TV's "The Dome" shows a prepper in a good light

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Awesome Friend
Aug 15, 2013
Last night, watching Stephen King's "The Dome" on TV, they actually showed a prepper in a good light.

If you aren't aware of the show, basically, a giant impenetrable dome appears over part of a small town, and those inside must deal with it. With the town running out of food, one lady seems to be finding food for all, and it's revealed that her husband was a prepper, and had a huge stockpile of food, etc. saving the day for the town.
I love this show. It does show what can happen when a town is cut off from supplies and communication with the rest of the world. It's going to be interesting seeing what direction they are going to take it later on in the show.
I stopped watching after the first episode because I could see it going on and on forever with no end to it and we never find out what the story is, like Lost.

Anyway if they are showing preppers in a good light that's great.
I started watching Season 1, but it's quickly becoming clear that the writers and director don't get out to "flyover country" very often and have a lot of contempt for Small Town Politicians, Preachers, Sheriff's Deputies, etc. The characters are caricatures and would only be believable to someone who never gets out of the big city.

An out-of-town thug has to tell the town what to do in emergencies?

It's pretty hard to take the show seriously when a Deputy Sheriff doesn't know the difference between a rifle and a shotgun.

And is just me, or does that DJ bear a striking resemblance to Robert Downy Jr.'s faux black character in Tropic Thunder?
I think they did mess up the story and characters some with the rewrite. I am interested to see where they are going to go with the story since they most certainly aren't following the book.
I have the books and the story does end. It's a typical Stephen King story and that can't be explained unless you read Stephen King's stories. I tend not to watch something once I've read the book but I was flipping channels the other night and saw a bit of it. What I saw didn't bear much resemblance to the books which is unusual for Stephen King since he usually plays a heavy hand in the writing and directing of anything of his made into TV shows or movies.
I have the books and the story does end. It's a typical Stephen King story and that can't be explained unless you read Stephen King's stories. I tend not to watch something once I've read the book but I was flipping channels the other night and saw a bit of it. What I saw didn't bear much resemblance to the books which is unusual for Stephen King since he usually plays a heavy hand in the writing and directing of anything of his made into TV shows or movies.
He has helped with the script for the show and produces it. He finally had his cameo earlier this season. I do agree that they are not following the book at all. From the way the show has gone I don't think the ending/what the dome is is going to be the same as the book. I will watch a movie or show based on a book but only after I have read it (the book is 99% of the time better).
So far, the best book/movie translations I've seen are the Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings series, and believe it or not, two movies based on Stephen King short stories, The Langoliers, and The Night Flyer. I'm sure I'm missing some others, but these stick out to me.
Having watched several Game of Thrones episodes I thought I would read the books. They were so similar (well the first book) I thought I was reading the script :), in fact I stopped reading because I'd seen it all before.
Some adaptations are wonderful. The best one I know of is The Client by John Grisham. If I remember correctly there was only one minor scene that was removed which didn't have any effect on the storyline.

The Game of Thrones books are ones I haven't read yet. I tried to but it was too much to concentrate on to keep everything straight (not too easy to do with ADD). I do like watching the show though and may try to get the audiobook to listen to.
Yep, another good example. There are some departures from the books around Season 2's middle, but they are fairly minor. In the current season, some fairly big departures for some, but nothing really earth shatteringly different for those of us who read the books.

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