Trying to convince my wife to close the Tack Shop

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Awesome Friend
Aug 15, 2013
Don't mind me, most of this is just venting.

We inherited the shop from her father, when he passed, but in reality, kind of impossible for a small shop like ours to compete with online and the bigger outfits these days, at least without specializing in high-end stuff, and that means you just tie up a lot of money in merchandise.

So, I've been trying to convince her to just close the shop, after having a major blowout sale (and then selling the rest of the stock on EBay or local yardsale sites). It's a 30' x 20' area, so not really small, and it has its own bathroom (well, toilet and sink).

It's attached to the house, so my idea is that she should convert the space into a Crop Room. Basically, a room where she could host little scrapbooking get togethers, like she typically goes to on some weekends (spending $10-$30 for the privilege). My thinking is that SHE could host these (in this space), and fit about 20 in there, making about $200-$600 total per one she hosts. Not bad for also doing a hobby you like on a weekend. Heck, if she did two a month, it'd basically be the mortgage!

I think her holdup is that she feels like she is failing her dad if the shop closes. Look, we can't help that the business landscape has changed. Instead, we're sitting on this inventory, barely selling more than $2000 a year in profit.

Currently, what USED to be her scrap room is now our daughter's room (she came back home to live with us, she's 21). So, this solution would do 2 things....give her a place to scrap, and store her stuff, and likely make more money than the damn shop! I'm sure our daughter would love to have more freedom to decorate her room too (without having so much of it taken over by scrapbook supplies).

Would be a pretty minimal cost to get it converted to a crop room (a crop is what they call one of these scrapping get togethers). Buy 4 tables, get a few more nice office chairs (more comfortable for sitting all day, as most of these crops are for a few hours). Over the years, she's collected a few hundred dollars worth of scrap gadgets and machines, and these could all be used during these crops, further adding to the value. And, we could sell some minimal supplies, just things that are handy to have for sale during these things.

I think I have all my facts, etc. straight, I just have to convince her that this is really a win/win scenario. Room for her to enjoy her hobby, makes more money than the shop, and makes our daughter happy. Why is this such a hard sell???
Women are from Venus, men from Mars. Good luck, I have trouble convincing my wife of anything.
The problem is your asking her to give up on her DAD.. At least that's the way she's emotionally seeing it. You can come at the argument as logically as you want but, since when have women been known for using logic before their hearts. I think part of what would help would be to find a way to honor her father in the room like giving the room a fishing motif or something of the like. Maybe even use the tackle you have to decorate. You need to find a way for her to FEEL good about it....
what roni says..redo the shop in memory of her dad..put some tack here n there.maybe some pics of him.especially the ones showing him at work on there a saddle or /and a saddle horse.or ever those things are called.when it comes to what they sit on,while being worked on.might be able to fix them up into tables,or chairs.maybe a plaque with a pic of him.with the words in memory of.and keep in's a 2 way street in times like this.if you show her that your willing to work with on it.she's liable to do the same.
what roni says..redo the shop in memory of her dad..put some tack here n there.maybe some pics of him.especially the ones showing him at work on there a saddle or /and a saddle horse.or ever those things are called.when it comes to what they sit on,while being worked on.might be able to fix them up into tables,or chairs.maybe a plaque with a pic of him.with the words in memory of.and keep in's a 2 way street in times like this.if you show her that your willing to work with on it.she's liable to do the same.
What a great idea you guys. Also, Gazrok, you could do a table top or two in scrapbook pages with the Dad honored. Hang a few around. Being a crafty person the whole idea sounds great to me. Good luck!
a fishing motif or something of the like

Haha...Tack = horse gear (saddle, bridle, etc.). Of course, we get people that call all the time with the same (tack vs. tackle)

The idea is good though, putting up some kind of scrap pages to honor her Dad, etc.
Also, we've kept the name of everything (business related) as her Dad's name, mostly just for convenience maybe the idea of actually using what we named the ranch, as our business name for boarding purposes, vs. the tack shop, will appeal to her too. (especially since the name can also lend itself to this business)....i.e. The Storybook Ending Ranch....
I think she's slowly warming to the idea... a) I want us to use the space to actually make more money, b) I want her to have her crop room back, and c) I want our daughter to have free reign to decorate her room. Just seems like a no-brainer, if the emotional issue wasn't there.

Here's the plan I did out to scale. Items in blue are existing fixtures, so plan to just make use of them vs. changing. The upper door goes to the parking area. The lower door leads into the storeroom (which is only about 4' wide, though 20' long, but also has the hot water heater and industrial AC units....this is locked from customers). Still, some shelves in there can hold her stuff too.
Good idea (assuming she goes for it). - the before and after pics. I will definitely do so.
I'm hoping it helps her visualize it, and see it as more of a thing we can do with the space.
Well, finally convinced her!

We're just not making anything with the shop, and we have inventory just sitting there, getting older, with no gain from it.

Can't wait to just have a big blowout sale, and just blow the merchandise outta there. Anything we don't sell this way, we'll photograph and sell on EBay, Craigslist, etc.

I'll take before and after pics. May take a while, but at least I got her commitment to do it!

Really a win-win.

Our daughter will have a room that is truly her own.

My wife will have a place to actually do this hobby, and with friends. (and somewhere to put her stuff!)

And we'll likely make more money off the space than with the shop!

I'll post up some before pics soon...since that's where it's at now.

We'll then have to sell the merch, do some painting, get the tables (and maybe a few more chairs), and some other stuff, but the hard part is done (selling her on the idea).

We're kind of rebranding the ranch too, so a good time for the change.
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Wow, I can really procrastinate. Well, the final inventory sell off is this weekend. Anything after that, we photo and box up, and just sell online. Then, we can get started on getting this studio going. I can't believe I was thinking about this way back in 2015. (and it's taken 3 years to get her to commit fully).

Selling off the merch, even at a deep discount, has been lucrative though. We just don't have enough of the good ticket items left to keep that pace though. So, we'll get what we can this weekend, then trickle out the rest as folks ask for it. We have lots of storage space around, so that won't be an issue. And we'll be careful packing, to make it easy to get to things to sell online.

Plan is to have the studio ready to host gigs by the end of the summer (which means maybe by the fall, lol). Depends on how long it takes to pack up the merch, paint the walls, do the floor, and fix the AC (or put in a heavy duty wall unit). I'll also need to do our billboard signs (4'x8') for our sign in the front pasture.

But, I've got the tables we need, got the chairs we need (the two biggest expenses), and we've got lots of base stock (we got for next to nothing from a scrap store that went out of business). I won't be able to do the Paint & Sip classes until likely the fall or winter (depending on income from it), as that's another big expense (the supplies for it).

I'll be taking some before pics tonight.
30725191_10214342797357270_8998099112393965568_n.jpg 30742017_10214342797077263_3404947650183692288_n.jpg 30724435_10214342797157265_7268139349886107648_n.jpg 30742640_10214342797837282_1679598152816001024_n.jpg

Before pics, I'll get some more that show the whole space too. We're doing the closeout sale this weekend.

The beauty of it, is that it really won't have to make too much money (the new business venture) to be profitable (unlike the shop). And, it will be things we both enjoy doing anyhow.

And, it's something we can reasonably restrict to just weekends, so doesn't interfere with us having a day job (unlike the shop).

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