CIA.
The CIA had been in contact with my uncle to gain info on my dad.
The ET craft have at least the same or much better technologies as used when upon
multiple attacks on various missles with what the public was told were dummy warheads,
the ET's shot down these missles in mid-flight destroying the missles. 2 of these I confirmed
as being launched off the coast of California north of Santa Barbara. There are leaked video's
of this incident too. If they were dummy warheads why would ET's be so aggressive and
shoot them down? Hmmmmm!
some will agree that the rancher of the second crash was a hoax created by the air force
and CIA.
As for your comment about it staying a secret, I agree that there are some things that
should remain a secret, at least from a real national security stand point. Other secrets that
could be useful to the human race as a whole should be told but may remain secret.
AS for the ET's coming forward, They are not here to save us but helping would not be to
stop by and help with building that fence or cleaning the pool. Observing and watching is
more accurate because they cannot directly interfere but they are trying desperately to make
sure we head down the correct path that leads us to becoming a more peaceful and loving
race and when we reach that goal we will be on our way to making a transition to a more
spiritual awareness and be in harmony with nature and the universal laws of nature.
ET's have been here since the roswell incident because one was still alive when the craft
crashed. There are many documents and video interviews by again very professional
people with credentials swearing to this and reports that there are more than one ET alive
on this planet and that there has been a mutual understanding between them and us. I
couldn't tell you what secrets circulate between them but in 3 video interviews there were
statements that the ET's were training our pilots to understand and operate the reversed
engineered craft we have created and to operate the ET's own craft.
Some of these reports get real crazy in the statements that are made about the thousands of
people that have gone missing around the world who are actually specimen used by ET
studies and in exchange they give us technologies and specimen as well. For me it's alot to
digest some times.
You can't forget that the "G" has the money they need to create anything they want and
when it comes to being slick our government knows all the tricks and anti-tricks.
As they say, it's not what it is, it is what it can be made to look like. This is a practice used
all the time by physical evidence and the media.
As for UFO reports, yes it only takes one but there have been hundreds from around the
world that have been validate, confirmed and re-validate and re-confirmed and alot of these
just now coming out from people like the former boss of Canada who testified under oath
before congress, former astronuats and you know who the rest are. These aren't your human
error reports. THis is the list after they have filtered out all the mis-sightings and the list is
extremely long.

I was since 1994 processing data for SETI with 3 PC's running 24/7. I recently took myself
off the grid with them and told them after many years of doing work for them I have come
to the realization that they are not using the radio technologies we use today. They are
millions of years ahead of us and they communicate by telepathy and even their craft use a
sort of mind interface to control the craft. If by chance SETI did contact someone using the
radio spectrum they are using this would mean that the race we contact will be much like
ourselves so it would be like calling accross the country. We wouldn't have much to learn
from them.
Have you heard of the many underground facilities with thousands of miles of tunnels
connecting them together? Wash DC, Area 51, catalina Isl, dulce NM, Canada, Mexico,
Idaho, Colorado and a few in California. Video interviews about some of these bases
housing reverse engineered craft as well as ET craft. Others are research facilities with some
being used by ET's.
Research "Dulce, New Mexico DUMB under ground gun battle between humans and ET's.
Deep Underground Military Bases.
There is alot going on that most cannot see and you can't find it unless you look.
No dis-respect. not saying your not looking but after all this time of digging very deep I
still can come to new information because I refuse to stop looking.
Please check out the video link above as well as the one below on youtube.
(citizen hearing on UFO disclosure Day 1) Friedman gives statements to former congress.

As for disclosure, I think the coming Nibiru, the threat of aliens (annunaki) may be
enough to warrant the declaration of martial law very soon so disclosure will have to wait.
Feel free to comment or question things but don't judge me as a person.
Dulce is a bunch of hooey. Every name associated with that tall tale has been pretty thoroughly discredited in the community. Thing is, there is a LOT of excellent evidence out there for most of what you are saying, but there's a lot of crap out there too, that often gets in the mix. The part about the bases and connecting tunnels is real enough (and necessary, when you think of all the atomic testing in that area).

This is just one video of a well credited person who knows the truth

That's the problem I have with the "shot down" idea of Roswell. It's ONE testimony, that completely is at odds with NUMEROUS others which support a different story, which then of course throws the whole testimony under suspicion. Especially with the added bit about the high-tech weapon (in 1947, i.e. prior to even the transistor...which rumor has it, was derived from the Roswell wreckage). So, to believe this guy, we have to also believe that we had some kind of functioning pulse cannon that could target a high speed flying object, PRIOR to the existence of even the transistor. Sorry, but I have to call complete BS on that guy's claim.

No dis-respect. not saying your not looking but after all this time of digging very deep I
still can come to new information because I refuse to stop looking.

No worries, but I've been a Subject Matter Expert and Super Moderator on the world's largest conspiracy site for over a decade now, so I've certainly seen and heard nearly all of it on this subject, from the excellent witnesses and evidence, to the complete loons. I totally agree with you on the overall idea you're stating (except for the aliens being best, they seem indifferent), but you can't just accept every testimony as genuine either. Has to be vetted against others, and when ten people are saying one thing, and a new witness steps up and says something completely counter to it, it's a bit of a red flag.

Just to add, the weapons original name was the Tesla Death Ray and the original first document was from the FBI.

Tesla was a genius, but he also had a lot of pie in the sky ideas that remained conceptual. On Niburu, may want to check deeper into the origins of this one. Largely the ideas of one guy with a bunch of others hopping aboard the train (like Icke and his reptilians). (and I'm not sure what good gestapo laws are going to do us when a planet is going to crash into us or cruise on by, depending on your flavor of Niburu....).
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some will agree that the rancher of the second crash was a hoax created by the air force
and CIA.

Such claims don't fit the facts though. Mac, his actions, his being held by the military, and the military actions following his report are all factual and verifiable items. (and the Air Force and the CIA didn't exist at the time...both were created afterwards, as a result of the National Security Act, which in itself, may even be a reaction to Roswell....). If a hoax by Mac, there wouldn't have been flights to both Wright Field and Fort Worth of the debris to be examined by foreign technology specialists...(nor would these flights have occurred for Mogul debris, of which any 10 yr old could identify the materials involved). Nor would the base have issued the press report of capturing a flying disc. (Which of course was quickly retracted by a higher ranking officer).

Remember too, for a long time (until the 70's), it DID stay a secret. A couple of UFOlogists (Friedman was one of them) stumbled upon Mac as a witness, and he wasn't seeking publicity over it. (but it had been enough time where he didn't fear any kind of government reaction).

Most witnesses do agree on a survivor of the crash (this wasn't at the Brazel site, but at the other site the military already knew of on July 4th). The accounts vary on whether there were 3 or 5 aliens (most sticking with 3), but most agree one was alive, but injured. The number 3 is also corroborated by the Twining Air Accident Report (which may or may not be an authentic document), that describes the craft in detail.

If interested in my articles on the subject, click here (though fair warning, it is more than you ever wanted to know about Roswell, and is a LOT to read).
I wrote this in 2005. It's part I of a series, but links to the next parts are at the end of each.

I have come
to the realization that they are not using the radio technologies we use today

Even if they are, it's still an insane crapshoot that we'd make contact. Not even a question of IF they are using or used the tech, but for how long, and how far away they are, etc. Their last radio transmission could have been ages ago, and gotten here while we were still living in caves. Conversely, their first radio signals (long since past) could still be on their way to us, etc. To be in the right window of time/distance has always been the challenge of SETI. Most folks thing SETI fails because nobody is out there, but really, the Universe could be TEEMING with life, and it still would be a question of the right window of time for SETI to actually get a signal. The distances involved and time traveled of these signals, is just too great for most to comprehend.
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Well said...............Here is my last post on the subject, i think. This is kind of a final vision of all thats going on currently and how one thing affected another which stopped some big plans and alot of this has been a show stopper for many out there with evil plans.
For one, the germans were working on strange idea long before roswell. Tesla, Ienstien and many scientists had associations with the germans prior, during and after the war. After the war the US got ahold of most of those crazy scientists who are for the most part working on projects now under the US flag. You remember the "foo fighters"? No one knows whether these were germany's play toys or some sort of ET's. I'm saying that there were some very strange and highly scientific things being worked on way before roswell.
I have a cousin who lives and works south of Dulce. He has been researching alot of stuff along with me and we have together visually investigated the herlong base buildup and confirmed by talking to witnesses and getting harrassed and kicked out of the area. We also visited a small base near fullerton and visually did the same there. Anyway, he has been right along side me through most of this crap but his focus wasn't on ET's but instead on the military buildups and possible threat of martial law and aggression against the american people. He has followed groups of military convoys that drove to the mountain top where there are antenna and air vents coming out. after following the convoy halfway up the hill his vehicle was blocked by 2 helos while the convoy kept going. Voices from the helo told him to leave the area or else deadly force would be used against him. His investigation of these convoys proved that these convoys head up this hill and just dissapear at some point. They don't come back down on any side of this mountain and he has viewed this mtn top from another higher mountain top and has never found this convoy or any of the other convoys he has pursued.
I have read alot of stuff I believe about Dulce but I have also come accross stuff that I knew was BS. You have to be very detail oriented, stubborn and a die-hard to find all the true stuff while weeding out the fake crap. If a witness is not a credited person like ex or current military, policeman or the like I will not waste my time with the evidence. I've had people tell me you want evidence, watch UFO hunters...............LOLOLOL, that show never comes up with evidence that hasn't already been discovered.
My father had alot of freinds I didn't know about. He told me alot of stuff but I didn't hear any of it untill 2006 when he discovered that he was most likely not going to live very much longer, and he told me everything he told me had to stay a secret until he was gone. One of the things he always told me was to remember that I was always being watched. My reaction was yeah right, he didn't laugh. I said what do you mean always watched? I had to swear I would not tell anyone about anything. He was very serious. He spent about 15 minutes telling me more about the serious nature of the projects he worked on and that there are things that are real that we cannot see, smell, touch or hear. After he died I had all legal rights to everything. The things he wouldn't tell me I found and it scared me. I'm pretty sure I was being followed when I went to his banl to retrieve his belongings in his deposit box. Tons of papers and folders and pins from all the programs. After I got all this home and had the time to look through it I was then very sure that I had been watched. I don't know when they started following me or when they stopped but they were at his funeral too.
One was skunk works and the trident missle project as well as all the manned space flight hardware. There are others I won't say because I have not researched enough yet.
Your problem with the shot down idea I understand. I did show you just one video but there are many documents and videos. Throughout the last 7 years while I was researching other topics and viewing an interview video about something there would be a short mention about the dulce base. This was by an ex CEO or director of a so called private corp front for a secret project under the CIA.

R&D of some crazy weapons really started in the early 20's and Tesla along with einstien and members of German military were involved. The transistor, micro-chips, fiber optics, night vision and lasers were some of what came from the roswell craft and the whole reverse engineering project. These are all technologies that were used by these craft and they are amazing but the real amazing stuff which has to remain secret would blow the top off your head.
Back in the early 70's was a project to build these tunnels by a new technology laser drilling rig which could drill 7 miles a day. Some of these tunnels have mag-lev trains which supposedly travel at speeds around 12-14 thousand miles per hour. I know I've read about research in Switzerland to make these magnetic trains go extremely fast but it doesn't sound possible to travel underground at such speeds. These tunnels are not just where nuclear testing is going on. They run from DC all the way accross the US to Catalina Isle, up to Canada, down to just south of the Mexican border and the most complex areas are based around area 51. On the supposed map I have area 51 seems to be the mqain hub with sprouts leading to everything else including Dulce. You figure that when TSHF government needs to continue and with all thats going on now underground, that will all have to continue while top side is burning, or alot of cray things are taking place.

With all the BS there still is enough truth to prove **** is taking place which involves ET's, ET craft, amazing weapons, other very strange things and something above ground that is about to happen is enough to create projects so the government can go underground and hide. That leaves us above ground to fend for ourselves. We are expendable and as I think you stated we are more prizoner than free men. Myself, I'd rather die than be a prizoner in my wn country and as it is a universal crime to allow anything or anyone to aggress upon you without defending yourself I will be protecting myself against those who aggress upon me with extemely deadly force. I will not settle for passivity when I can fight for what I believe in and be proud to die with honor in a country where I have a choice.

Survival is the goal. Death to those who unlawfully aggress upon the inocent is the rule.
For one, the germans were working on strange idea long before roswell. Tesla, Ienstien and many scientists had associations with the germans prior, during and after the war. After the war the US got ahold of most of those crazy scientists who are for the most part working on projects now under the US flag. You remember the "foo fighters"? No one knows whether these were germany's play toys or some sort of ET's. I'm saying that there were some very strange and highly scientific things being worked on way before roswell.

Not too long before Roswell, but then there is a pretty good case to be made for a UFO crash and recovery in the Black Forest in '38, that the Germans may have gotten hold of. After the war, we did get a lot of the scientists (re: Project Paperclip). As for "foo fighters", both sides saw them, so probably a mix of our test craft, theirs, and possibly ET craft, but then again, air travel was still relatively new, let alone air combat.

Well said...............Here is my last post on the subject, i think

No worries, I think you were likely drafting your post when I made mine, so if you catch it, check out my articles on the subject. I think it will show you the amount of research I've put into the subject, hehe. ;)
(though fair warning, it is more than you ever wanted to know about Roswell, and is a LOT to read).
I'm a big boy and can handle ALL the truth, no matter how huge and crazy. I could share things that would turn your stomach.
i'll check out the link, and read it all, then let you know what I think.
I never questioned whether you had done your own home work or research. It's good to converse with someone who knows something about something. LOL.

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